The need for water filtration with modern purification systems

Water is of decisive importance in human life, and its quality is the guarantee of health. But not only. There will be no water, there will be no way to cook normal, healthy food. Water is essential to keep your home clean and personal hygiene. And your plumbing is nothing without water. In its absence, the heating system in the house will also not function.

The need for water filtration

Today, water quality often does not meet sanitary standards and rules. The reasons for this may lie in any natural phenomena or be the result of human activity. The anthropogenic impact on the environment, including natural sources of drinking water, continues to increase.

Therefore, there is a need for water purification devices. Such filters are also needed for the normal functioning of the water supply system as a whole. During its operation, deposits of various kinds appear on the inner walls of the pipes, which narrow its lumen. This, in turn, causes a decrease in their throughput, and ultimately leads to pipe rupture or equipment failure.

Deposits inside the water pipe can be solid, evenly narrowing the lumen along its entire length, or lumpy in some places of the water supply. With small volumes and low speed of poorly treated water, in which there will always be a coarse suspension, deposits appear in the lower part of the pipe, the so-called bottom. Over time, they are compacted to the strength of the hardened cement.

Sometimes the water in the system is oversaturated with calcium carbonate. Because of it, impurities solidify strongly, forming continuous deposits. Corrosion causes lumpy deposits inside the pipes. All this contributes to the destruction of the metal. The water in the pipe is saturated with substances caused by corrosion, collecting various suspensions along the way in the form of scale, rust, the smallest fragments of pipes. It is clear that the quality indicators of such water do not correspond to sanitary standards at all.

As it percolates through the soil, water passes through the limestone rocks. As a result, it contains more calcium and magnesium salts, which makes the water hard. This, of course, is not fatal to living organisms, but there is a certain limit after which the water becomes unsuitable for drinking and poses a threat to the equipment of the water supply system, in particular, steam boilers. Hard water forces you to use more soap and detergent, and you will have to cook longer, for example, meat.

Electrodynamic water treatment

All these problems require an integrated approach to water purification. However, the need for this disappears if we take into account the electrodynamic treatment of water, the basis of the action of which is seed crystals. This progressive method is used by the German company SYR, which has developed a special device for purifying water by acting on it with an alternating magnetic field.

As practice has shown, this is the most effective method to eliminate calcium carbonate deposits inside water pipes. The device for electrodynamic water treatment reduces its hardness without any chemical reagents. Graphite electrodes change the carbon dioxide equilibrium of water, as a result of which calcium and magnesium deposits simply do not form on the inner surface of the pipes. The size of their crystals is thousandths of a millimeter. For this reason, they cannot form solid deposits and the pipe remains free of deposits and scale.

Using the MultiSafe system

The operation of the device is not difficult. It is enough to "cut" it into the cold water system and connect it to the mains. Its capacity is up to three cubic meters of water per hour, so it can be used by several families at once. The device does not require any special maintenance - everything happens automatically. Its maintenance consists only in replacing the processing chamber after one and a half to two years.

Water treated with the MultiSafe system becomes noticeably softer, its salt composition does not change, and its taste improves. After water treatment with the MultiSafe system, the concentration of iron oxide is reduced by more than three times. Electrodynamic treatment activates the process of adsorption of impurities, promotes the extraction of suspended matter from it. All this reduces the operating costs of the equipment and reliably protects the water supply system from lime deposits.

The device has a small keyboard with which you can use different modes of operation depending on your needs. Using the device of the German company, you will forget about clogging of faucets and shower heads, limescale on the bathtub or sink. Your washing machines and dishwashers will work more reliably.
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