Acceptance of ventilation is carried out after the complete completion of installation work. The list of requirements for the ventilation systems being put into operation is quite long. Therefore, in practice, in the process of filling out the ventilation acceptance certificate, attention is paid only to the basic characteristics. However, a responsible attitude to start-up testing will ensure that the equipment will operate smoothly in the future.
Acceptance of ventilation
Acceptance and commissioning of ventilation systems is carried out in two stages:
- tests of each ventilation unit separately;
- registration of the certificate of commissioning of the ventilation system.
The work is carried out collectively, the act of acceptance of the ventilation system is signed by a commission consisting of representatives of the contractor organization and the installer.
If the ventilation of a manufacturing enterprise or workshop is commissioned, the commission should include: the head of the workshop, the chief mechanic or power engineer and a safety specialist. If the object of delivery is very large, a specialist from the SES and a technical inspector are also invited.
All installation work is carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85 and the project. The act of commissioning the ventilation system is necessary not only for new objects, but also in the case of reconstruction or replacement of equipment.
Before signing the acceptance certificate of the ventilation system, aerodynamic tests are carried out and its performance is checked.
All assemblies are checked for damage or defects prior to testing. A program is being drawn up, according to which the work will be carried out.
Determined by:
- compliance of equipment characteristics with project requirements;
- whether SNiPs and TUs were taken into account during installation;
- compliance of the equipment indicators with the declared manufacturer;
- the presence of leaks in the air ducts;
- uniform heating of heating elements;
- compliance of the air throughput system declared in the project.
Aerodynamic ventilation tests
The air handling unit approved for aerodynamic testing must be provided with the following documents:
- a project consisting of drawings with the changes made (if any), as well as an explanatory note;
- protocol of project approval with SES and fire brigade;
- user manual with mandatory clarification of the modes of operation and technical readiness of the ventilation system;
- certificates for hidden work (ventilation ducts in ceilings, under floors, etc.).
The commission examines the correctness of the documentation and the conformity of the equipment during the external examination.
Successfully carried out aerodynamic tests are the basis for signing the act of acceptance of the supply and exhaust ventilation system. An important point is the choice of measurement points, which is carried out taking into account the cross-sectional diameters of the ventilation ducts and the distance from the bends and fans.
Devices required for acceptance of the supply and exhaust ventilation system and signing of the act:
- combined pressure receiver;
- total pressure receiver;
- differential pressure gauges;
- anemometers;
- barometers;
- mercury thermometers;
- psychometers.
The accuracy of all instruments is regulated by the test instructions. All measurement results are processed mathematically.The main purpose of the calculations is to determine the pressure loss across the network. The certificate of commissioning of the ventilation system is accompanied by a test report and a passport for the equipment.
If small flaws are found, the commission gives recommendations for their elimination, appoints deadlines. Sometimes in the act of technical readiness of the ventilation system, permission is given for temporary operation for a certain period, during which it is necessary to debug the work.
In some cases, the tests are carried out poorly, the act of acceptance of the supply and exhaust ventilation system is signed in the presence of defects. After some time, the customer will have to contact independent laboratories for re-testing, pay for them and, at their own expense, redo the ventilation system. Therefore, the signing of the acceptance certificate should be treated responsibly.
Commissioning of ventilation equipment
Commissioning - This is a comprehensive testing of ventilation systems, which determines the compliance of the design values with the actual ones. After it is completed, the act of commissioning for ventilation and the registration certificate for the design costs are filled in. In addition, a separate passport of the established form is issued for each ventilation unit.
The act of commissioning for ventilation is drawn up at the end of all construction and finishing works, installation and adjustment of electrical supply, as well as individual tests of ventilation equipment with filling in the relevant acts. Before commissioning works on ventilation, aerodynamic tests for tightness are carried out, an act of commissioning of hidden works in the ventilation system is drawn up in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85, Appendix 6. The equipment is run-in at idle speed.
Ventilation run-in at idle speed
No-load tests or running-in tests reveal errors in the operation of the equipment. Based on the results of the ventilation system running-in, an act is filled in, and the mechanisms are debugged. Ventilation systems containing valves, actuators, dampers are tested at idle speed. The duration of the tests and their conditions are indicated in the passport and TU in the factory instructions. Run-in requirements are specified in the manufacturer's instructions.
Upon completion, a ventilation system test report is drawn up.
Acceptance of natural ventilation
During the acceptance of natural ventilation systems and the signing of the act, the commission examines all structures that carry out air exchange:
- ventilation ducts;
- non-inflated lanterns;
- windbreaker shields;
- deflectors;
- vents and opening windows, opening and closing possibilities.
The area of the vents, their height above the floor level, the presence of special platforms for opening are checked. The possibility of supplying fresh air in winter is especially carefully studied.
Tests with the subsequent signing of the act of acceptance of natural ventilation are carried out at the end of the construction of the building.
The following indicators are determined:
- distribution of air masses in different parts of the ventilation ducts;
- the speed of air movement along the air ducts.
Based on the research results, an act of commissioning the ventilation system is drawn up. A video tells about the work of natural ventilation in residential buildings.