Pets and poultry in suburban areas are kept in the premises of the utility block. The complex of premises includes a chicken coop, a pigsty and a cowshed, a shed for storing feed, a silo pit, animal walks.
Barn ventilation
Heating the room is not required, since the animals themselves generate enough heat to heat the insulated room. But ventilation in the barn is very necessary. Each cow exhales more than 200 liters of carbon dioxide in one hour. In the absence of ventilation in the barn, people and animals suffer from discomfort in the eyes, lethargy, tears flow and dries in the mouth. All these ailments are associated with excess levels of hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and ammonia in the barn. They appear in the air from the litter saturated with animal feces.
Ventilation in the chicken coop
The air in an unvented chicken coop is oversaturated with ammonia, moisture and carbon dioxide. If the birds do not have enough oxygen, they get sick, eat worse, lose weight, rush worse and may even die.
The value of ventilation in the chicken coop with your own hands:
- Removes stench and excess moisture... Chickens, exhaling air, emit a lot of moisture, it also evaporates from drinkers, litter. The higher the air humidity, the better pathogenic microbes develop. And if high humidity is combined with cold air (in winter), birds suffer from frostbite of the legs and respiratory diseases;
- Removes ammonia... Bird droppings decompose with the release of ammonia. This is a poisonous substance that is dangerous to the health of adult chickens and chickens. If chicks inhaled a lot of ammonia as a child, they will not carry well into adulthood;
- Reduces temperature in summer... Chickens rush badly in the heat, eat little. Ventilation in the coop increases air movement and lowers the air temperature.
There are two ways to make ventilation in a chicken coop with your own hands: natural and mechanical. The second method is used when the area is large and the number of birds is large.
Before making ventilation in the hen house, it is necessary to provide for the absence of a draft. It is very destructive for chickens.
Do-it-yourself ventilation in the chicken coop
It is not difficult to equip ventilation in the chicken coop with your own hands. The ventilation duct can be built from planks, it is divided along the length into two troughs: it enters one of the air, and from the other it is pulled out. The ventilation inlet is in the chicken coop and the outlet is above the roof. At the outlet, the diameter of the pipe should be about 30 cm. Boards of 50 mm fit tightly to each other, since the cracks will impair traction. A thick board promotes better traction because warm air is drawn out without cooling.
The ventilation duct must extend beyond the roof. A trellis and an umbrella are placed over the exit. So that the wooden pipe does not stagger, it is attached to the roof rafters using metal brackets or wooden blocks.