Ionizers with air purification function

The air around the world does not become cleaner over time, especially in cities, where, due to the strong pollution of the atmosphere, breathing becomes almost life-threatening. In apartments, especially poorly ventilated, breathing is particularly difficult. In the air masses, harmful vapors from interior items, carbon dioxide, bacteria, etc. are mixed. On the other hand, open a window and the house is filled with street noise, exhaust fumes and chimney emissions from nearby businesses. It is in order that all these products of civilization do not daily poison you and your loved ones, it is worth seriously thinking about purchasing a freshener with an ionizer.

There are a lot of home air purifiers on the market today, the question is which device is right for you. Equipment of this type is designed to improve the quality of life, therefore it must combine certain useful functions.

What is an ionic cleaner?

One example of device designThe air purifier is designed to clean the indoor environment from dust, harmful chemical elements and pathogenic bacteria. If we talk about a device with ionization - in addition to the above, it artificially transforms oxygen molecules. Simply put, it charges the air passed through itself, making it lighter and more useful. Breathing in a house where such a device works becomes much more pleasant, the atmosphere seems fresh and clean.

Air naturally ionizes in nature during thunderstorms or due to sudden pressure drops. That is why after a thunderstorm you can smell ozone and want to breathe deeply. An ionizer built into the cleaner can do the same job in your apartment.

What types of devices are there?

Regardless of the type of purifier, the main component is the filter. There are several types of filters, each designed to remove different types of contaminants.

If we talk about the principles of action, the following can be distinguished:

  • mechanical;
  • electrostatic (ionic);
  • carbonic;
  • HEPA (high particle retention fine filter);
  • photocatalytic;
Conditional image of device operation
Conditional image of device operation

Briefly about each of the varieties:

A mechanical filter is usually used for pre-cleaning. It looks like a fine mesh that traps wool and other large items. These filters can be reused, they can be easily cleaned in warm water or with a vacuum cleaner.

An electrostatic filter is able to catch smaller particles, whose size can be calculated in hundredths of a micrometer, for example, dust. The operation of such a device is based on the principle of attraction of charges with different potentials. Small elements are passed through the ionization chamber, acquiring a plus sign, in order to then be attracted to the plates, which are negatively charged. It is clear that over time, such filters become clogged with dust, and therefore need to be replaced. Also, the plates can be washed with water in which ordinary soap is dissolved.

The main component of the carbon filter, as you might guess, is activated carbon, which has the ability to absorb harmful gas. Filters of this type are used to remove bad odors or gas impurities. Often used in conjunction with other types of purification devices. Alas, they cannot be cleaned, and after working out they need to be replaced.

Newly introduced HEPA filters

HEPA filter H12
HEPA filter H12

Filters, in the name of which the abbreviation HEPA is present, are often used, in addition to residential buildings, in all kinds of laboratories or honey. institutions. In other words, where cleanliness is a prerequisite. The basis for this type of system is a porous fiberglass-based material. By virtue of their design, such filters can contain elements as small as tenths of a micrometer.

TRUE HEPA filters are the next step in the development of fiberglass materials. Their main feature is the ability to eliminate all allergens and contaminants, up to 99.97 percent. Among the shortcomings, one can note a decent cost, coupled with the impossibility of recovery.

Finally, the photocatalytic filter excels in that it destroys all collected contaminants, instead of just collecting them, as all other types do. Therefore, such a device will never be a source of pollution, into which other filters turn over time. Organic substances and all harmful chemical compounds in it are broken down, thereby providing reliable protection for the human body.

The work of this filter is based on the decomposition of complex substances using a catalyst. Another undoubted plus is the ability to destroy different types of microorganisms.

The extremely high efficiency of this device is due to the ability to filter gases and even viruses. Another plus is a significant service life.

Among the disadvantages, first of all, it is worth highlighting the inability to remove inorganic sources of pollution. In an apartment where renovation work is being carried out, for example, it will be much more profitable to use a simple mechanical type of cleaner.

Another vulnerable spot is the absolute sterilization of indoor air, that is, along with viruses, beneficial bacteria will also be destroyed. This will not do much harm to an adult, but it can have a bad effect on the child, interfering with the normal formation of immunity.

Ionizing cleaners

Structural elements of the device
Structural elements of the device

Ionizers can include different types of filters, or have only an ionizing effect. The air is purified under the influence of an electric discharge.

As mentioned above, ionization has a positive effect on the human body. Clearing the air space from dirt and microbes, such a device can help in the prevention of a whole range of diseases, as well as in the restoration of immunity. In addition, the use of this device will help in creating a comfortable atmosphere in the house, facilitating breathing and neutralizing the harmful effects of working technical devices.

Before purchasing, pay attention to the entire range of cleaners present in the store. Remember that the instrument with the lowest noise level is often less effective. Some devices provide for a night mode of operation, designed to prevent annoying sounds in the apartment at night. The timer, in some cases, will also come in handy. For example, you can program the appliance so that it removes dirt when the owner is away.

It is also worth considering additional functions to avoid problems during operation. For example, one of the functions of a purifier can additionally humidify a room in which the concentration of moisture is already increased.

Summing up, we can safely say that an ionizer is a very useful thing, capable of providing a room with fresh air, giving all the people present vigor and good mood.
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