Where to go to conclude a contract for cold water supply

A contract for water supply with legal entities or individuals is concluded with the organization of water supply and sewerage facilities. It is formed on the basis of a standard document, which is approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. The contract is concluded for centralized cold water supply and sewerage separately, or a single contract is drawn up for these two services.

Subject of the agreement and payment procedure

One of the most important points of the contract is the date of the start of water supply and the procedure for payment

According to the standard cold water supply contract approved by the government of the Russian Federation, the service provider is obliged to provide subscribers (individuals, legal entities) with drinking or technical water.

The consumer undertakes to pay for the supplied resource of appropriate quality. Households need to comply with the general rules imposed in the contract, to ensure the effective functioning of metering devices.

An obligatory clause of the agreement is the indication of the start date of the resource supply to the subscriber. The guaranteed volume of water provided to the population (including for the needs of firefighting), the pressure level in the system are determined by the conditions of technological connection to the centralized network.

Individuals pay for the services provided in accordance with the procedure and tariffs, which are approved taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation on state regulation of prices. For the billing period, a period of one month is taken. The tariffs adopted at the time of the conclusion of the contract for water supply with the population must be indicated.

Payment for the delivered volume occurs before the 10th day of the following month. The resource organization provides subscribers with an account no later than the 5th day. Reconciliation of settlements is carried out at least once a year or at the initiative of one of the parties. As a result, an act is drawn up, which is signed by the subscriber and the service provider.

Rights and obligations of the parties

The sample water supply contract contains instructions regarding the consumers and the company that owns the resource.

Service provider

Duties of the water supply and sewerage system:

  • to supply subscribers with water in the prescribed volume and quality;
  • ensure the effective functioning of networks located in their area of ​​responsibility;
  • monitor water quality;
  • observe the mode of supplying the resource to the consumer;
  • notify subscribers on the day when water quality does not meet existing standards;
  • respond to customer complaints in the manner prescribed by the law of the Russian Federation;
  • to seal metering devices without extra charge.

The duty of the service provider company is to notify subscribers about the temporary interruption of the resource supply. They must take timely measures to eliminate emergency situations, ensure the possibility of installing fire hydrant indicators. The company needs to equip and effectively operate the buffer zones of water supply sources.

The service provider organization has the right to monitor the correct operation of metering devices, initiate a reconciliation of calculations.The company may require access to networks, non-residential premises where they are located. The organization has the right to restrict the supply of the resource in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.


Obligations of subscribers:

  • ensure the efficient operation of networks owned by them;
  • observe the consumption regime;
  • ensure the safety of seals, water metering;
  • notify authorized organizations about the malfunction of common house networks, about the impossibility of using fire hydrants with insufficient pressure;
  • make payment according to the invoices;
  • provide the possibility of using engineering networks to third parties after agreement with the organization-owner of the resource.

The subscriber has the right, in response to an application to the management company, to receive information about the quality of water. After connecting to the centralized water supply, the user must be promptly notified of the change in tariffs.

The procedure for commercial accounting and control of water quality

The contract specifies the party that makes the commercial metering of water. In the absence of devices measuring the volume of the supplied resource, the subscriber is obliged to notify the RSO within a certain period of time and ensure their availability.

Removal of indicators from accounting equipment is carried out on the last day of the current month. The transfer of information is carried out by the parties by any convenient means of communication.

When monitoring the quality of water supplied to subscribers for drinking purposes, the legislation of the Russian Federation is taken as a basis. A temporary minimal discrepancy of the parameters is allowed, but with the obligatory subsequent elimination of the problems that have appeared.

The subscriber has the right to independently take water samples and submit them for analysis to accredited organizations. He must notify the plumbing company of his actions no later than 3 days before the event.

Other consumer responsibilities

The consumer is obliged to provide the organization-provider of services with access to the water supply system, metering devices, places of receiving water samples. The company notifies the subscriber in advance about the time of the visit and the list of verifiers. Employees of the organization on the spot present a certificate or power of attorney.

The subscriber has the right to take part in the verification process. If access is denied, the consumer pays for the amount of water determined by calculation.

When transferring rights to water supply facilities, the consumer is obliged to notify the company within 3 days. He sends them a written application. A list of persons who received the rights and documents confirming this fact are added to the notification.

Conditions of water supply to other persons

The user provides the organization with information about the subscribers. All data is transmitted in writing. The list of persons, the period of use of the networks, schemes and methods of connection are indicated.

The water supply company is not responsible for violations of the terms of the contract in relation to sub-subscribers.

Dispute Resolution Procedure

If there is a disagreement with one of the parties, it is necessary to present it with a claim containing the following information:

  • general information about the applicant;
  • the content of the dispute;
  • information about the object in relation to which there was a disagreement.

After receiving the claim, the party gives an answer within 5 days. The dispute is resolved in the form of an act. Without reaching an agreement, the parties solve the problem in court.

Responsibility and other clauses of the contract

For failure to comply with the terms of the agreement, the parties are responsible as provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. If the organization violates the requirements regarding the quality of water, the mode of its supply, the subscriber may receive a reduction in the amount of payment for the services provided. If the consumer does not properly settle accounts, the company has the right to issue an invoice including a penalty.

The standard contract form also indicates the validity period of the document, the conditions for the temporary interruption of the water supply and the force majeure circumstances.

Conditions for concluding a contract

To draw up a contract for connecting to a centralized water supply, you must apply to the service provider organization. The subscriber additionally provides information on the balance of water consumption and water disposal, water sampling schemes.

The consumer attaches to the application a copy of the ownership documents, technical documentation. It is also necessary to present a power of attorney if the subscriber is represented by his authorized person. The exact list of documents is indicated by the service provider organization.

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