The device of a well for water in the country or in a country house allows you to solve a large number of problems. Firstly, all households will consume an unlimited amount of high quality water, and secondly, there will be no difficulties with watering the flower garden and vegetable garden. Before constructing an autonomous water supply system in your personal plot, you need to find out what types and features of operation exist.
How to choose a well for a summer residence
In order for the water source to serve households for many years, it is important to choose the right type of source correctly. The type of water intake point depends on the following factors:
- Drilling technology used.
- The amount of work carried out.
- The depth of the aquifer.
There is an Abyssinian, sandy and artesian source. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which must be familiarized even at the design stage.
Abyssinian well
This variety is considered the simplest, due to the shallow depth of groundwater. You can drill it yourself without special equipment. Also, the Abyssinian well has a name - a needle and a driven well.
The depth of such a source ranges from 3 to 12 meters. However, before carrying out work, it is imperative to study the area for the presence of cesspools, sedimentation tanks and other structures that can poison the soil and groundwater.
You can drill an Abyssinian well not only on a personal plot, but also in a basement. The second option is preferable if the water intake will be carried out in winter as well.
To drill such a source, you will need the following equipment:
- pipes made of plastic (polyethylene, propylene, PVC) or metal;
- grandmother with a bum;
- zaburnik;
- clamp;
- plug-in filter.
For uninterrupted and comfortable water intake, the source can be equipped with a surface water pump and a hand water pump.
Sand well
Water is extracted from a sandy aquifer. The depth can be up to 50 meters. When giving preference to a sand well, you should pay attention to the following points:
- Long service life, subject to all operating rules and proper improvement, however, it is regularly required to check the quality of well water due to the continuous change in the composition of soils and groundwater.
- The source is quite economical.
- The flow rate (productivity) of the well will be enough to supply water to the residents of the house and to irrigate a small summer cottage.
The source should be located away from the source of soil contamination (toilet, cesspools, etc.). If all sanitary and epidemiological conditions are met, the quality will remain consistently good for many years. The average service life of a sand well is 10-15 years.
Artesian well
If there is a limestone layer on the territory, then it can be used to extract high-quality and tasty water.To make sure that it is available on your personal plot, you can ask your neighbors (perhaps they already have an autonomous water supply system) or order a trial drilling from a specialized company.
The depth of the aquifer can fluctuate within 30-200 meters, so the development of the site will require special equipment and specialists. The work is expensive, but the source has many advantages. The main advantages are high quality of produced water and durability. The service life of such a source ranges from 50 to 80 years.
Lifting liquid to the surface requires the installation of powerful and efficient equipment. For smooth operation, you will need a pumping station or submersible (deep) pump, a hydraulic accumulator and a caisson.
Drilling water wells at a summer cottage
In most cases, drilling a water source requires special equipment in the form of a machine equipped with expensive installations. Such transport is large enough, therefore, an access road is required, as well as a site for work. There are several mechanical methods of drilling with tools capable of breaking rock.
Workers prefer two methods - slaughter or ring. To prevent clogging of devices and empty the mine, the destroyed rock is washed out with flushing fluid.
Work equipment and consumables
If the drilling is carried out by representatives of special organizations using equipment, the preparation of consumables and working equipment is not the concern of the homeowner. If all the work will be carried out independently, it is required to prepare a strong and reliable tripod, a winch. The main drilling tool is a durable ice screw.
For the arrangement, you need to prepare:
- several types of plastic (polyethylene, propylene, PVC) or metal pipes with different diameters;
- caisson;
- valves;
- a good quality filter (it is recommended to install not only at the bottom of the source, but also on the surface for more thorough cleaning);
- surface, submersible water pump or finished pumping station.
Before purchasing expensive equipment, it will be necessary to measure the diameter of the well. The pumping equipment must move freely through the well shaft.
Determining the location of drilling
At the planning and design stage, it is necessary to conduct hydrogeological surveys to select the most suitable location for the source. To do this, you can call specialists, use proven folk methods, or simply interview neighbors on the street. It is best to start with the latter.
The survey reveals:
- The depth of the aquifer at the already existing points of water intake. You can ask the owners of all types of autonomous water supply sources.
- Static level stability. There is a dynamic and static level of the location of the water mirror, it is important not to confuse these concepts and carry out calculations using special formulas. The static level can drop significantly during dry periods.
- Geological setting, more precisely, what kind of rock was observed while drilling the source. Be sure to check if there were any boulders.
Suitable sites are most often located in flat terrain, a characteristic feature of which is the horizontal occurrence of all geological "wealth". Small deviations will only be due to the difference in absolute elevations between the drilling point and the actual source.
Also, experts recommend deciding on laying the shortest path from the source to the house.
Drilling methods
To carry out large-scale work, special installations are required, which, if desired, can be made by hand or seek qualified help from specialists. The type of rig will depend on the chosen drilling method:
- rotary;
- screw;
- shock-rope.
To make such an installation, you will need a welding machine, a grinder and a drill. Inexperienced people first need to practice on something. The construction of a homemade drilling rig will take a lot of time and effort, but in the future it can be used for other purposes.
The principle of the first method is to use a self-propelled drilling rig. Dimensions and equipment with additional elements depend on the working conditions. The equipment in the course of work with the help of rotary movements of the bit breaks the rock and gradually sinks into the soil layers. During the work, the installation must be flushed with water, otherwise the structural parts will clog and become less productive.
The auger method involves the use of a special auger, similar to an ice drill, only of large dimensions. Install it in a previously dug hole no more than 3 meters deep.
The shock-rope method is the easiest to implement. The destruction of soil layers occurs due to a sharp mechanical impact, in this case - the fall of a heavy bottomhole glass from a tower, the height of which, as a rule, is more than two meters.
How to equip a water well in the country
Having reached the required level, it is necessary to start arranging the source. The first step is to install a depth filter. You can make it yourself. This will require a filter mesh with a suitable hole diameter, perforation and casing. It is enough to assemble the filter column from the pipe, the filter and the sump, fix the structure and lower it into the well shaft.
The next stage is the preparation of a mixture of coarse sand and fine crushed stone. The components are mixed and poured into the cavity between the source wall and the pipe. It is important to simultaneously pump water in order to flush the cleaning structure well.
The first swing is done using a centrifugal screw pump. The water is pumped out until the well shaft is filled with clean and transparent water. The equipment is tied to a safety cable (there are special holes for attachment on deep pumps) and lowered into the pipe. Next, you need to bring a pipeline to all water intake points, for example, a house, a summer kitchen, a bathhouse, etc.
The power and modification of the pumping equipment depends on several factors: the depth of the source and its distance from buildings, the diameter of the casing pipe. If the source is shallow, a surface pump can be used.
The caisson, which will protect the well from clogging and freezing, can be built in the form of a canopy, a decorative well, or a house. Inside it must be sealed and insulated.
Correct operation
The service life of the water supply system at the dacha from the well will depend on the characteristics of the operation of the source. In order for it to serve for more than one year, you should pay attention to the following rules:
- Choose the right pumping equipment. Too strong will quickly drain the source. Therefore, before purchasing the units, you need to compare the well flow rate with the characteristics of the engine.
- Additionally, the well is equipped with a cover that prevents foreign objects from entering, for example, debris, birds, insects, dust, etc.
It is necessary to regularly disinfect the source and monitor the quality of well water. Due to the continuous change in the composition of soil and groundwater, the quality can change for the worse.