The working pressure in the water supply system is not an easy task. The performance of many household appliances depends on the efficiency of the pressure. In the shower, a high indicator is most important, otherwise the water will simply ooze from the watering can, not being able to rise up the riser.
- City and private pipeline pressure
- Regulatory Requirements
- Pressure unit
- Calculation of water pressure
- Methods for increasing and decreasing the pressure in the pipeline
- Options for increasing pressure in an autonomous and apartment pipeline
- Methods for lowering the pressure in the water supply
- Causes of weak pressure in pipes
City and private pipeline pressure
Optimization of pressure in the city water supply system is impossible, in addition, precise information about the pressure force is not provided at the moment. If the line complies with the established GOST, the pressure will be 4 bar. However, this figure often drops to the level of 2.5-2.7 bar. Therefore, water consumption can be kept to a minimum.
In a private (autonomous) water supply system, the water pressure is calculated individually. It depends on the type of plumbing chosen, as well as the resistance indicator when the resource passes through the pipes from the source. The selected pumping equipment plays a huge role. The optimal indicator in the private sector is a pressure of 1.5-2 bar. You can check this with a pressure gauge.
Regulatory requirements
Measurements of water pressure in apartment buildings and in the private sector practically do not differ. Each type of pipeline has its own limit. For example, the normal value is 1 bar, that is, 1.0197 atmospheres.
In communication water mains, an excess of 4 bar is unacceptable. They are capable of supplying water to riser heights up to 10 meters. With such data, the water pressure will be the same on all floors. However, such high blood pressure is rare. A typical plumbing construction has a mark of 2.5-7.5 bar, the latter being considered high for a conventional plumbing for private and apartment buildings.
If the mark in the city pipeline exceeds 6.5 bar, this can damage a number of electrical appliances: a washing machine, a boiler, a dishwasher. Values up to 10 bar are used only in industrial pipelines with seam and threaded connections.
If a jacuzzi is installed in the house, a pressure indicator for hot water supply of 4 bar is sufficient for it. The washing machine and shower will operate at a constant pressure of 1.5 bar. Thus, the same standard for municipal and private water supply is a pressure of 4 bar. When conducting the initial water supply, it is necessary to find out what the indicators will be.
Pressure unit
When the owner of a house or apartment notices that household appliances do not cope with their tasks, suspicion falls on poor-quality water supply. We have to carry out measurements, for which it is necessary to know exactly the unit by which the pressure force in the water supply systems is determined. Different units of measure for the pressure of water in the water supply can be used.
- The value of the water column, which is determined for hydraulic calculations. It corresponds to the hydrostatic pressure at a column of 1 mm and at a simultaneous temperature of 4 degrees.
- Bar. Its value is equal to one atmosphere or is replaced by the rise of 10 meters of water column.In this case, the smooth operation of the dishwasher will only be carried out at a pressure of at least 2 bar. This can be calculated using a special formula. It is permissible to raise or lower it in extreme cases.
- Technical atmosphere. Determined using the value of the World Ocean. For example, 1 atmosphere fully corresponds to the pressure at the moment of imposition of a force equal to 1 kg on an area of 1 sq. Cm.
- Pascal. Its value implies 1 Newton multiplied by 1 sq. M. Such a unit belongs to international systems, therefore it is used less often in our country.
- PSI, pound per square inch. One PSI unit corresponds to a constant value of 6894.75729 Pa, which can be calculated in MPa. It is more often used on automotive pressure gauges, but sometimes on devices for determining water pressure.
SNiP indicates that the maximum pressure indicator should be no more than 6 atmospheres, while the lower limit should correspond to 0.2 atmospheres or more. The table of standards provided by each supplier will help to verify this.
If the pressure meets the regulatory requirements, water can be provided to all residents without exception in high-rise buildings.
Calculation of water pressure
If there is a pressure gauge installed on the pipe entering the house or apartment, the pressure will be measured automatically without manual calculations. Otherwise, you will have to calculate this value. This procedure takes no more than five minutes. How much the indicator will be can be understood without calculations. Prepare a set of tools:
- removable pressure gauge;
- a hose having the same diameter as on the pipe;
- ½ ”threaded nipple;
- sanitary tape and clamp.
A pressure gauge is fixed on one side of the hose using a clamp, a fitting is inserted into the opposite hole and fixed in the same way. The shower head is removed, a fitting is inserted in its place and the water is switched over several times: a shower tap. This will help flush out the accumulated air. If leaks appear at the joints, it is necessary to eliminate them by attaching plumbing tape. After that, an arrow will show the pressure level in the pipeline on the pressure gauge.
Methods for increasing and decreasing the pressure in the pipeline
Non-compliance with the pressure standards in the pipeline often leads to troubles, so you have to fix this problem with your own hands if the water utility does not provide such a service. There are several ways that help increase and, if necessary, reduce the water pressure in the line.
Options for increasing pressure in an autonomous and apartment pipeline
There are two ways to build up the pressure and enjoy the water for your pleasure without pressure drops. For such purposes, residents can create special conditions: install apartment pumps or pumping stations.
- Ordinary pump. Installation is carried out on a water supply pipe in houses or apartments at the point where the resource is taken - not far from the tap or shower head. Such a device can be used if it is necessary to increase the pressure of the indicator to 1.5 bar. The equipment is easy to maintain and does not require additional components. To improve performance, it is necessary to select a more serious device.
- Pumping station. More suitable for owners of private houses with autonomous water supply. For the operation of such a structure, it is necessary to have additional space, since the pumping station is installed in combination with a storage tank. A basement is suitable for such purposes. Due to the presence of an expansion tank, even if the centralized cold water supply is turned off, the pressure will be maintained and the owner will have enough resource for a day.
Any pump in the system has built-in sensors and control mechanisms that start / stop the device in case of a decrease in the optimal pressure indicator or its increase. Thus, it turns out to decrease or increase the indicators.
Methods for lowering the pressure in the water supply
To lower the water pressure in the water supply network, you will need to install a reducer in the main line at the place where the pipe enters the house or apartment. Such a mechanism is a small structure with two threaded connections. They perfectly protect household appliances from water hammer and reduce the load on the domestic pipeline as a whole.
The principle of operation of the regulator is to equalize the force of the diaphragm and the holding spring. As soon as the water intake takes place, the pressure drops, so the spring action is intensified. In this case, the hole opens until the pressure in the pipeline stabilizes. Accordingly, if the pressure jumps, this will not affect the opening and closing of the built-in valve, so the user will receive a resource with a stable pressure.
Causes of weak pressure in pipes
A number of cases have been registered due to which the water pressure in any type of pipeline may decrease.
- The presence of a large blockage in the cross-section of the pipeline, sludge and other deposits build-up. Over time, the lumen of the nozzles decreases, respectively, and the pressure may drop.
- Accident at the pumping station. With improperly functioning equipment, there may be some problems with the rate of water supply to homes. This may be accompanied by a decrease in pressure or its complete absence for a long time.
- There is no electricity. The pumping station operates from the mains, therefore, when it is turned off, a decrease in water supply to apartment and private houses occurs.
- Leakage formation. If there is a loss of resource in the line leading to the house, this significantly affects the pressure. Under such circumstances, the head is reduced and the water can flow in a thin stream.
- Increased water intake. This problem occurs in late spring, summer and autumn. Most of the population is gardening, making preparations for the winter. For many, fruits grow right on the house plot, even in multi-storey residential areas.
Residents can only endure interruptions in the water supply. In the best case, you can write a collective letter to an organization that provides water supply services. A prerequisite for this is the requirement to regularly measure the water pressure in the pipeline.