Which plywood is best for the floor

The floor is leveled with plywood during the repair process and when laying a new layer, while using different work technologies. In Russia, almost 95% of the material is made from birch, which is sold on the domestic market and exported. Plywood for flooring from softwood and Siberian cedar is used more often in construction because of its suitable performance.

Description and varieties of plywood

Multilayer material during production glued from processed veneer, the sheets are positioned so that the fibers of the next layer are placed perpendicular to the fibers of the previous one. The directions of the outer layers must match, so an odd number of layers are made.

Distinguish types of plywood:

  • by purpose - industrial, construction, construction, furniture and packaging;
  • by sensitivity to water - moisture resistant FC and increased resistance of FSF;
  • for processing - laminated, unpolished and polished;
  • by the number of layers - three-layer, five-layer, multi-layer.

For binding veneer, casein, phenol-formaldehyde resins, bakelite and alcohol-soluble varnishes are used.

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Plastering work was carried out in the room, the floor screed was primed. There is high humidity and dampness in the air, although the plaster and primer have seized. Can plywood be mounted on logs?
Ideally, if the storage room has a temperature of +18 - 22 ° C, humidity at 45 - 55%. To reduce dampness, through ventilation is recommended until the required conditions are achieved. Only then can the plywood be fastened.


