One of the conditions for creating a comfortable microclimate in a dwelling is to maintain a normal level of humidity.
Such an indicator is rarely paid attention to, but because of this, various malfunctions can occur in the body of residents, which can manifest itself in the form of allergies, coughs, peeling of the skin and the like.
Most often, air humidity drops during the cold season, when certain heating devices are turned on. Can this problem be solved?
Humidification options
Before taking any measures to increase the humidity level in the house, you should make sure that this indicator is low. For this, special devices are intended, which are called hygrometers. The optimal humidity for human living is 40-60%, if the hygrometer displays indicate a lack of moisture, it is required to raise the humidity.
The most effective way to do this is to purchase a humidifier, which can be found at any hardware store. But it is far from always possible to use a purchased device or made with your own hands at home. For such cases, you will need to look for some other solutions. Let's consider the main options for making the air in the apartment humid without using a humidifier.
Setting up the aquarium
Having bought and installed an aquarium in your apartment, it will contribute to good air humidification. All such containers are equipped with a water filtering system. As it passes through the filter and back into the aquarium, some of the liquid will evaporate. In addition, the water will also evaporate from the surface of the water in the tank.
It is clear that the larger the volume of the container, the more water will pass into a gaseous state and mix with the air in the apartment. But the use of such a device in a room also implies one drawback - the aquarium requires rather complex maintenance.
Make your home a tropical garden
Another way to increase the moisture content of the room air is to create a tropical garden in the house, providing it with the necessary care. This method is the best option to increase the humidity in the house for a person who loves to grow indoor plants.
The following plants can be grown in such a garden:
- vitonia;
- hypoesthesia;
- different varieties of orchids;
- Saintpaulia, as well as some others.
All of the above plants, which contribute to an increase in the amount of moisture that is in the air of the apartment, I prefer a humid and warm microclimate. Therefore, the pots with them should be placed on pallets with expanded clay, where periodically pour water.
The disadvantage of a tropical garden made in your home is the need to provide the plants with appropriate care - water, spray and rinse the leaves on time, for which a conventional spray bottle is suitable. It is also important to regularly add water to the plant trays. Only in this case, house flowers will maintain a comfortable humidity for a person.
By ensuring timely watering, plants will absorb moisture through the soil, evaporating it from their leaves.
In addition, a significant part of the plants in the house can also act as a barometer, indicating low humidity in the room - in this case, the tips of their leaves will dry out.
Small fountain
Another inexpensive decorative and very simple method to increase air humidity is to make a small indoor fountain in the room or buy a ready-made model.
The principle of operation of this type of device is quite simple - the liquid circulates in a closed loop. Caring for such a fountain is extremely simple - you just need to periodically add water to the tank. The modern market offers a fairly wide selection of such devices that will fit the specific size of the room.
On sale today you can find designs of different types and sizes, starting with miniature laconic fountains and ending with stylish floor models. Such fountains for the home not only increase the liquid content in the air of the apartment, but also are a wonderful home decoration.
Wet cleaning
The next, probably, the simplest way to improve the microclimate inside the apartment is to carry out frequent wet cleaning or drying the washed linen inside the house. Evaporating from the surface of the laundry, water will combine with the air, which will lead to an increase in air humidity. When carrying out wet cleaning, moisture evaporate from all surfaces in the apartment, which will lead to a positive result.
Arrange containers with water around the apartment
Another way is to place various containers of water on the windowsills. The water evaporating from them will guarantee the appearance of comfortable humid air. You just need to remember to add water to such containers in time.
It should be noted that this method is quite effective, but at the same time it is not very hygienic. Over time, various bacteria and microorganisms will begin to multiply in vessels with water, so it is important to rinse them as often as possible.
Another similar method that you can use in winter is to put an ordinary damp towel on the heating system battery. Receiving heat from the battery, the water from the towel will quickly enter the air in the room, ensuring its effective humidification. The disadvantage of this method is the need to often wet the towel, as it will dry quickly.
To improve this method of increasing the content of water particles in the room, you can put a container of water under the battery, and dip one end of the towel into the water. Rising up the fabric, the water from the towel will again quickly evaporate due to the heat generated from the battery. In this case, instead of a towel, you can use any other fabric or even a regular bandage.
Regular airing
Another simple way to ensure the comfort of the microclimate in the house, which is highly efficient in winter and almost completely useless in summer, is to do frequent airing, for several minutes three times a day.
Winter air is well filled with moisture, which will enter the room through open windows. But in the summer, airing will not help in any way, since the hot air is practically devoid of moisture.
Drying laundry
If several people live in a house or apartment, when washing is a daily activity, then good benefit can be derived from this. By purchasing a dryer, installing it directly in the room and hanging laundry on it, you can achieve a noticeable increase in humidity, since the evaporation of water from the fabric will lead to an increase in its content in the air. If there is no dryer, the laundry can be hung on radiators or other items in the house.
An important advantage of this method, in addition to quickly raising the water level in the air, you can achieve aromatization of the air by washing clothes with powder or using an air conditioner with a pleasant aroma.However, this method is not the most optimal in the case of small-sized apartments, where drying will take up a lot of free space.
Using a spray bottle
And, finally, the easiest and most inexpensive way to raise the humidity at home is to purchase a simple spray bottle and regularly spray curtains and curtains from it in the apartment. As they dry out and evaporate water, they increase the humidity level in the house.
The disadvantage of this option is that water, getting on a light-colored fabric, sometimes leaves smudges and marks.
Thus, there are many ways how you can make the air in your home humid and comfortable for living without even using household humidifiers.
Having made the air in your apartment humid, you will very soon notice an improvement in the condition of your skin, the likelihood of catching colds and SARS will significantly decrease, and it will become much easier to breathe in the house. This does not even require any tangible material costs, because many of the methods discussed involve the use of ordinary improvised means.