If a crack appears on your favorite cabinet or table, do not rush to get rid of it and buy new ones. Superglue, which can be purchased at any hardware store, will help solve the problem. It will restore the structure of the material and strengthen it.
Where do we start
First you need to carry out a number of simple manipulations. If damage appears on the table, then we remove all debris and objects that are on the surface. If a crack has formed on the supporting part of the cabinet structure, somewhere inside, it is worth removing all the things stored there so that the crevice does not increase under their weight.
If a crack appears on the cabinet door, no preparatory work should be carried out.
Next, you need to degrease the surface of the furniture. If this is not done, then grease and dirt can interfere with the reliable adhesion of the material, which ultimately affects the quality of repair work.
You can degrease the surface using the following tools:
- White Spirit;
- gasoline, acetone or their analogs;
- anti-silicone;
- antistatic agent;
- alkaline household compounds (for example, detergents).
Before degreasing, you should determine the type of material from which the furniture is made. It can be chipboard, ordinary processed wood or plastic. Depending on the material, you should also choose a degreasing agent.
Than plugging holes
The type of crevice filler will depend on the extent of the damage. If the crack is small, it is likely that it will be enough just to apply a little glue and fix the element until the fastener dries.
If the crack is large, then fillers will come to the rescue.
If you are ready for minor expenses on repairs, then in almost any hardware store you can find special mixtures for filling voids:
- furniture wax;
- acrylic or acrylate putty;
- furniture edge, etc.
If you do not have enough funds or repairs need to be done quickly, then you can use the materials that can be found in every home:
- shavings from a pencil;
- grated seeds;
- cereal;
- plastic.
Some also use dry instant noodles. In all cases, it is necessary to compactly compact the material in the crack so that no voids remain.
How to use glue
The final stage will be pouring superglue and finishing. You can add some baking soda for best results. So the adhesion to the surface will be maximized.
After the glue has been poured, it is necessary to wait for it to completely solidify and grind the damaged area with fine sandpaper. This should be done very carefully so as not to damage the rest of the furniture.
Then the filled crack should be primed and painted over with a suitable color. Even coffee can be used as a colorant.
The final touch will be the opening with varnish.