It is important to perform laboratory analysis when planning a plumbing that supplies drinking water to the home from a well. It will help you determine if the liquid from the source is suitable for drinking and cooking, and which filter needs to be installed to improve its quality. In SES, the cost of analyzing water from a well allows such procedures to be carried out regularly, but in different regions it differs.
Appointment of different types of analyzes
Laboratory analysis is performed only 2-3 weeks after the construction of the well and its use. It is not necessary to drink water during this period, but you can use it for irrigation, household purposes. Each type of diagnostics detects different impurities and substances.
Chemical diagnostics
With the help of chemical analysis, it is possible to identify impurities that, with regular penetration into the human body, can be deposited in organs and negatively affect health. With its help, the concentration of salts, minerals and other trace elements in the composition of the liquid is determined.
Chemical diagnostics makes it possible to determine what degree of purification is needed for water from a source, as well as at what depth a layer of certain microelements is concentrated. With this method, you can understand how often diagnostics are needed. In some places, experts advise to carry it out every month due to changes in the level of liquid in shallow wells.
- The well is pumped within 4-8 hours.
- Collect water in cleaned plastic bottles, but do not use cleaning chemicals as they will affect the result.
- Excess air is removed from the bottle, squeezing it on the sides, then twisted and placed in a dark bag.
The owner of the well has 36 hours to deliver the sample to the laboratory. Be sure to mark the date of collection, year, exact time and location on the bottle.
Bacteriological analysis
- due to the rise of groundwater;
- as a result of contamination with faeces from animals or people;
- due to the penetration of rain and melt water that has passed through dirty soil;
- due to the penetration of rotting particles;
- as a result of deterioration in the general quality of water in the nearest body of water.
For the diagnosis of bacteriological contamination, the rules for collecting water are different.
It is necessary to prepare sterile glass containers, plastic bottles will not work. You can buy containers at a pharmacy or contact a laboratory. You can also steam sterilize the bottle at home.
Water is drawn through a hose or tap, the tip of which is burned with a burner to eliminate surface bacteria. The liquid must first drain for at least 7 minutes. The resulting sample is tightly closed with a lid, put into a bag, the date, time and place of collection are noted.
Microbiological diagnostics
- hydrobiological and microbiological indicators;
- the presence of helminths and bacteria;
- the presence of viruses and molecules of intestinal diseases;
- the content of other microorganisms.
Requires a sterilized glass bottle to collect. Submit water for analysis within 24 hours after receipt.
Water quality indicators
Chemical analysis of quality is carried out according to the norms of SanPiN The results are given in the form of a table, the nature of the smell is separately noted (odorless, rotten, putrid, sour).
Microbiological analysis indicates how many microbes are in the water (there should be no more than 50 bacteria units per unit of volume). They also determine thermotolerant microorganisms that are dangerous to humans. Good quality water contains 0 such parasites. The next indicator is coliform bacteria, indicating faecal contamination. It should also be 0.
It is necessary to carry out microbiological diagnostics with a chemical one in cases where the depth of the well is less than 10 m. Also, experts check the content of washing chemicals and oil products in the water.
Where is the diagnosis performed?
Chemical and bacteriological analysis can be ordered at the Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Service, as well as in a private laboratory. Prices for potable water testing in government agencies may be higher. Also engaged in diagnostics: the laboratory of the water utility, Rospotrebnadzor.
The cost of the procedure
The average price for a complete diagnosis is between 2500-3000 rubles. Analysis for biological indicators will cost less - no more than 2,000 rubles.
Features of checking at home
- Determination of taste and smell. Water is poured into a glass, heated to 20-25 degrees, in another - up to 60 degrees. The smell and taste of the liquid should be absent, as well as specific sensations when used: bitterness, pinching of the tongue.
- Rigidity. The water is boiled and left to cool completely. A white precipitate appears in a hard liquid; the larger it is, the higher the hardness indicator.
- Brewing strong tea. After boiling, tea is brewed, a little pharmacy water without minerals is added to it. If the liquid becomes cloudy, then the well water contains impurities after filtration.
- Bottle test. Water is collected in a plastic bottle and placed in a dark place for 48 hours. If a coating appears, an oil film or liquid turns green, this indicates a large amount of impurities.
- Potassium permanganate solution. A crystal of the substance is added to the water. If the liquid turns yellow, you cannot drink it.
However, none of these methods is capable of giving an accurate analysis of the content of iron, calcium and other trace elements in the composition of the well fluid.
Home diagnostic methods are usually performed after the installation of filter systems. Testing water directly from a well at this stage may not be informative.
Check frequency
The minimum number of checks per year is 1, but sometimes experts recommend taking samples 2-3 times a year. This is especially true when detecting a large number of polluting particles, as well as with a shallow well depth - up to 10 m.
It is important to analyze water for chemical and bacteriological indicators regularly, and not once after the construction of the well. The state of health of all family members depends on this. When drinking low-quality water, the body does not receive the necessary trace elements and is susceptible to infection or intoxication.