Aerated concrete and gas silicate - a porous material for the manufacture of building blocks. Products are used for the construction and insulation of structures - the cellular structure has sufficient strength and protects from the cold. The difference between gas silicate blocks and aerated concrete blocks is manifested at the production stage, in addition, different raw materials are used.
Description of gas silicate and aerated concrete
The internal structure of the blocks is similar, but their external structure distinguish by color... Aerated concrete is lighter, and aerated concrete blocks are distinguished by a dark shade of gray. The composition of the materials contains many air cells, but they are used various raw materials:
- Aerated concrete made on the basis of a solution from binder portland cement, the mass is also introduced quartz sand and a little lime... The resulting mixture is diluted with water.
- Dazosilicate presented on the market as kind of aerated concrete... It may not use cement at all, but the role of the binder is played by the lime-siliceous composition.
The difference is in production method, while both materials undergo a complex technological treatment, which includes a gas-forming process in the raw mixture. As a component for gas evolution, it is used aluminum paste or powder, which, when interacting with ingredients, releases hydrogen.
The volume of the material increases, and pores appear in the structure, which communicate with each other. It is this structure that makes it possible to speak about the high hydrophilicity of the material capable of absorbing water.
Both types are produced by autoclave and non-autoclave methods., while the composition of the components remains the same. In the first case, the material is more durable, it is used for wall structures. Non-autoclaved is more often used for the construction of utility buildings, surface insulation. Differences between aerated concrete and gas silicate in terms of strength are almost not visible - both types have M350 - M700 brands.