The basic document governing the norms for the consumption of hot and cold water per person per month is the government decree of 23.05.06 No. 306. Taking into account the fact that utilities have the right to raise standards, it is not profitable to pay for water supply without devices that take into account consumption ... The cost of installing meters quickly pays off, since the meters can significantly save on utility bills. With them, the consumer will pay only for the actually consumed volume of water.
Average monthly water consumption
The amount of water consumed each month differs depending on:
- local climate;
- seasonality;
- maximum and minimum load;
- equipping the living space with appliances;
- functionality of devices;
- individual preferences of residents.
In hot regions, water consumption is higher than in the northern regions, the same applies to the summer period.
When installing a dishwasher and washing machine, water consumption increases significantly, and an ordinary cistern with two buttons saves up to 20 percent of water resources. The presence of a leak in any plumbing fixture leads to an increase in water consumption by 15-30 percent.
Water consumption rate without meter
If the internal water supply network is not equipped with measuring devices, the owner will have to pay for the water supply at average rates. They are determined depending on the standards of fluid intake by one person every month.
In an apartment building
The calculation of the normalization values is based on human needs. The rate of consumption of cold water per person per month without a meter is set at 6.935 cubic meters.
A similar figure is not taken from the ceiling, but is calculated experimentally based on water consumption for certain needs. It is assumed that one person consumes a certain volume of fluid per day:
- cooking food - 3 l;
- half an hour shower - 30 l;
- bathing in the bath - 200 l;
- going to the toilet - 15 liters;
- machine wash - 4.16 l;
- other unforeseen needs - 500 liters.
Weekly spending on washing, brushing teeth, shaving is 200 liters.
Representatives of the housing and communal services sector can increase all these values depending on the regional climate, season and the state of the water supply network, but not more than twice.
Average daily consumption of hot water is approximately 140 liters. The norm that is set for each month is 3000 liters or 4.745 cubic meters. Utilities also have the right to increase these indicators by a maximum of two times. Heating costs are calculated separately.
If there is no hot water supply in a residential building, the consumption of cold water will increase several times, because it will be heated by means of a gas or electric column. In residential buildings of this type, the daily consumption is set at 330 liters per person. Every month, about 10,230 liters are released, the hourly limit is 13.75 liters.
In a private house
For owners of private households, standards for the use of shower, bath, toilet, cleaning and washing costs are approved by the municipal and regional authorities. At the same time, they are based on average daily statistics and expert analysis. Statistical values are not constant.They can change depending on the season, pollution of the subsoil in a particular area.
Vodokanal uses the coefficient of unevenness in accounting. It is used in conjunction with the calculation of the total number of people who are registered in the house and building requirements.
Experts analyze not only the daily volume of actually consumed water, but also the sanitary coefficient, which depends on the state of the environment, as well as the volume of subsoil. The calculation of domestic water consumption also includes the costs of cleaning, watering the garden, vegetable garden. Therefore, the norms for private houses are usually slightly overestimated, in contrast to apartment buildings, and it is beneficial for their owners to install water meters.
If the measuring devices are not embedded, the water fee is charged according to these standards for each tenant who is registered in an apartment building or private property. In this case, the square of the living space does not play any role, as well as whether someone lives in an apartment or house or not. The owner of the "squares" is obliged to pay a fee according to the total number of persons registered in his home or install a water meter.
In detail, the normative values of water consumption are calculated in SNiP 2.04.01-85. Consumption indicators of water and sewage with plumbing fixtures are also indicated there.
Choice of water meters
Water meters are high-precision metering devices that are used to measure the volume of water passing through a water supply system.
When purchasing a water meter, make sure that a technical passport is attached to it, which contains the basic information and design indicators, the average operational period, and also indicates the verification time. There is also a mark about the first verification of the meter.
Pay attention to the date of manufacture and the service life of the device. Sometimes the UK, when calculating the intervals for checking water meters, is taken as a basis not the time of the first verification, but the date of manufacture of the device. However, it can remain in the warehouse for several years.
In residential premises, it is allowed to install water meters for the volume of consumption of cold water and hot water supply, which are included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments. Information on this can be found in the accompanying documentation for the device.
Before installing a metering device, it will be necessary to agree with the management company of the terms during which installation work will be performed. This is in order for their plumber to shut off the water supply. Otherwise, when installing devices, there is a danger of flooding both your own and neighboring housing.
Management companies can set their own requirements and technical conditions for the installation of individual water meters. Therefore, it is better if their representative takes care of the inset. If you do not comply with the technical conditions that are set by the Criminal Code, the meters simply will not be registered, and the commissioning act will not be signed.
Savings when installing water meters
Installation of measuring devices on cold water and hot water supply is a mandatory requirement for all consumers of energy resources. To carry out the equipment tie-in, the owner of the apartment faces financial costs, but as a result he remains a winner.
In houses where there is one common riser, two meters of water consumption are usually required - for hot and cold water supply. In houses with two risers, it will be necessary to install four water meters: a pair for hot water supply and cold water supply. Accordingly, the volume of work and their cost increases.
In addition, water measuring devices will need to be verified. To do this, they call a specialist from the Housing and Utilities Department or the Criminal Code to the house. This can also result in additional financial costs. But in practice, all the costs associated with the installation of water meters are fully offset by savings on utility bills for just a few months.
If you think that by installing metering devices, you will need to reduce water consumption, then this is not the case. All that is needed is to check all points of the water flow, for example, mixers for leaks, so that the water does not flow wasted.Even with daily washing, cleaning and bathing, you are unlikely to exceed the standard volume.
Studies have shown that a family of four, according to the meters, consumes no more than 8 cubic meters of hot water and 12 - cold water. If they had to pay the bills according to the standards, the figures would be 19 and 27.6 cubic meters, respectively. That is, the standard consumption rate is overstated by more than 2 times. Not to mention the psychological effect that comes after installing the meter. When specific numbers are visible, there is a desire to save. After 2-3 months of operation, the figure of 10 cubic meters decreases by about 35 percent.
Another advantage of installing water meters is saving time when preparing for a vacation or business trip. You will not need to write an application to the management company and provide documentary evidence of your absence. With water measuring devices, such problems will not arise - the owner will only pay for the actual consumption.
Installing the meters will not take long. As practice shows, it is not necessary to shrink too much in water use. Routine hygiene and grooming procedures do not take up as much fluid as the regulations suggest.
To whom metering devices are not profitable
In rare cases, the installation of water meters leads not to a decrease, but to an increase in the numbers in payment receipts. This may be due to:
- with water injection from its own well or well, which does not require a license;
- with the habit of leaving the taps open for a long time without any benefit;
- with a larger than registered number of people living in the apartment.
With an abundance of unregistered tenants, you will still have to pay more: almost all high-rise buildings are equipped with general house metering devices, which show the total amount of consumed water. The Criminal Code itself will not pay for it, but will redistribute the costs to all tenants of the apartment building.
Gauges can save water, but they also bring some hassle. So, the timely transfer of meter readings to the organization involved in calculating payments is required. It is also necessary to regularly check the devices.