How to unscrew the water filter and what problems may arise during this

The quality of tap water that a person uses for domestic and food purposes is of great importance. This is due to the fact that a high concentration of metals, salts and other harmful substances adversely affects not only the operational life of household appliances and plumbing, but also human well-being and health. In order to purify the liquid, various water filters are used. With prolonged use, they become clogged and need to be replaced.

Structure and purpose

After the expiration of a certain period of operation, the cartridge in the filter must be replaced

When buying water purification filters, detailed instructions for use and device are attached to the equipment. This data should not be neglected. Each cartridge has a certain service life, after which it ceases to perform its functions and pathogenic microflora actively develops in it.

If households use large volumes of water, the filter should be replaced more often than the prescribed time. If the volumes are small, you can wait. You should also observe the rate of passage of water through the filter element. If the fluid clears slowly, the filter is clogged and must be replaced.

Integrated water treatment scheme

To understand in which direction to unscrew the main water filter or how to remove the flask without a key, you need to familiarize yourself with the structure of the cartridges. There are several types of treatment systems that require replacement of components at the end of their service life:

  • filters for purifying cold tap water;
  • reverse osmosis system equipment;
  • systems with a mechanical cleaning method.
Water purification filter diagram

The treatment system consists of the following parts:

  • replaceable cylinder or rubber seals;
  • filter head equipped with a pressure release button;
  • flask.

The cartridge has a cylindrical shape, made of polyethylene, cardboard, polypropylene and activated carbon. The main goal is the mechanical removal of impurities, salts and metals, solid foreign particles from tap water. The inner part is hollow, where the filtered liquid is concentrated. The upper and lower parts are equipped with rubberized rings.

When replacing the cartridge, craftsmen are often faced with the fact that the water filter does not unscrew. During operation, the flask and lid stick to each other. In such situations, a special key solves the problem.

How to unscrew the water filter

Filter Housing Removal Keys

The filter acts as a kind of sponge. It absorbs dirt and solid particles, toxic substances, and therefore needs special care. Each manufacturer outlines an approximate application time. Typically, the service life of the filter does not exceed 8 months.

Before replacing, you need to prepare working equipment. To disassemble the water filter, a special wrench is required, which is included in the kit. If it has been lost, you can purchase it at any specialized store. The most important part of the preparatory work is the supply of water, which will be needed to clean and wash the unusable filter.

First of all, you must stop the water supply to the cleaning device. For this, a special tap is closed. If it has not been installed, the full supply of water to the house, apartment is temporarily interrupted.

Water pressure release is carried out by a special button

The next stage is a complete release of pressure in the system.For this, the equipment is equipped with a special button, most often red. If it is not provided in the model, it is enough to use any tap on the mixer. To prevent active splashing of liquid, the tap is opened carefully and slowly.

Using a special key, the container is untwisted. If parts stick to each other, the whole process becomes more complicated. Care must be taken, otherwise the case may crack. The filter is unscrewed clockwise.

After complete removal, the cylinder is removed from the device. If the elastic bands on both sides are well preserved, they can be reused. Before installation, they are thoroughly washed and dried. The flask is also washed thoroughly.

It is strongly discouraged to use store-bought household chemicals for flushing.

A new coarse filter is mounted in a clean flask. The cylinder is secured with a wrench. The access of liquid to the cleaning system is gradually opened. You need to carefully check the pipeline for leaks.

Possible problems and solutions

Removing the filter flask with improvised means

Water filter wrenches are not famous for their excellent quality and, despite rare use, they often break. In this case, you can always purchase a new puller, its cost in specialized stores ranges from 200-300 rubles. However, there is no guarantee that it will not break down within a short time either. Also, special attention should be paid to improvised means that can fully replace a removable key.

When replacing a cartridge, a cleaning system often encounters several common problems.

  • After re-twisting, the water still leaks. To solve the problem, you need to re-disassemble the entire installation and carefully check the condition of the sealing rubber bands, perhaps they still need to be replaced.
  • If you cannot unscrew the cylinder and there is no special key, you need to use simple devices. For example, a regular leather belt or clothesline, a screwdriver or an unnecessary drill, a metal rod, a piece of pipe 30-40 cm long, an old car timing belt are used as a puller. In most cases, these tools will solve the problem.

After completion of work, it is prohibited to use the incoming liquid immediately. The water needs to be drained continuously for about 10 minutes. This will clean the filter itself from dirt and dust. If you neglect these rules, poisonous substances will settle in the liquid, which will negatively affect the well-being and health of a person. At the end of rinsing, the filter is ready for use.

The demand for purification systems for tap water is growing noticeably, since the quality of the water used plays an important role in human life. The liquid, enriched with admixtures of salts and metals, promotes the deposition of sand in the kidneys and the formation of tartar, brittle hair and nails, and has a negative effect on the condition of the skin. To prevent these unpleasant phenomena, you need to monitor the water filter and regularly carry out preventive maintenance.
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