The operating instructions for ventilation units and systems set out the basic requirements for the use of the equipment. Accurate adherence to the instructions allows you to ensure the parameters of the air in the premises laid down in the project.
The ventilation operating instructions are created for service personnel, they do not take into account the specifics of the enterprise. On the basis of the general operating instructions, working documents are created for the use of the air handling unit, adjusted for the operating conditions of a particular enterprise.
- Scope and general installation information
- Testing, adjustment and adjustment of ventilation systems
- Operation of ventilation units and systems
- The procedure for starting and stopping ventilation systems
- Prevention and repair of ventilation systems
- Procedures to reduce noise from ventilation equipment
- Safety precautions when starting, debugging and using ventilation equipment
Scope and general installation information
The instructions set out the requirements for the start-up, commissioning and use of ventilation systems for already operating and commissioned facilities;
- Ventilation units are necessary to create a certain temperature, humidity, dust content in accordance with the requirements of sanitary services;
- For each zone of the enterprise (working, auxiliary, technical), the parameters of temperature, air velocity and humidity are set in accordance with the rules for the technical operation of ventilation systems;
- Temperature and humidity indicators are set based on the minimum summer outdoor temperature of +25 degrees. In the instructions for the operation of the equipment, it is necessary to indicate the optimal values of temperature and humidity for a particular enterprise;
- The amount of supply air depends on the volume of the hall and is determined on the basis of SNiP 2-33-75 and the equipment operating instructions.
Testing, adjustment and adjustment of ventilation systems
The procedure for commissioning and using the equipment is carried out:
- in premises specially prepared for acceptance;
- at operating enterprises as planned preventive measures.
- High-quality and uninterrupted operation of ventilation equipment is guaranteed by the work carried out before the acceptance of the equipment:
- inspection, adjustment and testing of all installed equipment;
- scheduled inspections and adjustment of already operating equipment;
- operation of ventilation systems according to the rules, with periodic scheduled repairs.
- Adjustment and testing of the assembled ventilation systems is carried out by the installer. Sometimes this function is outsourced to specialized organizations;
- Start-up and commissioning are carried out with partial loading of the main equipment or in its absence. This makes it possible to create design loads on the air handling unit. In the process of testing and adjustment, the following is controlled:
- compliance of pressure, number of fan revolutions and pressure with design values;
- the presence of leaks in the ventilation ducts;
- compliance of air volumes with design data;
- temperature parameters;
- pump functions;
- functions of humidification nozzles;
- indicators of the air supplied to the building.
An error of 10% in both directions by air volume, 2 degrees by the temperature of the supplied air and 5% by humidity is allowed.
- Adjustment and commissioning works are based on the instructions for commissioning and testing of ventilation equipment;
- If defects are found, statements of the established sample are drawn up, the defects are eliminated;
- Local exhaust and supply units (umbrellas, suction units) are tested after starting the main equipment;
- Defects indicated in the statement must be eliminated before testing;
- The system is put into operation after correcting all detected defects according to the instructions;
- The operating parameters of the ventilation unit are entered in the equipment passport.
Operation of ventilation units and systems
In large enterprises, the operation of the ventilation system is controlled by a chief power engineer or mechanic:
- up to 100 units are serviced by a fan technician;
- a team led by an engineer is hired to service 100-200 installations;
- if the enterprise has more than 200 ventilation units, it is necessary to recruit a ventilation bureau.
- The heads of the sections are responsible for the serviceability and integrity of the installations;
- According to the instructions for the operation of ventilation systems, the chief engineer is responsible for the operation of the equipment;
- According to the rules of technical operation of ventilation systems, the uninterrupted operation of equipment is ensured by:
- availability of personnel serving ventilation units;
- control measurements of air in the building;
- periodic testing of the quality of the equipment;
- timely equipment repair.
- The operating mode of ventilation units is specified in the instructions. When compiling it, the special conditions in each ventilated room are taken into account. This equipment manual contains:
- characteristics of the state of the equipment;
- air temperature and humidity in workshops (rooms);
- information about the performance and power of the fans for each point;
- circuit for turning off and turning on equipment;
- the ability to change the temperature, humidity and volume of the supplied air;
- the specifics of servicing individual nodes;
- a plan and procedure for cleaning filter elements, heaters and other components, the maximum permissible resistance to air flow, upon reaching which it is required to clean;
- actions in case of accidents or fires;
- The ventilation system operating instructions stipulate the procedure and schedule for monitoring the efficiency of the equipment.
The procedure for starting and stopping ventilation systems
- The sequence of starting the supply equipment:
- check whether the insulated air intake valve is closed. In the heat, it must be open;
- tightly cover hatches, doors and duct chambers;
- start self-cleaning filters;
- the bypass valve of the air heater closes tightly in the cold season and opens in the warm season;
- check the position of the throttling device;
- start water and steam heaters;
- check the pressure and temperature indicators at the coolant supply;
- start the nozzles if there is a sprinkler chamber;
- open the insulated valve;
- start the engine;
- control the temperature of the supply air using a thermometer located behind the fan;
- in case of overheating, slowly open the bypass valve of the heater, lower the temperature to the required values. If there is a lack of temperature, slowly close the valve on the air supply;
- if the equipment provides recirculation, the supply air temperature is regulated as follows: in case of overheating, reduce the volume of recirculated air and increase the inflow from the street. If the temperature is insufficient, do the opposite;
- air humidity is constantly monitored using stationary psychometers.
- The sequence of starting the exhaust equipment:
- make sure that the doors of the air duct hatches and dust collectors are carefully closed;
- start the water dust separators by turning on the water tap and control the discharge of water from the dust separators into the drain pipe;
- check: whether the throttling device is in the required position;
- start the engine;
- control the position of throttling devices located behind the suction units.
- It is necessary to start and stop ventilation systems in the sequence specified in the operating instructions;
- The general exchange installations are stopped 15 minutes after the stop of all the equipment of the shop. The first - supply, after exhaust;
- According to the ventilation operating instructions, the general exchange air handling unit is started 15 minutes before the start of the work shift. The exhaust units are started first, after the supply units;
- Exhaust equipment stop sequence:
- stop the engine;
- shut off the water supply to wet dust separators.
- Switching off the supply equipment:
- stop the engine;
- carefully close the insulated valve;
- stop the nozzles in the chamber;
- turn off the power to steam heaters.
Water heaters are only stopped if the plant or workshop is shut down for a long period (for example, repairs). During normal operation, when the inflow is turned off, it is necessary to reduce the volume of water supplied to the heater so that the latter does not freeze,
- turn off the power to the self-cleaning filters;
- According to the rules for the operation of ventilation units, in the presence of ventilation with a heating function, outside of working hours they are transferred to the recirculation mode;
- The exhaust equipment starts up 5 minutes before the start of the work of the machines that generate dust and heat, stops 5 minutes after they stop;
- Doors and hatches of ventilation chambers must be kept tightly closed. Penetration of employees into them is possible only for repairs or preventive examinations;
- The outer surfaces of motors, heaters, fans, chambers, devices must be kept clean;
- According to the rules, during the operation of the ventilation system, it is necessary to periodically monitor the air parameters in the workshops (rooms) using measuring instruments;
- With the modernization of technology or the rearrangement of machines in the workshop, the configuration of the ventilation system is changed;
- The use of ventilation equipment is agreed with the firefighters;
- Any of the working ventilation units must have a serial number and a letter designation of the established sample. They are recorded in the operation log of the ventilation system. For example: VU-3 - exhaust unit 3.
The designation is written on the ventilation duct near the fan or the casing of the latter.
Prevention and repair of ventilation systems
Each site has its own sample of the industrial ventilation system operation log. The data is entered into it:
- about breakdowns (date and time of detection);
- on emergency and planned shutdowns of equipment for repair, in the event of a power outage or coolant;
- on elimination of detected problems and regular startup of the system;
- dates, times of duty and names of technicians.
- For each installation, a card of preventive and repair measures and a passport are opened.
Data on pre-start runs, overhauls, modernization, reconstruction are entered in the passport of the ventilation unit.
- The ventilation operation manual contains a repair card in which it is entered: the date of the start of the repair and the end, the type of repair (average, current or major), a short description of the work, the definition of the quality of the repair;
- In the magazine for the operation of ventilation systems, an inspection and minor current repairs are planned every month.Routine inspection determines the condition of the equipment, detects visible defects, which are recorded in the defect list. During the current repair, the detected defects are eliminated, worn-out mechanisms are replaced, the equipment is cleaned and disinfected (if necessary). For routine and medium repairs, the equipment is not dismantled, all procedures are carried out right on the spot. At the end of the repair, the functionality of the ventilation system is tested, the results are recorded in the operation log;
- A ventilation engineer draws up a major overhaul plan. The equipment is dismantled and delivered to the workshops for repair. At the end of the repair, the system is debugged and launched. All start-up results are recorded in a valid sample air handling unit operation log;
- Diagnostic examinations are scheduled for periods of ventilation shutdown (non-working period). Their terms are agreed with the management of the enterprise and power engineers;
- The operating instructions for the ventilation unit indicate the cleaning times for filters, air ducts, grilles, fans. When determining the timing, the specifics of the enterprise are taken into account;
- Internal surfaces are cleaned through specially equipped hermetically sealed hatches;
- Air heaters are cleaned using compressed air pneumatic units;
- Cleaning of ventilation ducts occurs according to the scheme:
- the fan stops;
- dust receptacles are cleaned;
- the dirtiest areas are cleaned in the direction of the suction.
- If industrial production is associated with the release of corrosive substances that destroy metal ventilation ducts, it is necessary to monitor their integrity and repair them in time. The terms of repair are determined by the working instructions for the operation of ventilation systems;
- If the production is fire or explosive, the ventilation efficiency is tested once every 12 months, the results are recorded in the ventilation system operation log.
Procedures to reduce noise from ventilation equipment
Equipment noise (aerodynamic and mechanical) travels through the ventilation ducts, creating levels that exceed sanitary standards.
The source of mechanical noise is rubbing, creaking, knocking and vibrating parts.
The source of aerodynamic noise is air turbulence, pressure of air jets.
- According to the operating instructions for ventilation equipment, there are measures to eliminate mechanical noise:
- neat fit of spare parts;
- balancing rotating parts;
- rigid fan mount;
- competent selection of bearings and their installation;
- if possible, the use of sleeve bearings instead of ball bearings;
- the use of V-belt transmissions;
- installation of fans, the axis of which is the motor shaft;
- additional insulating casing for the fan;
- installation of a fan in a special room;
- soundproofing rooms or ventilation chambers with absorbing plates;
- installation of anti-vibration bases for equipment.
- To reduce aerodynamic noise:
- the number of fan revolutions decreases;
- fans with a special blade shape are installed;
- a smooth collector is used at the inlet of the axial fan;
- air ducts from the inside are lined with absorbing plates;
- mufflers are installed in places of air turbulence.
So that the noise from the operation of the ventilation unit does not overlap the noise of the main equipment, it should be 5 or more decibels lower.
Safety precautions when starting, debugging and using ventilation equipment
A separate chapter of the operating instructions for general exchange supply and exhaust ventilation is devoted to safety:
- The equipment is operated only by persons who have undergone special instructions and have the III qualification in safety. Information about the briefing is recorded in the journal.After studying the rules for the operation of ventilation systems, employees put a signature in the journal;
- Start-up of ventilation is carried out only after installation of all protective covers and guards according to the instructions. All stairs and high-rise platforms are fenced with handrails;
- Service hatches are provided with open locking mechanisms;
- All ventilation equipment must be installed above 1.8 meters from the floor;
- Do not block access to ventilation equipment with foreign objects;
- Any repair and cleaning work is carried out with the equipment completely disconnected from the mains;
- If the ventilation equipment emits uncharacteristic sounds, the operating rules require the immediate shutdown of the unit.
What other prohibitions exist for the operation of ventilation and chimneys, the video will tell: