The owners of private households, on the territory of which the well is located, sometimes have problems with the water supply. Water from a well with a pump can not flow only in a few cases. To get rid of the problem, first of all, it must be correctly installed. There are several main causes of malfunctions and how to fix them.
The main causes of pump malfunctions
If the pressure is weak or not at all, and the water system continues to hum, perhaps the problem lies in mechanical damage to the unit or its clogging. It is necessary to analyze if the water quality has changed in recent days. If so, most likely, the cause of the malfunction is an ordinary blockage. Sand, silt, algae clog the system and disable the pump.
The most obvious characteristic of clogging is the appearance of sand and other impurities in the water flowing out from the tap. Gradually, the head becomes less, until the water stops flowing at all. Most pumps are equipped with a contamination guard, but this does not always work properly.
Clearing blockages
To get rid of the problem, you will need to do the following:
- The submersible pump is lifted to the surface from the well.
- The remaining water is pumped out from the station.
- Thoroughly rinse the internal components of the hose and the entire device.
- Re-start the pump and pump out the liquid.
It is recommended to clean the device regularly. Preventive cleaning will have a beneficial effect on water quality and pump life.
The pump is running, but the water is not pumping
If no problems were identified with the electrics, hoses and pipes, the reason lies in the pump itself. Before you start pumping fluid from the well, you need to carry out the following algorithm of actions:
- Check the function of the check valve and filter. They need to be cleaned or, if necessary, replaced completely. This will depend on the degree of wear of the parts and their contamination. The components are not so expensive, so it is better to change them at the first signs of deformation and wear.
- A common problem is that a node that shuts down the system when the fluid supply is cut off can burn out or be mechanically damaged. It makes no sense to repair this component, it needs to be replaced with a new part. Thanks to this, it will be possible to minimize the likelihood of repeated breakdown. Finally, it is also worth checking whether the water supply from the well is optimal, since the part can often fail if the water level in the well drops to a critical level.
Unfortunately, the list of common faults does not end there. The reasons why the water pump stops pumping liquid:
- Centrifugal pumps are quite powerful, so they can pump out fluid faster than it will be filled in the well. It is necessary to choose the right pumping equipment, based on the needs that it must satisfy.
- The unit will not have the required power to provide a good head in the house if the depth of water is about 40 m, and the pump is designed to pump water from a depth of 25-30 m.
- Power outages can adversely affect the operation of all electrical appliances. It is recommended to install voltage stabilizers to avoid equipment breakdown or burnout.
- Disconnection from the pipeline. This problem is accompanied by a characteristic gurgle.
If all the above solutions to the problem did not help, you need to get the submersible pump out of the well and take it to the service center. If you do not have the necessary knowledge, you cannot start the repair yourself. The unit must remain sealed due to operation in a humid environment.
Other problems
The most common breakdowns include:
- Electrical malfunction, one or more parts are out of order.
- The mechanical parts of the water pump are out of order.
- Violation of the tightness of the pipeline. The cause may also be the formation of cracks and holes in the pipes.
- Violations in the operation of the control units of the pumping station.
To identify the problem, you need to remove the pump from the well and immerse it in a container filled with clean water. You can use a large barrel or basin. If, when turned on, the engine continues to work properly, the electrician is working properly. If the motor does not show "signs of life", you need to call a specialist.
It is not recommended to start repairing the engine on your own. A professional must eliminate the breakdown.
During work, you need to pay attention to whether there are cracks and holes in the pipes. Any, even slight deformation, negatively affects the pressure. To make sure that it is working properly, you need to close the outlet hole with your hands. Thus, the pressure in the pipes will increase and even minor damaged areas will manifest themselves.
If the hose has been torn, it makes no sense to glue it up. You need to buy a new one. This is due to the fact that the sealed hose will break again under the influence of strong fluid pressure. The tape will peel off and the glue will rinse off.
Troubleshooting principle
For the smooth and correct operation of submersible and surface pumps, only two things are required - electricity and water. If you calculate which of these elements does not allow the equipment to work, this will simplify the process of finding a breakdown.
For an uninterrupted supply of water to the house, you need to comply with 4 fundamental conditions:
- There must be water in the source.
- The pumping station must be provided with an uninterrupted power supply. This assumes the appropriate frequency and voltage for which the pump is designed.
- Indicators of productivity and power should be within the normal range, this indicates the serviceability of the equipment.
- All piping, taps, valves and filters must perform their tasks without interruption.
As a rule, the water supply system in private houses is also used for watering the garden, lawn irrigation. The source of failure can be in three places:
- in a hydraulic unit;
- in the ground;
- inside the house.
It is recommended to calculate problems using the elimination method. To do this, turn off the supply hose in the caisson. If the water continues to flow, the fault must be looked for on the main pipeline in the trench or in the house itself. If the water stops flowing, the problem is looked for below the ground level in the equipment or well.