How to make ventilation in a private house with your own hands

Competently thought out and correctly installed ventilation in a private house is one of the foundations for creating and maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment in it. Entire sections of documents regulating construction work are devoted to air exchange issues. It is necessary to erect this system at the stage of building the building, since subsequent interventions may not bring the desired result. Many invite specialists for this, whose services cost a lot of money. But knowledge of the theory of the issue and the ability to use ordinary household tools makes the installation of ventilation in a private house with your own hands quite a feasible measure.

The need for ventilation in a private house

Ventilation avoids dampness and mold formation in rooms

Many property owners underestimate the importance of proper indoor air exchange. In most cases, this point is missed even at the planning stage.

If this construct is missing, the following problems arise:

  • When breathing, humans and pets consume oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. Over time, its concentration reaches such a level that the state of health worsens, there is a headache and even suffocation.
  • Water accumulates in the air. At first, the atmosphere is just humid, and then condensation begins to form. It causes the development of mold and mildew. Their disputes provoke the development of allergies, many diseases of the organs of vision and respiration. As a result, adults lose their ability to work, children miss sections and classes in educational institutions. The cost of purchasing medicines is added.
  • Dust is generated in the house. The smallest particles are not drawn out by streams, but settle on interior items, fall into the lungs and eyes. The home looks unkempt; frequent wet cleaning is required.
  • Dampness negatively affects the finish and supporting structures. Plaster and wallpaper swell and fall off, metal corrodes, wood rots and gradually loses strength.
  • Permanent unpleasant odor. It comes from the kitchen, toilet, unwashed things. Unwanted aromas permeate things, furniture, becoming a completely unnecessary property of the house.

Ventilation in the house is a construction, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. It is necessary to approach the installation issue competently and thoughtfully, it is advisable to use high-quality materials and equipment.

Permitted errors and inconsistencies

Insulation is necessary so that condensation does not form in the pipe during the cold season

It is not uncommon for a lot of money to be spent on building materials, a labor-intensive installation of the ventilation system has been carried out, but it either does not work or creates strong air flows in the rooms.

The reasons for such phenomena:

  • Insufficient height of the exhaust pipes. The principle of operation of the supply and exhaust system, based on the formation of traction at the proper level of pressure drop, has been violated.
  • A large number of horizontal purlins, corners and turns. Such areas have a braking effect on the flows moving inside them, as a result of which they may even stop.
  • Leaving entrance openings without protective nets and grilles. Through such passages, small animals and insects enter the house.
  • Ignoring the installation of the check valve.This leads to the fact that the wind blows outside pollution back into the room.
  • Installing the inlet close to the floor. As a result, a cold zone is formed at the lower level. Discomfort is created, the risk of colds increases.
  • Installing the hood at an insufficient height. Warm discharge that accumulates under the ceiling is not removed. Contamination remains in the room.
  • Lack of insulation on the outlet pipe. In winter, this leads to the formation of condensation, which freezes and completely blocks the ventilation duct. When thawing, the liquid flows down, accumulates and rots, forming a focus of infection.
  • Combination of the chimney from the boiler in the boiler room and the exhaust system from the premises. This is fraught with the ingress of fuel combustion products into living rooms and poisoning of residents.
  • Application of iron pipes, dampers and gratings. The metal quickly rusts from moisture and collapses. Plastic channels are lightweight and durable.
  • Leaving joints without sealing. Leaks occur, draft decreases, and some of the dirt returns to the inside of the house.
  • Installing excessively tight intake filters. They themselves reduce the rate of air intake, quickly become dirty and completely block the opening.

When working with your own hands, you should choose lightweight equipment that can be installed alone without the risk of injury.

Ventilation types

Natural ventilation does not require electricity costs, it works autonomously

When choosing the type of air purification system, the throughput of the materials from which the walls and windows are made should be taken into account.

Brick and panel houses practically do not let in steam. Aerated concrete and wood are excellent conductors, provided they are not finished with sealed coatings. In addition, the height of the building should be taken into account. The more floors it has, the greater the pressure drop and the better the draft.

There are these types of ventilation for a private house:

  • Natural. It differs in a simple scheme, in which there is no place for electrical appliances. Well suited for the arrangement of buildings of 2 or more floors with a basement level. The difference in the height of the inlet and outlet of the duct ensures intensive air exchange at all levels of the house. In order for the indicator to comply with sanitary standards, it is necessary to use pipes with a diameter of at least 150 mm. In this case, the speed of air movement in the room should not exceed 15 cm / sec. The pipe should be raised 250-300 cm above the roof level. The optimal solution for channeling is the use of polypropylene products with a circular cross-section.
  • Forced. It is advisable to install in one-story houses with a flat or pitched roof. In buildings of this type, it is problematic to achieve good traction to ensure high-quality air exchange. The system consists of a blower, an exhaust device, a network of channels for supplying clean air and pumping out polluted air. The design is complex, cumbersome, but quite effective. To achieve the best result and accelerate the removal of moisture, satellite channels with fans are installed in bathrooms, closed greenhouses and swimming pools. Kitchens are equipped with powerful hoods.
  • Combined. It has a simpler design than the previous version. Here, the share of the mechanical component is limited by the installation of a powerful exhaust fan at the collection point of the ducts. The air supply is provided by the draft generated by the exhaust system.

In all types of cleaning systems, there is a general requirement - to lay chimneys from heating boilers separately, leading them to the roof at a distance of at least 5 m from the ventilation manifold.

Advantages and disadvantages of ventilation in a private house

A recuperator and a fan can be built into the ventilation to enhance the air discharge

Even if you build an air exchange system using the most modern technologies, you will not be able to achieve the ideal.Any design has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Natural designs are easy and inexpensive to make. They can even be improved by installing a recuperator to heat or cool the air entering the house. The downside is that such structures are weather dependent. With high pressure and no wind, the thrust disappears, air exchange stops.

Mechanical systems are independent of climatic conditions and are highly efficient. But not everything is so good here either. Fans create noise, absorb electricity, and in its absence, the structure stops working, since the fan blades overlap almost the entire section of the channels.

The combined circuit has approximately the same characteristics. It is less efficient than mechanical, but provides high-quality air exchange in all weather conditions. In the event of a power outage, the system will continue to operate, but with lower performance. There is only one fan, but with good draft, it will rotate without creating any special obstacles to the movement of air masses through the channels.

The most effective options

It is important to plan ventilation during the construction phase of the house.

When choosing a ventilation system, you need to think carefully about the options for its placement and design. Component parts must ensure effective air exchange and fit organically into the interior of each room.

The supply system consists of an injection unit and a system of exhaust ducts. As a rule, there is only one feed module, and it is advisable to install it in the end wall of the far room at a height of 200-220 cm from the floor. If there is a heater function, the installation should be done closer to the floor.

Standard device of the blower unit:

  • External decorative grille. Serves to mask the channel, to protect it from debris and insects.
  • Electric fan with step switch. Provides metered air supply to the room.
  • A filter made of porous material to retain mechanical and organic particles.
  • Internal decorative grille. It is advisable to install products with adjustable guides.

When the fan rotates, an increased pressure is created in the room, due to which the air moves towards the exhaust openings.

The exhaust system is analogous to a natural one with a reverse arrangement of an electrical power plant. It is taken out to the attic, from where it sucks in the air in the room. Due to the creation of a reduced pressure in it, the atmosphere is drawn in from the street. The inlet and outlet openings are equipped with nets and grates to protect against foreign objects.

Supply and exhaust ventilation is the most efficient air exchange system in a private house. It is advisable to make injection points in every room. Moreover, their total power and productivity must correspond to the exhaust device.

Organization of ventilation flows in a private house

Ventilation in the toilet deserves special attention.

When designing a ventilation system, attention must be paid to each room.

In living rooms, the intake ducts should be installed using roof exhaust fans. The noise of electrical appliances is not conducive to good rest.

In the kitchen, it is advisable to equip an exhaust outlet into which dirty air from the living room, corridor and bedroom will be drawn in. The cooker hood is not intended for these purposes, its task is to remove the vapors and heat coming from the hob. Please note that the doors in the room can be closed during cooking. An opening should be made in the canvas for the passage of air.

In the bathroom, the sewer riser deserves special attention. To avoid squeezing the water seals out of the plumbing, the riser should be raised above the roof, where it should be equipped with a drain pipe.

It is advisable to equip boiler rooms, garages, workshops and other auxiliary structures with mechanical or combined systems.At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility and safety of laying lines and operating electrical appliances. In some cases, it is worth doing with a natural type design.
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