Samples of acts of complex and individual tests of the ventilation system and cleaning of ventilation ducts

The ventilation system in any organization must go through the acceptance process, according to the results of which a test report for the ventilation system of the established sample is drawn up and a passport is issued.

The act of testing the ventilation system refers to the executive documentation. According to internal sanitary-technical standards (SNiP 41-01-2003, 2008) organizations, in whose buildings air conditioning and ventilation systems, must draw up an act of comprehensive testing of systems.

A document is drawn up after the installation of the equipment is completed. All tests are carried out in accordance with the standards SNiP 3.05.01–85... They are carried out before finishing the premises.

A working act for testing ventilation is developed after the approval of a technical project or a feasibility study, that is, at the stage of designing communications.

Rospotrebnadzor ventilation requirements

Ventilation check
Ventilation check

Rospotrebnadzor (SES) oversees the compliance of the quality of services with existing sanitary and epidemiological requirements. The ventilation systems put into operation are necessarily controlled by the executive bodies of the SES. If all parameters are met, a test report for the efficiency of the ventilation system is issued.

The equipment is tested for effectiveness by employees of the sanitary and epidemiological services. It should be borne in mind that the procedures for SES supervision and technical control are very similar. To obtain an act of comprehensive testing of ventilation systems, a package of documents must be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor. SES specialists carry out a detailed inspection of the ventilation system, all equipment and mechanisms. The efficiency of their work is determined, while the main task is to provide personnel with clean air. If the task is not met, experts can turn off the ventilation equipment and completely close the plant.

Commissioning aerodynamic tests of ventilation equipment

Ventilation measurement
Ventilation measurement

Commissioning of the assembled ventilation systems is carried out in accordance with SNiP 111-28-75. In the course of work, the system is debugged and all parameters of work are brought to standard and design indicators.

Purpose of testing the ventilation system: To determine the degree of readiness of the equipment for operation

Before the start of the tests, the equipment is switched on for 7 hours. The results are recorded in an individual test report for ventilation equipment.

During the start-up tests, the following is carried out:

  • control over the discrepancy between actual indicators and design, as well as compliance with the requirements of technical conditions and building codes during assembly;
  • search for leaks in the channel system, testing the quality of connections;
  • control over the volume of air passed by the distribution and receiving chambers of the general exchange equipment;
  • control of the compliance of the manufacturer's declared information on the pressure and performance of the ventilation unit;
  • testing the uniformity of the heating elements. If, at the time of drawing up the test report of the ventilation system, the coolant has not yet been supplied to the system, this test is skipped.

Testing of automatic and remote control is carried out simultaneously with testing of the ventilation system, which is indicated in the act. The tests are considered successful if during the work all devices and mechanisms worked normally.

The deviation of indicators within 10% in any direction is allowed. After the completion of the inspections, a test report of the ventilation system is drawn up and the commission gives permission for commissioning.

Contents of the ventilation test report

The following points are noted in the test report of the ventilation system:

  • deviations from the initial calculations, agreed with the client and allowed during the installation of the equipment;
  • technical parameters of heaters, fans, ventilation ducts, electrical devices, filters, valves, their condition;
  • results of testing and commissioning;
  • quality of assembly and installation;
  • indicators of rarefaction or air pressure for each of the premises;
  • the frequency of air exchange for each room.

The act of testing the ventilation system is supplemented by an act of hidden work and working drawings.

Smoke ventilation test report

There is a standard GOST R 53300-2009 on smoke protection of buildings and buildings, which describes ventilation test methods. At the end of the testing, a smoke ventilation test report is drawn up.

Several test methods are used.

The first is a support in the stairwell. Pressurizing air is supplied by a valve installed on the ceiling of the upper staircase. A ventilation unit is located on the roof of the building. The GOSTs clearly indicate the locations of the pressure measurement points maintained by the smoke ventilation system. The latest measurement data after adjustment is entered into the test report.

Pressure is measured in two modes:

  • With the staircase doors closed, the pressure on the doors of the first and upper floors is measured;
  • With closed doors, except for the floor door with an equipped exit to the street. Measurements are taken near the closed door of the floor closest to the floor with the exit.

Measurement of the back pressure in the elevator shaft is carried out as follows:

The elevator is installed on the required floor, its doors open. On the next floor, the doors of the elevator shaft are opened (using a special key) and the pressure is measured in it.

The final measurements included in the smoke ventilation test reports are attached to the equipment passport.

The act of cleaning the ventilation ducts

Manual cleaning of ventilation ducts
Manual cleaning of ventilation ducts

Periodic checks of chimneys for tightness and cleaning of ventilation should be carried out by specialists from the housing office or the management company. Based on the work, an act of cleaning the ventilation ducts is drawn up. The inspection is attended by the chief engineer of the management company or the housing office, a technician and a chimney sweep, who cleans the ventilation ducts.

The act lists the addresses of houses and apartments in which the work was carried out, the date of the next inspection of the quality of cleaning the air ducts of ventilation systems is indicated.

The act necessarily contains a list of houses in which violations have been identified. Defects that must be corrected within the period specified in the ventilation cleaning act are listed.

An act is drawn up on cleaning the ventilation channels for submission to the city gas office. One copy of the ventilation cleaning act remains with the management company or the housing office.

Independent ventilation system check

Ventilation capacity check
Ventilation capacity check

Acts of individual tests of ventilation equipment are drawn up by commercial organizations. The contractor often distrusts the installers. It is not uncommon for small errors in ventilation to be "not noticed" in the expectation that during operation they will not significantly affect the ventilation efficiency.

It would seem that the fan is working, moving the air.But the productivity can be more or less than the calculated one, the balance stipulated by the project has not been achieved. Therefore, some clients order an independent control examination. This paid service is provided only by specially accredited laboratories. As a rule, customers come here after signing the act of comprehensive testing of the ventilation system, when there is no expected effect from the equipment. In this case, the acceptance and transfer of the equipment has already been carried out and the entire amount due has been received by the installation company.

Sometimes installers themselves turn to an independent laboratory to obtain passports and acts of comprehensive testing of ventilation systems, testing equipment. Standard samples of certificates of testing of ventilation systems are issued. The specialists from the ventilation laboratory will not only accurately measure all the performance indicators of the system, but will also give advice on how to fix problems.
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