Inspections of ventilation systems can be scheduled or emergency, caused by equipment breakdowns. The inspection report of the ventilation system provides all data on the efficiency of work and the compliance of communications with design standards. For many institutions (for example, medical, cleanrooms, and others), it is very important to maintain a certain microclimate that affects the course of the production process or the well-being of people.
Poor ventilation and low draft cause:
- increased humidity due to poor air exchange;
- drop in oxygen levels in the air;
- development of conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms;
- deterioration of the well-being of staff and visitors, the development of various diseases.
Therefore, Rospotrebnadzor requires periodic certification of ventilation systems with the obligatory drawing up of inspection reports.
If, as a result of the inspection, violations of the installation of the chimney are revealed, the certificate of inspection of the technical condition of the ventilation ducts may not be issued, and you will have to pay for the work performed.
Sanitary and epidemiological examination of ventilation
According to SanPiN for medical institutions, the management of the enterprise should exercise control over the state of the ventilation system. Regular sanitary and epidemiological examinations of ventilation systems with the subsequent drawing up of an act prevent the spread of pathogens of serious respiratory diseases. Inspections, according to the legislation, must be carried out at least once every 6 months, the ventilation inspection report is drawn up according to the established sample.
In the course of sanitary and epidemiological examinations of the ventilation system, the following data are entered into the act:
- about the parameters of the microclimate;
- on the results of the analysis of washes from the inner walls of the ventilation ducts.
The obtained indicators are compared with the requirements of the normative documents SNiP 41-01-2003 "OVK". The ventilation inspection report contains recommendations for normalizing the operation or repairing the system. For more information on filling in the sample ventilation survey report.
The entire process of inspection of ventilation systems is regulated by the relevant regulations. Organizations entitled to such work receive a license from the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation. The act of inspection of the ventilation system is required by many city services. Therefore, the organization carrying out the work must issue to the client:
- a copy of the license of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
- a copy of the certificate of the cleaner who did the job;
- inspection report of the ventilation system of the established sample.
Explanatory photographic materials are often attached to the act of inspection of the ventilation system.
On the basis of the act, the "Register of disinfection and cleaning of the ventilation system" is filled in. Data from the inspection report of ventilation channels are used to draw up a schedule for disinfection and special treatments of ventilation and climate systems. The logbook is mandatory for organizations heated by gas boiler houses.
Ventilation inspection report for an apartment building
One of the common reasons for the deterioration of air draft is the blockage of air ducts with construction debris, dust or its destruction.The cause can be found only with a complete study of the state of ventilation.
During the inspection of ventilation systems in order to draw up an act, the following activities are carried out:
- search for blockages in ventilation ducts;
- video inspection of all air ducts in order to detect redevelopment;
- control over temperature, humidity, air speed and draft in ventilation ducts;
- identification and determination of the effectiveness of fire forks;
- inspection of the condition of the outlets of ventilation pipes on the roofs of houses, the presence of trees or structures affecting the wind back.
Inspection report
At the end of the work, the certificate of inspection of the ventilation system is filled in. For testing and checking the following are used:
- suspension on a rope;
- video camera and monitor for viewing the status of channels in real time;
- hot-wire anemometers;
- thermohygroanemometers.
Video monitoring is very convenient, it allows you to detect debris and landslides, unauthorized redevelopment. Most often, this method of examining the condition of the canals is used in court proceedings. From the camera, the image is fed directly to the computer monitor. The whole process is recorded and in the future, its record can be used as a supporting document to the act of inspection of the technical condition. The channels are examined in the downward direction from the chimney, horizontal shafts through inspection windows. The information obtained using the video is used in calculating the cost of repairs, fines or claims for incorrect laying of ventilation ducts.
Communications survey
During the survey of communications and filling out the ventilation inspection certificate, attention is paid to:
- availability of passport and project documents;
- compliance with sanitary requirements and standards;
- compliance of the created structure with design data;
- the quality of installation and start-up of the ventilation system;
- the efficiency of the ventilation equipment;
- the possibility of cleaning, repairing and disinfecting the inner surfaces of the air ducts (availability of service doors);
- contamination of air ducts, fans with dust and other debris;
- the quality of previous service work on disinfection and cleaning of ducts and fans specified in the samples of ventilation inspection reports;
- the effectiveness of air filters or ultraviolet air irradiators (if any).
Information on each item is entered into the inspection report of the ventilation system.
Initial examination of natural ventilation
The initial examination of the natural ventilation system is carried out to calculate the pressure loss in the ventilation ducts and the air flow rate. It is carried out during the commissioning of the building. At the end of the work, an act on the initial examination of the natural ventilation system and the frequency of air exchange is filled in. The results of checking the state of the entire system are entered into the inspection report of ventilation ducts. The operating parameters of which are regulated by GOST 12.3.018-79 "Methods of aerodynamic testing of ventilation systems". Exemplary acts of inspection of the technical condition of ventilation ducts guarantee high-quality air exchange in the premises for many years of building operation.
The video will tell you about how natural ventilation in a residential building is examined and how to clean it.