Sawing logs into planks with a chainsaw is a labor-intensive but profitable way to get an inexpensive building material. Manufacturers and do-it-yourselfers have invented a variety of tools that make work easier and allow you to get the board and timber of the right size.
What equipment can be used
It is not profitable to purchase a professional sawmill for one-time work. In most cases, you can get by with a chainsaw. with special attachments.
Sometimes use chain saw, but a tool of great power is required. Can handle the task circular, but only a machine with a large diameter wheel will do.
In places where timber is harvested on an industrial scale, rented or purchased small sawmill... DIY drawings for the device are easy to find on the Internet. The inventors offer schemes for constructing a machine with band or circular saws.
The most widespread is the method of cutting logs into boards with a chainsaw with special devices.