Not only the state of plumbing and the performance of household appliances, but also human health depends on the quality of the water used. As you know, the body is 80% water, it follows that the functioning and state of vital organs and systems depends on the quality of the fluid used. Many homeowners build autonomous water supply systems on their backyards so that the quality is "at the highest level". However, the composition of the fluid from an artesian well depends on many factors.
How to determine the quality of water from a well at home
According to statistics, each person uses at least 2 liters of water daily. Together with it, not only useful, but also toxic substances can enter the body. Water is a universal solvent that does not occur in pure form in nature. It can be saturated with both useful macro- and microelements and pathogenic microorganisms. All this affects the appearance, smell and taste.
Numerous studies by scientists have shown that regular use of low-quality water speeds up the aging process by 30%, and also serves as a provoking factor in 70-80% of cases of disease development.
The main reasons why you need to test water for drinking at home from wells:
- If a well or well is built on a personal plot, only the homeowner is responsible for the quality of the water used. Municipal organizations do not have such powers, so you need to check the quality yourself.
- Often, well fluid becomes unusable if the location of the cesspool nearby was not taken into account at the design stage of the water supply system. Often during the construction of the latter, the walls are not cemented, therefore, the soil and wastewater are polluted.
- The close location of industrial and chemical plants. If waste gets into the soil, it will poison the waste stream and the liquid will become unusable.
If it is not possible to take samples to the laboratory, you can check the quality of the water from the well at home.
How to do a well water analysis at home
The easiest way to determine the quality of a liquid is by visual observation. To do this, you need to trust your senses.
To determine the color with high accuracy, you need to put a white sheet of paper behind the glass beaker with the contents. Well fluids do not have to be crystal clear and transparent, minor deviations are allowed. To determine the quality for color, the following indicators allow:
- Gray and / or black shade - high content of potassium permanganate (manganese) in the composition.
- A large amount of sediment falls out, the liquid is cloudy and brown shades prevail in it - a high content of ferrous or ferric iron.
- Turbid liquid with a predominance of milky shades - high concentration in the composition of gases.
- If, after thermal exposure, red shades begin to predominate in the color, this indicates the presence of iron in the composition.
- The precipitate does not fall out, but the liquid has a yellowish color - bacteria.
Based on these data, it is possible to find out which chemical elements or pathological organisms prevail in the composition.
The scent also helps to determine if the well fluid is usable.
- The smell of dampness indicates a high content of organic matter in the composition.
- If there is a pronounced aroma of rotten foods, the water is enriched with hydrogen sulfide.
- Pronounced chemical odors, such as fuels and lubricants or plastic, indicate serious contamination. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to use it inside until thorough laboratory tests have been carried out.
Drinking water should not have any odors.
This stage of research can be started only if the two previous methods have confirmed the proper quality of the liquid. During the experiment, it is not at all necessary to swallow the product; it is enough to take a small amount into the mouth.
- Salty taste - high concentration of mineral salts.
- Pronounced metal taste - the content of ferrous or ferric iron.
- A slight tingling of the tongue and mucous membranes of the oral cavity is an alkali in the composition.
If the water does not have any foreign odors, tastes and aromas, you can subject it to several more quality tests.
This method allows you to determine the presence and amount of foreign impurities in the composition. The liquid must be poured into a clean container, closed with a lid and placed in a dark place for several days. If a precipitate has formed or a film has formed on the surface, the water is unusable due to the high content of harmful impurities.
Thermal impact
When heated, the manifestation of the chemical properties of the well fluid is enhanced. To do this, bring the water to a boil, and then continue simmering over low heat for 15 minutes. After the water has cooled, you can summarize. Scale gray - high calcium content, brown-yellow - iron.
Potassium permanganate test
Plain potassium permanganate will help determine if the water is drinkable. For this, a small amount of a substance is added to a container with a liquid and the reaction is evaluated. The water should turn light pink. If a yellowish tint prevails, it is better to refrain from using it. This is due to the fact that a large amount of organic matter destroys manganese.
When making tea, you should pay attention to the transparency of the drink. Add about 50 ml of raw water to a glass of freshly brewed tea. If the drink becomes cloudy, such a liquid is unusable due to the large amount of harmful substances, salts and organic matter in the composition.
Can home analysis replace laboratory
In laboratory conditions, a detailed study of the chemical and bacteriological composition of water is carried out for more than 15 indicators. Unfortunately, no home test will give such a detailed and detailed result. If the quality of the liquid in the source is in doubt, and home methods are not soothing, it is better to take the samples to a specialized organization.
Home screening methods are more suitable for ongoing monitoring of the quality of the fluid consumed. This should be done regularly, since the composition of the soil and wastewater changes continuously. The high intensity of such changes is observed in spring and autumn during melting snows and heavy rains.