How to properly ventilate a barn

A favorable microclimate should be provided not only in residential premises, but also in non-residential ones: an attic, a garage, a cellar or a shed. Creating an optimal ventilation system will allow you to achieve the required humidity, temperature and oxygen content. You can arrange ventilation in the shed using the recommendations of specialists for the design and selection of suitable materials.

How ventilation works

Animal barn ventilation is essential to remove harsh odors and control humidity

A barn is a room in which various things and foodstuffs can be stored, animals and birds can be kept. A high-quality ventilation system will remove unpleasant odors, remove excess moisture and create favorable conditions for maintenance and storage. Before making the correct hood from the barn, you need to understand its features and the principle of operation.

The main operating principle of exhaust systems is air exchange:

  • Air masses enter the supply channel from the street. Fresh cold air is heavier and will push warm exhaust gases upward.
  • An exhaust channel is created in the upper part through which stagnant flows are removed. They are served in small portions and taken out into the street.

Exhaust and supply ducts can be made of metal and plastic pipes with a rectangular or circular cross-section. Ventilation can be natural or artificial.

Natural ventilation works well in windy conditions

Advantages of natural ventilation:

  • Requires a minimum of tools and equipment. This affects the economy of the system.
  • No electricity is required to operate fans and hoods.
  • Saving space.

The disadvantages include the impossibility of adjusting the process and weakened traction in the event of a hot climate and calm weather. It also removes unpleasant odors worse.

Pros of forced ventilation:

  • Independence from weather conditions and climate.
  • Possibility of process adjustment. For this, various automation systems are installed that measure indicators in real time.
  • High work intensity.
  • High-quality removal of unpleasant odors.

Of the minuses, they highlight the need for laying pipes and conducting electricity in the barn. All this will entail additional financial costs. It will also require system maintenance and periodic cleaning of the ventilation ducts.

When choosing a suitable ventilation system, they are guided by financial capabilities, the availability of space for the installation of equipment and the available tools. You can make a ventilation system in the barn with your own hands.

Norms of climatic indicators in the barn

Installation of a window opening in a barn for natural ventilation

In the case of using a barn for keeping animals, it is imperative to maintain climatic norms. The barn should be a completely enclosed space with one entrance and a window. Natural ventilation is provided through the door and the window opening. But it is important to ensure that there is no draft.

Standards for calculating ventilation for a barn:

  • The air exchange rate in the barn with animals and birds is at least 4. You also need to add a margin of 15-20%.
  • Temperature conditions depend on the type of animals and birds that are kept in the room. For chickens, the values ​​are 10-15 ° C, for rabbits 9-16 ° C, for pigs 8-15 ° C, for cows 8-25 ° C.
  • The moisture level for chickens and rabbits should not exceed 70%, in the barn 50-85%, for piglets up to 80%.

Ventilation should be such that the air does not dry out, the animals feel comfortable. These norms must be strictly observed in large economic complexes. Deviations are permissible for the household. How many ventilation holes are placed in the barn depends on the size of the room and the number of livestock.

Common mistakes in barn design

The shed for animals or birds should be insulated - this reduces the amount of condensation in the cold season

Improper construction and arrangement of a barn can lead to various problems, including disease in livestock. There are a number of basic construction mistakes that can be minimized by arranging ventilation:

  • The lack of ventilation holes around the perimeter leads to the formation of mold and mildew.
  • The use of a cheap, low-quality foundation and the lack of insulation. In the absence of thermal insulation and waterproofing, cold and moisture freely penetrate into the room.
  • Lack of external waterproofing. This will incur additional heating costs.

These shortcomings negatively affect the climate and humidity levels, as well as air exchange. A high-quality ventilation system will help maintain a microclimate that is normal for the life of animals and birds.

Creation of a ventilation system in a room with animals

In order to organize a suitable microclimate in a barn with animals, indicators are calculated. The arrangement and the complexity of installation depend on them. The system will include fans, an exhaust hood.

For chickens

Chicken manure is liquid and contains a large amount of ammonia, so there must be an influx of fresh air

If a small number of birds live in the barn, supply and exhaust or natural ventilation is done. It can be done in the shortest possible time without significant costs. Mechanical systems are used in large numbers of birds.

The supply and exhaust canals are carried out using PVC pipes with a diameter of up to 0.2 m and a length of up to 2 m. At the perch sites at a level of 0.3 m from the ceiling, a hole is made for an exhaust pipe. Its height is 1.5-2 meters or more. Where the livestock is least densely populated, an opening is made at a distance of 0.2 m from the floor for a flow channel. A deflector is installed on the outlet channel to prevent drafts.

For pigs

Powerful hoods and a supply duct with a fan must work in the pigsty.

Arranging a shed with pigs requires a more powerful hood due to the large amount of fumes. Hood arrangement scheme:

  • Several fans are installed near the roof and in the window bay. Their power should be the same to avoid drafts.
  • To suppress drafts and protect the blades, dividers and gratings are installed. They also protect the ventilation from the ingress of debris from the pigsty.
  • Plastic and metal pipes with a cross-sectional area of ​​at least 62 sq.m are used. and more than 2 meters long.
  • Holes for air ducts are made at the bottom and top of the walls. From the inside, they should be closed with a grate, and pipes are brought out to the outside. Periodically, the grates need to be cleaned of stuck debris. Fixation is carried out on metal staples.
  • Shields are placed on the inlet channels to adjust the flow intensity.
  • A deflector is mounted above the air duct to protect against leaves, debris and dirt.

Air ducts must be placed vertically. They must be protected from moisture. The pipe on the roof should be insulated if an exhaust duct is being made, as condensation will form on its surface due to the temperature difference.

DIY ventilation

One of the possible schemes for arranging ventilation in a barn

Ventilation in the animal shed can be done by hand if the livestock is small:

  • Creation of a system plan with all the necessary calculations. Selection of suitable materials.
  • Basting the surface for ventilation ducts.Next, make holes of the required diameter.
  • Creation of holes in front of the fan for condensate drainage. They will avoid short circuits.
  • Installation of pipes outside the building with protective umbrellas.
  • Conducting wiring to the fan, switches and lighting.
  • Electrical connection of all devices.

Thanks to the proper organization of ventilation in the barn, animals and birds will feel comfortable. For small rooms with small livestock, natural or supply and exhaust ventilation is sufficient. More complex designs are more expensive, require more space, and their effectiveness will not be as noticeable.
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