Deep penetration primer consumption rate

Penetrating compounds are needed to strengthen the top layer of the base. Weak surfaces are found in old plaster, brick, concrete. The deep penetration primer increases the adhesion of the finish, putty, paint, wallpaper. Special impregnation is used in various works; construction, repair and decorative finishing cannot do without it.

Description and material properties

The primer protects the substrate from moisture and improves adhesion to finishing materials

Impregnating compositions are presented on the market in the form water-dispersion solutions, with which the base is processed before leveling or finishing.

Part penetrating soils include components:

  • water;
  • natural or synthetic acrylic resins for bonding particles;
  • polymeric acrylic or styrene acrylic additives for deep penetration;
  • fungicides for imparting antiseptic properties;
  • latex microparticles for increased adhesion.

The compounds penetrate well into surfaces with large and small pores. In the second case, emulsifiers are added to the formulation so that the particle size is no more than 20 - 50 nm. For coarsely dispersed soils, the particle size is at the level of 100 - 200 nm.

Scope of application

Absorbent solutions are used where needed reduce the saturation of the surface with moisture, for example, in front of wall plastering. A concrete or masonry base draws water out of the plaster, so the layer does not harden properly.

Primer Application Cases for concrete, brick, other mineral substrates:

  • on cement-sand plaster or gypsum plaster before painting;
  • on putty before gluing all types of wallpaper;
  • screed for ceramic tiles;
  • on the walls before laying the tiles;
  • to strengthen the surface after cleaning lime, chalk whitewash.

If you do not prime each layer of putty after sanding, the layers will not be bound together due to dust, so the surface will crack and delaminate.


Density solution is comparable to the density of water and is equal to 1 kg / dm³ or slightly exceeds this indicator.

Technical specifications impregnations vary depending on the composition, but some indicators are common:

  • acidity (pH) is 7 - 8;
  • penetrate into the base by 5-10 mm;
  • applied at temperatures from + 5 ° to + 35 ° C;
  • the hardened film can withstand -40 ° - +60 ׄ ° C.

The soil contains a non-volatile residue at the level of 15 - 20% of the total mass, the rest is solvent (water). The film forms in 30 - 40 minutes, and the material dries completely in 3 - 6 hours. The primer dries best at room temperature and 40-60% humidity.

Pros and cons of deep penetration primers
Extends the life of the finishing layer
Increases adhesion between surfaces
Reduces consumption of finishing material
Compatible with a large number of names of varnishes, paints
Conveniently applied by hand
The cost is acceptable for a wide range of users
Does not deteriorate in the cold
Moisture resistant
Antifungal, antiseptic effect
Drying time is longer at low temperatures
More primer consumption on loose surfaces


Special soils with anti-fungal properties used for finishing in wet rooms. All formulations moisture resistant, create a film that serves as waterproofing against moisture, decay. Compositions are not used for metal, for processing the car, since they do not protect against corrosion and rust.

By composition, solutions are divided into types:

  • polyvinyl acetate apply under paints with a similar base;
  • polystyrene used for walls, ceilings, floors made of mineral materials, only for outdoor use;
  • perchlorovinyl have a pungent odor, they are used on brick, plaster.

Acrylic concrete primers work well on all surfaces other than metal. Solutions are released ready for use or in the form of a concentrate. The two-component species are mixed before processing.

Criterias of choice

The choice depends on the base material, the amount of work

Primers are chosen depending on packing. Release cans of 10 liters, containers of 1 - 3 liters... For large volumes there is barrels of 40 - 60 liters. It is better to choose a one-component liquid concentrate, which can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3, 1: 5, 1: 8. The first layer is made weaker in order to increase the degree of penetration into the material. The second is bred less.

Consider the type of surface, which is primed, the number of layers, the type of finish (gluing tiles, wallpaper, painting). For wood use polyvinyl acetate, polystyrene varieties. To increase adhesion to aerated concrete heavy finishes take concrete contact. The roof primed with bituminous compounds with quartz additives.

The cost of deep penetration primers

Primer application rules

Primer tools

The primer is applied spray guns, roller, brush. For the latter tools, long handles are prepared if the height of the room is large or they work on the ceiling. It is better not to use a brush for application for painting., since the soil is mixed with dust, and the villi leave convex grooves on the plane.

Working rules:

  • the concentrate is diluted according to the instructions on the label;
  • the plane is processed so that there are no surpluses and drips, as well as non-painted areas;
  • corners, edge areas are smeared with a brush;
  • before applying the second layer, wait for the previous one to dry.
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Splashes on adjacent surfaces are removed immediately, since the drops freeze and become durable. They are removed with a scraper, after covering the traces with a wet cloth for several hours.

Preparation of the base

Before priming, you need to remove the old plaster (if any) and dust, degrease the surface

The soil is poorly absorbed into surfaces on which there are residues of fat, oils, so they degrease using solvents: solvent, white spirit, acetone.

Sequence of preparation:

  • clean the plane from old exfoliated particles of plaster, screed, putty;
  • it is better to vacuum the surface to remove dust.

If you leave small debris and particles of the old coating, after hardening, such pieces will firmly adhere to the base, and it will be problematic to remove them.

Consumption of the composition

Indicator depends on the density of the solution. The consumption of primer per 1m² is also different for each material. Aerated concrete absorbs liquids more, in comparison with foam concrete, therefore the first option will require an increased volume of impregnation.

Average consumption values:

  • deep penetrating impregnation of the first layer will require 100 - 120 g / m²;
  • for the second and subsequent layers you need 50 - 70 g / m².
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On large areas, it is difficult to calculate the amount of soil, so a control priming is done. Prepare a certain amount of solution and see how many squares it is enough.

Manufacturers rating

When purchasing soil, they look at the manufacturer's fame. Verified brands comply with the production technology, manufacture products in accordance with GOST. There are variants of compositions produced according to the technical specifications (technical conditions) of a separate enterprise. Such soils are characterized by high consumption and do not always meet the standards.

Popular manufacturers:

  • Henkel (Ceresit)... The enterprise manufactures many products, including penetrating impregnations. Products differ in quality and durability.
  • Knauf. The firm associations have been producing building mixtures and primers for about 100 years. They make adhesive compositions, with a mineral filler, deeply penetrating. Users appreciate the good quality and reasonable price.
  • Leroy Merlin (Axton)... The company manufactures primers for various applications, all surfaces. Experts pay attention to product testing and quality control.

The following manufacturers have shown themselves in the Russian market: Lacra, Optimist, Prospectors, Bolars, Tex, Laes.
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