How to make foam concrete with your own hands at home

When building a house, the developer is set up to minimize costs and get a high-quality project. Creating foam concrete with your own hands helps to save money on the purchase of materials. This practice is not new in the construction industry and allows, at low cost, to obtain high performance characteristics of the building.

Features of self-production of foam concrete

Aerated concrete can be made by hand

There are two types of porous products on the Russian building materials market - aerated concrete and foam concrete. Products are manufactured according to GOST 25485-89... Blocks similar in composition and structure differ in manufacturing technology.

For creating high-quality foam concrete special equipment is used. Manufacturing process endowed with the following features:

  • Raw materials for home production - clean cement not lower than 200 grade.
  • Adding foam occurs after thorough mixing of the bulk.
  • Before making a batch, it is necessary to conduct final product testing... To do this, a small volume of the mixture is collected in the bucket and turned over - high-quality foam does not flow out.
  • Concrete in a semi-cured state is removed from the mold and divided into blocks... The optimal period for the removal of material is 24 hours.
  • After cutting the product dried on pallets for 15 hours at temperatures above 5 ° C.

The manufacturing process is simple and affordable, but rules must be followed in order for the final product to meet performance requirements.

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