How to properly glue PVC panels on walls

PVC panels are used for interior decoration. The popularity of the material is due to its low cost, simple installation and a variety of colors. With their help, you can carry out a quick and inexpensive bathroom renovation. For installation, a special adhesive for PVC panels is used, the choice of which depends on a number of factors. Before starting work, it is also recommended that you familiarize yourself with the installation technology and the requirements for surfaces.

The nuances of installing PVC panels on the wall

The durability of the finish depends on the quality of the glue.

Correct glue selection for plastic panels affects the service life of the decorative finish walls.

The material is allowed to be attached to almost any solution, with the only caveat - the composition must be waterproof. In this case, the surfaces are processed and leveled before work.

Surface requirements

Before gluing PVC panels, prepare walls - they are should be even... Otherwise, the material will delaminate from the surface. Step by step work algorithm:

  1. If there are signs of mildew or mildew, perform sanitation special formulations. Apply 2-3 coats of the mixture on the surface.
  2. Level the concrete or brick base with covering holes... For deep cracks, use a mesh reinforcement followed by filling.
  3. If the old plaster base peels off, then it must be removed. Trouble spot twice prime and apply in a thin layer putty... Then fix the reinforcing sheet and repeat the operation with the mortar.
  4. Eliminating defects, level the entire surface, leveling the drops. For heavily curved walls, install battens.
  5. The final stage of preparation - padding... Apply 2 coats of adhesion promoter between surfaces and PVC panels. Using a primer will also reduce glue consumption. For work carried out in the bathroom, antifungal additives must be present in the mixture.
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After preparing the walls, start finishing work after 12 hours. For ease of installation, mark the surface - draw horizontal or vertical lines in 40 cm increments. Use a construction marker or a simple pencil.

Technology features

It is recommended to remove the protective film after installing the panels.

Despite the simple installation of PVC panels, a person without construction experience can make mistakesthat will lead to unsatisfactory results. First of all it is worth refuse to bend plasticas the material may crack or deform. This will affect not only the appearance, but also the technical properties.

If a store material on the balcony, and then immediately proceed with installation, after 2 years the panels will begin to move away. To avoid this situation, you should withstand plastic and liquid nails in the room to equalize the temperature.

Another installation error is removing the protective coating before starting work... Removing the film will result in scratches and adhesive damage. In view of this, the covering should be removed after installing the PVC panels.

Adhesive selection options

When choosing an adhesive, you need to take into account the operating conditions

When buying liquid nails, you need to pay attention to the possibility of working with PVC products. Most funds are considered universal - installation of different materials is allowed, since the glue contains rubber. This component does not harm surfaces and does not enter into a chemical reaction with them.

However, some manufacturers' liquid nails are endowed with specific propertieswhat is indicated on the package:

  • formulations designed for indoor or outdoor use;
  • for landscape use with a high level of frost resistance;
  • for rooms with high humidity;
  • mirror nails that do not damage the amalgam;
  • compositions for foam panels;
  • heavy-duty products for heavy structures;
  • roofing.

The optimal solution is to buy liquid nails for installing plastic panels, including PVC. The adhesive composition should not damage the base of walls made of plasterboard, concrete, brick, etc.

When choosing glue for the bathroom, first of all, you need to pay attention to the water resistance of the glue.

Due to the fact that the decoration is carried out in the bathroom, the nails must be of high quality and meet the following parameters:

  • suitable for rooms with high humidity;
  • withstand prolonged contact with water;
  • resist the effects of an alkaline environment;
  • after drying, remain transparent or white (depending on the type of panels);
  • be resistant to temperature extremes;
  • have high adhesion;
  • the operational period is 15-20 years.

In work, an important parameter is fast adhesion glue, otherwise you will have to hold the panel for a long time to fix it. It is also recommended to give preference to environmentally friendly formulations free of toxic impurities and pungent odor. Otherwise, the apartment will need to be ventilated within 1-2 days.

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Liquid nails with a viscous texture are considered convenient for laying PVC panels. When applied to the material, they do not crack and are securely attached to the wall. The thick compound is used for fixing panels on walls, openings and slopes.

Step-by-step instructions for gluing PVC panels

After completing the preparatory stage, proceed with the interior decoration of the bathroom. Before installation degrease surfaces with an alcohol-based product... Then prepare material and tools:

  • sheet panels;
  • universal edging;
  • glue, for example, "Titan";
  • construction knife;
  • scissors;
  • masking tape;
  • plumb line, level and ruler.
The adhesive is applied to the panel. It is important to consider the setting time

Before gluing PVC panels, it is necessary in advance cut plastic according to the size of the bathroom. If a material with a pattern is used for decoration, a layout should be made to align the image.

Algorithm of work following:

  1. Make a diagram indicating from which angle and in which direction you will move. Prepare panels.
  2. Paste around the perimeter of the sheet material edging to the work surface.
  3. Pull the thread along the wall, fixing the position with mounting tape along the upper edge. Cut off the first panel.
  4. Apply glue in dots with a step of 25 cm. Attach material to the wall and hold the number of minutes indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Continue laying the rest of the panels in the same way.

The use of adhesives allows you to get up to 7 cm of usable area, which is very important for small Soviet-style bathrooms.

Use a neopropylene compound only with a respirator and gloves. Chemically aggressive glue can cause intoxication of the body. Ventilate the room after installation.

Installation of PVC panels on liquid nails

Liquid nails - a type of mounting glue, which is in high demand among builders. The composition is compatible with almost all finishing materials used in the renovation of premises.Strong "nails" tightly connect different types of surfaces, sealing joints and gaps.

Liquid nails of the brand “Moment Installation". The average cost of one tube is 230-270 rubles. A special feature of the glue is the preservation of properties when exposed to high levels of humidity and temperature extremes.

Liquid nails glue almost any surface in a short time

To stick the plastic panels, adhere to the following scheme:

  1. To improve adhesion degrease the work surface PVC boards using a solvent. You can skip this step, but doing this work will improve the quality of the wall cladding.
  2. Zigzag or dotted nApply the composition to the wall in 30 cm increments... If the cladding material is heavy, the panel is additionally covered with glue at a distance of 20 cm.
  3. Install the stove on the site and press firmly... Hold the panel within 2 minutesslightly adjusting the position as needed. If the thickness of the panels is small, rolling with a rubberized roller is allowed.
  4. In the process of gluing wall elements check the flatness of the surfaces building or laser level.

Finishing adhesion achieved after 20-30 minutes, on the complete drying required up to 48 hours... The final setting time depends on the type of liquid nails. After the glue is completely dry, use gsilicone based sealant transparent color. The tool is intended for sealing gaps and joints between floor and ceiling. Additionally, it can be treated with the composition of places with a high risk of water leakage. These works are designed to brighten up sloppy drops and increase the tightness of the joints.

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In case of excessive application of liquid nails and seepage between the seams of PVC boards, immediately remove the agent. After curing, it will be difficult to remove the adhesive For elimination, use a sponge previously moistened with water. Solvents can be used, but be careful not to damage the plastic.
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