Sealant for plastic windows Stiz-A

The metal-plastic window construction ensures complete tightness and heat retention. But if the installation seams and technical gaps are left unsealed during installation, this quality will disappear. Various sealants are used for sealing, for example, Stiz-A.

Description and properties of Stiz-A sealant

Window sealant Stiz-A manufactures Production Company SAZI more than 20 years. It has been tested not only for strength, but also for durability. Products have certificate of conformity to European standards.

Looks like a sealant viscous thick paste... it one-component acrylic compound, referring to the universal - having a neutral reaction. An acrylate composition is produced in several color variations, which allows you to choose a shade for a glass unit and a door structure.

The main feature of Stiz-A is high adhesion to plastic or other polymer surfaces... This is a specific material, since plastic, on the one hand, has a smooth surface, and on the other, is chemically inert. Sealant Stiz-A allows you to reliably fix the window frame in the opening and seal any assembly joints.

The composition includes antibacterial additives, which avoids the appearance of mold and mildew.

The mixture is produced in packages volume of 310 and 600 ml... If you have to install several windows, it is better to buy plastic bucket weighing 3 or 7 kg.

Scope of application

The sealant is intended for the insulation of plastic and metal-plastic windows

Sealant Stiz-A is intended for for work with metal-plastic and plastic structures... Most often it is used when installing double-glazed windows. Since the composition is quite resistant to moisture and temperature extremes, it is used to seal joints from the outside and from the inside.

Acrylic sealant odorless... It cures quickly, is non-toxic, so it can be used for other indoor work as well. They are used to seal the seams when installing interior and exterior doors. It is allowed to use the composition for insulation of ventilation systems and for the installation of air conditioners.

Pros and cons of Stiz-A sealant
UV resistance
Has a fairly high vapor permeability - can be used when installing metal-plastic windows in a wooden house
Resistant to moisture
Dries quickly - even at high humidity, the initial setting time does not exceed 2 hours
Resistant to low and high temperatures
Possesses high adhesion to plastic, concrete, brick, wood, artificial and natural stone
After hardening, the sealant can be painted
The composition shrinks no more than 20%
The service life is 20 years
The shelf life of the paste is short - from 6 to 12 months with the packaging intact
The elasticity of acrylic is lower than silicone - it is more difficult to seal thin seams
The adhered sealant retains its porous structure; indoors it can absorb fumes and lose color


The characteristics of the Stiz-A sealant are typical for acrylic compounds. This means the initial viscosity, the elasticity of the composition, as well as the rate of solidification. There are also features.

  • Film appearance time on the seam surface - 2 hours.
  • Working temperature Range - from -60 to + 80 ° С.
  • To apply sealant possible at temperatures from -10 ° С... But it should be borne in mind that the expansion coefficient will be different, and the setting and hardening times will increase.
  • Permissible deformation assembly seam according to the manufacturer's instructions - 15%.
  • Consumption Stiz-A is 105 g per running meter of seam with a layer thickness of 3.5 mm and a width of 20 mm. If the composition is used to seal deep gaps, the material consumption increases.
The voice of the construction guru
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It is possible to apply Stiz-A sealant on horizontal and vertical surfaces, as well as surfaces with a reverse angle of inclination. They are indispensable for glazing bay windows, attics and complex architectural elements.
The cost of the sealant Stiz-A

Sealant application rules

Structure Steez-A recommended for sealing external assembly joints. For internal works are preferable to use Stiz-B... But if it is not possible to purchase both options, it is better to buy the Stiz-A, counting on its versatility.

Apply sealant after installing PVC profile slopes. To seal the gaps, you will need construction tape, a spatula, a sponge, a napkin and a container of water.

  1. Degrease surfaces with alcohol or gasoline... Acetone or vinegar cannot be used, since Stiz-A belongs to neutral compounds.
  2. The surface next to the foam is cleaned of dirt and dustwiped with a damp sponge. Sometimes areas are sealed with tape to prevent material from getting on them.
  3. Masking tape is pasted over the areas along the seam so that on both sides there are 3 mm of the window frame and the wall.
  4. They put a pistol on the tube, pull the trigger and squeeze the paste into the seam... It is desirable that the strip along at least one side of the frame be continuous. Layer thickness - from 3.5 to 5.5 mm.
  5. The protruding layer is leveled with a gloved finger or a spatula so that the composition fills the space left between the tape. Residues are removed with a wet sponge or napkin.
  6. Take off the tape... After the sealant has set, you can paint it.
The voice of the construction guru
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The sealant is used only for waterproofing. It is too expensive to fill the seams with them, so the joints are first foamed. After the polyurethane foam dries, the excess is cut off to obtain an even surface. It is not allowed to leave gaps and areas with strong porosity - with cells more than 6 mm in diameter.
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