For autonomous water supply, a well or a well is erected at a summer cottage or adjoining site. Before construction, it is important to find out whether it is necessary to obtain a license for a hydraulic structure, and if so, how to carry out the procedure.
The need for licensing for individuals
Water intakes that do not pierce the aquifer do not require permission for their construction; you can drill a shallow well or a well at any time. In this case, you can pump water immediately after starting the hydraulic structure and checking the composition.
According to the Subsoil Law, there is no need to agree on water intake in the following cases:
- The produced liquid is not used for commerce.
- The structure is located at the level of the first aquifer.
- The volume of the extracted liquid per day is not more than 100 "cubes".
- The source is not on the balance sheet.
Downhole installations are subdivided into three types: high-water, sand and artesian. The first of them are no more than 5 meters deep. They are more often used for the production of technical water in SNT for household use. The second option is devices for sand. They are buried 5–30 meters down to the interstratal layer. There is no need to coordinate the drilling of upper water and sand wells.
The third type - artesian - reaches the aquifer lying between the layers of limestone rocks. A permit is required to create such a hydraulic structure. The depth of artesian wells subject to licensing is from 45 to 200 meters.
Required documents
An indispensable condition for allowing the creation of deep wells and subsequent water intake is the development of a project for a hydraulic structure and a sanitary zone around it. It can only be performed by a licensed organization. Specialists must carry out exploration work in the place where it is planned to drill a well for water. Based on the results, they will create a project taking into account all the features of the relief and nearby buildings.
In addition to the project, an individual will need:
- application for a license;
- passport and extract from Rosreestr, which confirms the ownership of the land plot;
- situational, general and cadastral plans;
- TIN certificate.
The tenant of the land also has the opportunity to create a hydraulic structure, if a long-term lease agreement and the consent of the owner are provided.
How and where to get a license
The registration of water wells and the issuance of licenses are handled by specialists from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, which oversees subsoil use.
A permit for the construction of a well for individuals is obtained in the following order:
- Calculate the balance of consumed and discharged water in the house or in the country.
- Apply for an opinion on the granting of water use rights to the local department.
- They order a project of a hydraulic structure and a sanitary protection zone in a licensed organization.
- A set of documents is prepared for an application for geological research in a specific area and is coordinated with the specialists of the department.
- Geoexamination is carried out at the site of the future water intake facility and the project is approved.
- A borehole is being drilled.
To obtain a license for water use, you need to take water samples from a well at the site and hand them over to a laboratory in order to determine the purity of the liquid by chemical and bacteriological composition. The results will be confirmed by a report, which must be endorsed by two specialists. On its basis, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on water safety is given.
It is also required to create a sanitary security zone. In a fenced area of 30 m around the aquifer, the presence of any buildings is not allowed, any economic activity cannot be carried out.
After checking all these points by the selection committee, the own deep well will be licensed. The relevant documents will be issued, and the hydrotechnical structure itself will receive a number in the State Water Cadastre. The license is granted for a period of 25 years, after which the registration procedure must be repeated.
Terms and cost of obtaining a license
The design of the water intake device is time-consuming and costly. According to administrative regulations, the period during which an application for subsoil use is considered is 65 days.
After obtaining the right to use water for the purpose of geological research, the project is being developed, and the water reserves at the source are estimated. How long it will last depends on the organization that the owner of the future well will hire and the complexity of the project.
After that, it will take time to review the project documentation and issue the next permit for the extraction of groundwater.
Registration of works on geological research of the territory is carried out within 10 days, design expertise is 70 days. It takes another 90 days to estimate the water reserves in the source that will feed the well. It will take 2 months to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor after drilling a mine. It will take another 65 days to check all the necessary indicators.
At the same time, you can work on the approval of the project for the arrangement of the sanitary zone. The total duration of all events is on average about a year.
As for the costs of official registration of a hydraulic structure, they consist of several points. The cost of registration of the water intake structure includes:
- design work for the hydraulic structure itself and the creation of a security zone - an average of 100,000 rubles;
- obtaining the conclusions of the sanitary and epidemiological authorities (Rospotrebnadzor) - 80,000 rubles;
- registration of the well in the geofond, registration in the State Water Cadastre - 70,000 rubles.
The price of drilling a running meter of a mine is determined depending on the type of soil and climatic zone and starts from one and a half thousand rubles.
It turns out that in order to build and arrange a personal well installation with a depth of 100 meters, you will have to pay 400,000 rubles.
To reduce costs, it is worth building a collective water intake for 10-15 farms, each of which will contribute to the costs of building and decorating a hydraulic structure.
Expert advice
Well license operations are labor intensive and time consuming and are costly to the budget. In order not to spend too much and not fall for the tricks of private companies, you should pay attention to the recommendations of professionals:
- A hydrogeologist with experience in performing groundwater assessment reports should be hired to handle the documentation.
- When contacting a private company, try to reduce communication with representatives of the management department to the necessary minimum. We need a hydrogeological engineer who is able to see all the nuances even at the initial design stages.
- You should not "be led" on assurances of connections in the department and Rospotrebnadzor.In the process of passing the state examination, a commission is working, and there is no way to determine who will deal with your issue.
Remember that contacting companies that assure future well owners that all work will be completed in six months or less will result in additional financial costs.
Additional legal requirements
In addition to obtaining a license, according to the law, each owner of a deep well structure must install metering devices and meters for the level of subsoil waters on it. Checking the readings of water meters is carried out by specialists from Rospotrebnadzor, and the water sensors that measure the level are monitored by the environmental prosecutor's office.
All hydraulic structures that are in an emergency state, or those that are not used, will have to be liquidated in accordance with the design documents.
It is legally stipulated that every well owner must take measures to prevent depressurization of the casing. This element isolates aquifers when drilling new or restoring existing hydraulic structures.
Another important point is related to the requirement to install monitoring wells with a daily volume of water consumption of more than 100 cubic meters.
Responsibility for well operation without a license
Water intake facilities can be used only with a permit, which is provided for by law No. 380-FZ. The uncontrolled use of artesian water can lead to the fact that the sources available in this area run out or become polluted.
Water intake facilities not protected by a license are subject to dismantling, and administrative sanctions are applied to their owners. The size of the fines reaches:
- for individuals - 3000–5000 rubles;
- for enterprises - 800,000-1,000,000 rubles;
- for heads of organizations - 30,000-50,000 rubles.
Even more serious problems will arise if the operation of a downhole installation has led to pollution or other damage to water resources. You will be required to pay the full amount of the court order.
Well licensing is under government supervision. This procedure is regulated by the normative act "On Subsoil". Obtaining a license is necessary to regulate groundwater abstraction and protect sources from pollution.
Only in Russia are such prices and terms of approval. The bureaucracy is powerful, you don't want wells and water!