For each individual building, its own ventilation system is selected. The choice of ventilation scheme in a panel house depends on the number of storeys, noise level, building category, and the degree of atmospheric pollution. If the house is not located on noisy and dusty highways with a noise level of up to 50 decibels, natural ventilation is designed. Panel houses located on busy large streets with powerful traffic are supplied with forced ventilation.
Types of ventilation systems for panel houses
Natural air outlet by traction in the ventilation ducts, which appears at a temperature difference. Fresh air is supplied through open windows or vents;
- Combined ventilation in a panel house with forced draft and natural intake of fresh air from the street. Sometimes the reverse scheme is used: the outflow is carried out in a natural way, and the inflow is due to fans;
- Forced blowing and air inflow.
Providing air outflow and inflow in a panel house
Each ventilation system in a panel house has its own air flow scheme. If the supply air is not heated before being supplied, it is better to introduce it from the top in order to accelerate the mixing with the warm air of the room. If the air is heated, it is supplied above the heating equipment or directly from behind it.
Air outflow from the premises is carried out from under the ceilings of kitchens, toilets and bathrooms. There must be at least 2 meters from the floor to the outlet of the ventilation duct.
Features of ventilation schemes for panel houses
When developing a ventilation scheme in a panel house, the need to separate air flows from dirty rooms (kitchens) and clean rooms (rooms) is taken into account.
Ventilation ducts from different rooms are connected into blocks. With natural ventilation in a panel house, it is impossible to combine the air inlet and outlet channels. Channels from each floor can be displayed in one common vertical. In this case, satellite channels are connected through one floor. It is not advisable to connect channels to a common riser from the same floor.
The optimal ventilation system in panel houses with air mixing, which is also used in the construction of brick houses, with a vapor barrier. In such buildings, air outflow and injection are carried out through small ventilation windows.
In modern construction, natural supply and exhaust ventilation systems are practically not used in panel houses. After all, it is inconvenient and economically unprofitable to carry out the flow of air by opening the window into the bitter frost. Therefore, in most cases, a mechanical method of air removal is used.