During the design of any home, due attention must be paid to the ventilation system. If its device is incorrect, it will be impossible to maintain a normal temperature in the room. In addition, the level of humidity in the air will be constantly overestimated, which in turn will lead to the formation of mold and mildew on all surfaces in the house.
Features of arrangement of ventilation ducts
Today, ventilation ducts are often equipped with metal. But experienced craftsmen prefer brickwork. Brick ventilation shafts are usually located on the inside of the load-bearing wall of the structure. In this case, the cross-section of such a shaft should be at least 1 by 1/2 brick or 1/2 by 1/2.
It is best if the device of such a system is carried out from the very beginning of construction. For the construction, it is best to use solid brick. If it is not possible to purchase it, then the facing option will be an alternative replacement.
The use of silicate bricks is not allowed, since it has a low indicator of resistance to temperature changes.
The main criteria for the design of the ventilation duct
When building a ventilation shaft, it is imperative to take into account some points that will allow you to do all the work correctly.
- In the event that the shaft is located in the immediate vicinity of the ridge, the hood hole should be 50 cm higher than it.
- If the hole is located at some distance from the ridge, then they can be made at the same level.
- When arranging a kitchen, it is imperative to make a mine with a height of at least one meter.
- the height of the ventilation duct above the roof is usually one meter. But if necessary, this figure can be increased to two or more meters.
Parameters to look out for
The construction of the canal must strictly comply with the existing technical regulations. The operation of the channels should be carried out at any temperature inside and outside the room. The processed air must be removed from the premises at any time of the year.
Ventilation shafts must be in rooms where there are no windows - bathrooms, toilets.
There are also rules regarding sizes. For example, the channel cross-section must be at least 0.016 sq. M. The wall thickness must be at least 100 mm. So that there is no resistance to the passage of air masses, the channel cross-section must be the same throughout its entire length. All seams on masonry must be completely smoothed.
The ventilation ducts must be positioned strictly vertically. A deviation of 30 degrees is considered acceptable.
So that the functionality of the mine does not decrease throughout the year, it must be protected from a sharp temperature drop. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out thermal insulation using suitable materials.
Special requirements are imposed on brickwork. The minimum distance to door and window openings should be 40-45 cm. With a wall thickness of up to 38 cm, a brick should be laid in one layer, with a thickness of more than 64 cm in two.
Preparatory work
The laying of a brick ventilation system is a rather complicated process.But subject to all the rules and recommendations, the work can be done independently. To begin with, it is worth preparing all the necessary equipment:
- trowel and grater;
- mallet and spatula;
- plumb line and building level;
- a hammer.
As for the materials, only high-quality products should be used for brickwork. First you need to choose the right brand of cement. The sand must be clean, free from clay and other debris.
Completing of the work
The mortar for the brickwork of the ventilation shaft must be the same as for the construction of load-bearing walls. A ratio of 1 to 3 should be used, for one part of cement three parts of sand.
When choosing sand, it is necessary to give preference to pure material. A low grade will not allow you to prepare a high-quality solution, which in turn will entail the weakening of the entire structure. In this case, the sand must be dry. Using wet material will require less water. Cement must be at least M500 grade. It has good ductility and high strength. It is necessary to check its expiration date, it is strictly forbidden to use an expired product.
Having prepared all the ingredients, they must be mixed dry. Water is introduced into the solution in small amounts, while it is important to control the consistency. To do this, you can slightly tilt the container in which the solution is prepared. If it does not pour over the sides, then the required consistency has been achieved.
The most popular ventilation duct today is made with double brickwork and a strictly vertical square duct.
This design guarantees the most efficient ventilation system that will fulfill its purpose at any time of the year.
The work begins with preliminary markings, which allow precise positioning of the ventilation element. To make a template, you can use plywood or thick cardboard.
Brick laying begins at the corner of the wall. The device of the first channel can be performed when 1.5 - 2 bricks are laid. It is imperative to leave a distance of 1 brick between the channels.
Brick laying is carried out end-to-end.
All solution from the inside of the canal must be eliminated without fail. Otherwise, after a while, it may fall off the wall and thereby clog the mine. Do not forget about such a moment as linking. Each new row must be mixed. The seams should not be on top of each other, this will weaken the structure.
In the event that a chimney is located in the immediate vicinity of the ventilation shaft, it is imperative to make a continuous type of masonry of silicate bricks.
Negative moments and how to eliminate them
A significant disadvantage of brick ventilation is heat loss. This takes place together with the removal of the exhaust air in the room to the outside. This moment can be prevented by making a slight bend inside the structure. Such a constructive solution will minimize heat loss.
To implement this, brick laying in one place must be done with a "ladder".
To prevent the formation and accumulation of condensation in the ventilation duct, it is worth taking care of high-quality thermal insulation. Today, there are a huge number of materials that can be used for this purpose. If a heating device is connected to the ventilation duct, it is worth choosing fire-resistant thermal insulation materials. At the construction stage, thermal insulation can be fully replaced by brickwork. In the event that the temperature drops below -30 degrees, then the masonry should be made in 2.5 bricks. For the southern regions, a masonry of 1.5 bricks will be enough.
Considering all the points, it is possible to equip a ventilation duct that will last a long time, while its functionality will remain at the highest level.You should also not carry out regular maintenance work associated with cleaning ventilation shafts. This will keep the system performing well at any time of the year.