A frame house with plastic windows and a vapor barrier film along the walls and ceilings is absolutely isolated from the inflow or outflow of air to the outside. Ventilation ducts, sometimes installed in bathrooms and kitchens, work effectively only in multi-storey buildings (from 4 floors). That is why it is necessary to organize artificial ventilation in a frame house.
How to create an air flow into a frame house
By assembling the ventilation of a frame house with your own hands, you can ensure a natural inflow. For example, an exhaust fan expels air, and fresh air from the street enters its place through the valves on the windows or ajar vents. The valves can also be installed in walls. If the house has a ducted air conditioning system, you can equip ventilation in a frame house using the ventilation ducts of the air conditioner. In this case, the inflow is compulsory. It is especially important to provide rooms for sleeping and resting with fresh air.
How to create an air outflow in a frame house
The ventilation system of a frame house also needs air outflow. But here you cannot do without a forced method. Fans are installed in the exhaust pipes: in the kitchen, in the bathroom and in the toilet. Mounted only here, the fans, however, will work on living rooms, drawing air through the door slits. The simplest fans are turned on and off manually. More advanced models independently measure the level of humidity in the room, "detect" the presence of people in the bathroom or toilet. The equipment of the ventilation system of a frame house with an area of two hundred square meters requires 6 to 8 ventilation ducts, in which the fans are mounted.
The ventilation ducts are most conveniently mounted from plastic, the joints are coated with silicone. According to experts, plastic pipes of a circular cross-section show themselves better in operation. Before going outside, the plastic channels are combined into one metal box.
So that the ventilation of the frame house with your own hands was installed imperceptibly, all pipes are stacked together with the supporting beams and are hidden by the finish. The size of the fans also needs to be selected so that they disappear between the lags. That is, it is necessary to design work in advance. A detailed video of ventilation in a frame house can be found on the net and used as step-by-step instructions.
By the way, the installation of an additional kitchen hood can completely violate all the calculations of the engineers who designed the ventilation system. Therefore, it is preferable to install hoods with a charcoal filter, which does not in any way affect the inflow or outflow of air. After installing the pipes, a vapor barrier film is attached, which can be seen in the ventilation video in the frame house.
The main consumer of electricity in the system is the exhaust fans.