Do-it-yourself winter water supply from a well to a house is one of the options for constructing an autonomous water supply system that can be used year-round. The peculiarity of such a highway is that the water supply is laid in special trenches located below the level of freezing of the soil, and is insulated.
Options for arranging a water supply from a well in the country in winter
Winter water supply is necessary at a summer cottage or a personal plot if it is planned to use the system throughout the year. An autonomous station has a large number of advantages, the main ones are:
- A submersible or surface pumping station can be used. The choice usually depends on the depth of the water in the source.
- With the correct drilling and arrangement of the well, the source has excellent characteristics of the composition and taste of well water.
- The water supply system is completely autonomous, for example, if the electricity is turned off at the dacha, you can get water manually.
- You can take care of the source yourself, there is no need to involve specialists whose services cost a lot of money.
If the arrangement of the source was carried out in accordance with all the rules, the water supply system and the source itself will serve their owners for many years.
Winter water supply to the dacha from a well with temporary residence in winter can be equipped in one of two ways:
- Lay the pipe system above the soil freezing depth, but at the same time insulate it.
- Lay the pipeline in trenches below the freezing depth.
Each method has both advantages and disadvantages, therefore, before laying the pipeline, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the features of the arrangement methods.
Laying pipes below the depth of soil freezing
Most often, difficulties arise with the choice of pipes: low-pressure polyethylene pipes cannot be used, since the mass of the soil will lead to cracking of the material, and the metal is corroded. Other disadvantages:
- When installing the system, a large amount of earthwork is required.
- Difficulties in finding damaged sections of the autonomous highway.
- If the depth of the trench is less than the level of soil freezing, the likelihood of damage to the integrity of the pipeline increases significantly.
To minimize the likelihood of a leak, it is necessary to make as few joints between pipes as possible during the construction phase.
Insulation of the plumbing system
Using this method, the pipeline is mounted at a depth of 0.4-0.6 m, while it is insulated in a trench.
For the northern regions of Russia, it is recommended to lining trenches with cellular concrete blocks or bricks. This approach will improve heat storage. The implementation will require considerable financial investments, but this will eliminate the probability of pipes freezing by 100%.
During the construction of a water supply system, two types of insulation are used:
- Soft thermal insulation materials.
- Rigid heat-saving casings.
When choosing a material, you need to pay attention to technical characteristics, resistance to mechanical and physical influences, cost, as well as ease of use.
Preparatory work
Design allows you to solve the following tasks:
- For the correct planning of an autonomous water supply system in a country house or summer cottage, it is necessary to take into account the operational parameters and requirements for the communication network.
- It is important to analyze the total volume of water consumption and the number for its individual nodes.
- Based on the data obtained in the first two paragraphs, you can start drawing up a water supply scheme in the country.
Only after completing all the preparatory work, you can proceed to the selection of pumping equipment, pipes and other parts.
Required tools and materials
For the installation of a plumbing system, which can be used throughout the year, the following equipment is purchased:
- Submersible or surface pump, pumping station.
- Power cable for the pumping station.
- Pipes for laying the path from the well to the house.
- Fittings and valves.
- Control automation (if the equipment is not equipped with automatic units).
When equipping a water supply system at a summer cottage, it is recommended to give preference to pumping stations or a submersible pump installed directly in the well shaft. This approach is due to the fact that the equipment will be located below the level of soil freezing with the arrival of winter.
If the surface pump is located in an unheated room in winter, the remaining water in the pipeline will freeze, causing the entire system to fail.
Installation steps
You need to start arranging water supply with the design of the system, drawing up drawings. The diagram should clearly depict the paths that the water will make from the water intake point to the distribution points in the house.
The branching of pipes in a room can be done in several ways:
- Collector - a separate pipe is supplied to each point of the water intake.
- Consistent - the entire pipeline is installed along the entire building and several branches depart from it to the points of water intake.
It is recommended to resort to the last method if the volume of consumed water resource is small and no more than three people live in the house.
If the building has a washing machine and a dishwasher, there are watering hoses and more than three people live, it is better to install a manifold water supply system that can create optimal pressure in the water column and provide a good pressure from the tap.
Stages of installing a winter water supply system:
- System design. Selection and purchase of equipment and materials.
- Preparation of trenches for pipes. At the bottom of the recess, a layer of sand and gravel is compacted.
- Installation of pumping equipment, accumulator.
- Connection of a pumping station, a hydraulic accumulator with a pipe.
- Cutting the intake pipeline into the well shaft.
- Installation of insulated pipes from the well to the dacha.
- Wiring an autonomous water supply system inside the building.
The installation of the pipeline is carried out using special squeegees - these are special short pipes with threads on both sides. It is pressed against the pipes by fitting adapters or flanges.
To prevent leaks, you need to carefully treat the junction of the parts with a sealant. Polyethylene pipes are connected using fittings or brazing. Additionally, the adhesive joints are treated with silicone sealant. It is strictly forbidden to use bitumen and mastic.
The cost of laying a winter water supply system for a summer residence depends on the area and model of pumping equipment. The average price ranges from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles.