How wells are dug under water and how much it can cost

Drilling your own water well on the site is a good solution that will make the house separate and independent from the central water supply. The quality of such water can always be monitored and adjusted if deviations appear. The cost of building a well is quite acceptable for many owners of their own plots.

Preparatory work

Temporary structures when digging

Digging a water source must be planned in advance. Best of all - at the construction stage of the summer cottage. It is necessary to properly dig a well so that the groundwater is close to the surface of the earth. It is also important to consider that the source is as close to home as possible. All this will reduce the cost of digging and carrying pipes.

However, it is better to build a well after the construction of the main building. This is due to the fact that during the construction of a house, heavy equipment is often used, which can damage the structure of the source.

The preparatory work also includes the timely purchase of all the necessary tools and materials. It is necessary to purchase materials with a small margin; in most cases, additional consumable items and tools will be required during the construction process.

Tools, materials and their cost

For wells, I often use reinforced concrete rings with a lock

The main consumable, the quality of which will affect the service life of the well and the ease of work, is reinforced concrete rings. Typically, a reinforced material with or without a lock is used. The standard diameter is 1 m, the height is 80 cm.

You will also need to install a house for a well or other protective mechanism, including a cover. It is more efficient and convenient to use a plastic hatch cover, which protects against precipitation and pollution, weighs little and does not corrode.

Some home owners and customers prefer to use other materials for the hatch, for example, a cast iron cover with a reinforced concrete base under it.

Reinforced concrete rings can be grooved for ease of installation, but there are options without them. They are cheaper, but require additional processing during installation.

Other elements that may be required for the construction of a turnkey well with an envisaged water drainage system to other structures of the site:

  • metal and plastic pipes with a diameter of 0.8 m;
  • sleeves made of stainless steel for pumps from 124 to 154 mm diameter;
  • bottom filter screens;
  • filter nets for renovation works;
  • cement and gravel;
  • cable with a carabiner;
  • quartz sand and pebbles of different fractions.

A more expensive version of rings for a well is a polymer-sand material. It has less weight, but it costs much more than reinforced concrete structures.

The cost of the main materials - rings - starts from 1,500 rubles and can reach 2,000 without taking into account the price of digging a hole.

From tools you will need: crowbars, shovels, ropes, ladder, buckets. You may also need tripods with a lifting mechanism to lower the rings into the dug well.

Stages of construction of a water well

Steps: marking, digging, setting rings and deepening

The stages of creating a well in a summer cottage or a private plot are the same, regardless of whether the company is engaged in construction or the owner of the land himself. The algorithm looks something like this:

  1. Markup. With the help of restraining tapes, pegs and ropes, markings are set at the intended place. Its diameter should be 10-30 cm larger than the outer diameter of the wall rings.
  2. Pit preparation.They begin to dig a hole up to 80 cm deep with shovels - to the standard height of the ring. Then the pit must be leveled and the first ring is lowered to its bottom.
  3. Deepening the pit. They continue to dig a hole with the digging of the soil under the installed ring so that it goes down. It is important to monitor the uniform lowering of the ring - it should not be distorted.
  4. Installation of the next ring. When the first element is almost hidden in the ground, the next ring is placed on it and connected to metal brackets.
  5. Dig until water appears at the bottom. As soon as the liquid appears, this is noted, they dig a depth of 1 more ring and pump out the released water. For this, a drainage pump is used.

All joints and cracks between the rings, in the walls of the elements, are sealed with a prepared cement-sand mortar, since the structure must be airtight.

After the main stage of construction, water is completely pumped out of the well 3-4 times more. After that, a three-layer filter is placed on the bottom. Outside, the walls are insulated to the level of freezing of the soil, then a sand and gravel mixture is poured between them and the edges of the pit.

The given example of work is based on the accurate method of digging a well. If a different method is used, when they first dig a hole, only then install all the rings, the steps of the algorithm change somewhat.

Formation of the cost of work

Digging with a hole drill is sometimes more expensive than manually

The cost of drilling water wells includes various cost items. However, they can be less or more depending on the following factors:

  • Features of the terrain and soil. The cost of drilling hard and soft ground will differ. However, soft does not always mean comfortable, because the risk of a collapse remains.
  • Well depth. The lower this figure, the cheaper it is to dig a well.
  • The number of rings used. Directly depends on the depth of the mine being dug. The expense is also spent on sealing materials and related elements.
  • Delivery of materials. If you cannot bring everything on your own, you will need to hire a car. In some cases, the merchant companies offer free shipping. However, usually you have to pay extra for it.
  • Removal of soil. If it is not possible to apply a large amount of soil rock on the site, it must be disposed of. Do it yourself or hire an appropriate service.
  • Construction method. There are two methods, the first is digging the shaft and setting the rings after the first step is completed. This is the easiest way, but you will have to hire a special crane to implement it. The second method requires increased care and implementation experience. The mine is dug inside a ring located in the ground and lowered as the hole deepens. When the ring approaches the ground level, the next ring is placed on it. This method does not require the involvement of a lifting machine.

The average cost of all elements and works can be given conditionally. After all, all these factors under an unfavorable combination of circumstances can increase prices by almost 2 times, and with good characteristics of the site, they can save up to 50%.

Well end cost table:

Number of ringsDepthRings priceDigging cost
10-158-12 m16-24 thousandfrom 18 to 30.5 thousand
16-2012.8-16 mfrom 25 to 32 thousandfrom 33 to 45 thousand
21-2517-20 mfrom 33 to 40 thousandfrom 48 to 63 thousand

Rings and work prices may vary by region.

Drilling a water well on your own site is costly but rewarding. This allows you to abandon the central water supply, get water of better purification and the ability to be independently responsible for the water supply of the house and the site.
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