Cement particle board is a composite building material that consists of wood shavings, cement, crushed sand and modifying additives. For chaotic reinforcement, wood particles are used with a thickness of 0.2 - 0.3 mm, a length of 25 - 30 mm in accordance with GOST 26.816. Hard material is difficult to drill and cut, therefore the installation of DSP on the walls deserves special attention.
Application of DSP for house cladding
The material is used for exterior cladding, wherein they make insulation at the same time... The panels are placed on a frame, between the elements of which insulation from cold, moisture, wind and steam is installed. Plates are used for upholstering balconies, metal fireproof doors, and window boards are made of them.
Other areas of application in housing construction:
- cladding of a frame house;
- permanent formwork of the foundation;
- interior decoration along the walls, installation of moisture-resistant partitions;
- floor in utility rooms, garages;
- roof;
- fences.
Slabs safe for healththerefore they are recommended for installation on interior walls as a rough finish under the decorative layer. They are plastered, painted, tiles are laid on the surface. The material is used for partitions in bathrooms, public showers, saunas.
The slab floor is installed on logs, which are laid in increments of 60 cm, installation directly on the ground is allowed. Then a screed is made on the cement-bonded particle board, on which ceramics, laminate, board, and other coating are placed.
From DSP you can make horizontal roof under the soft roofing carpet. Attention is paid to the waterproofing of the joints of cement-bonded particleboards. Plates with a thickness of 16 - 24 mm are placed.
For formwork the foundations of the house take slabs with a thickness of 12 - 16 mm. The outer surface of the non-removable shell is coated with a hydrophobic compound. The panels play the role of additional vertical waterproofing of the foundation. Special self-tapping screws are used for CBPB, so the formwork can withstand the weight of the concrete and does not deform until it sets.