What equipment is used in water treatment and water treatment

The physiological state of the human body largely depends on the quality of the water consumed. Using special equipment for water treatment and water purification, it is possible to remove impurities and pathogens from its composition, and also to lower the degree of hardness.

Basic standards

When choosing equipment, you should focus on the quality of the source water

Preparation includes several stages, which include deferrization, clarification, softening, as well as methods of physical and chemical exposure: heating, degassing, freezing, distillation and ionization.

The list of auxiliary components used depends on further water consumption: disinfection is not required for enterprises, strict restrictions apply to drinking resources.

Maximum degree
for cold3 mEq / l
for warm2 mEq / l
Suspensions0.25 mg / l
Turbidity1.5 mg / l
Flavors (salt)1 point

Water treatment steps and features

Water treatment scheme in a private house

The main role in the performance of cleaning works is played by equipment for water purification and water treatment. Household filters are an addition to common systems.

Water purification is required in 9 out of 10 cases. Installations usually include a complete industrial complex of equipment, consisting of sequential filters, dispensers, batteries and other components.

The completing of systems depends on the initial data:

  • source of water intake;
  • analysis of its chemical composition;
  • requirements for the final product;
  • features and consumption rates.

The simplest way is to soften the liquid with demineralization by passing it through resins and filters with activated carbon or other components.

DeodorizationRemoval of organic matter and salts. Several methods are available.
LighteningCentrifugation, as well as a system of sedimentation tanks, mechanical cleaning filters. For large impurities, gratings are used, for small impurities, a granular composition.

Deep cleaning using reagents that bind colloidal inclusions.

DesorptionThe equipment is used for water purification with steam in deaerators.

Removal of gases of natural origin or generated during the technological process.

LimingA slaked lime suspension is used. The precipitate is removed by filtration.

Decrease in bicarbonate alkalinity

Acidity correctionFor the protection of engineering and communication equipment.
DisinfectionMandatory for the production of food and industrial water.

A multi-stage process for the complete removal of dangerous bacteria and microorganisms.

Prevention of lime depositsPhosphate, lime-soda and other methods.

Desalting, softening.

Iron removalRemoval of manganese and iron ions using aeration columns. Necessary to reduce the development of corrosion.

The cleaning process is necessary not only for industrial facilities or social institutions. Events are also held before the supply of water to a private house, especially if the source is a well.

Equipment for water treatment is selected on the basis of the requirements specified in the regulatory documents. Stages and stages are drawn up after studying the indicators of fences.

Areas of use and types

The source of water supply is mainly wells or central engineering networks. The water coming from them can be technical or drinking.

For industries such as pharmaceuticals, electronics and the like, there are stricter regulations.

SphereMain directionsRequirements
MicroelectronicsDeep deionization with desalting.High quality cleaning from preparatory to final stage.
PharmaceuticalsDesalination with deionization, as well as disinfection.Complete microbiological safety and minimum salt content.
Chemical productionWater treatment is carried out taking into account the individual technological and regulatory indicators of the enterprise.It is used in the manufacture of electroplating solutions, the production of polymers and for other purposes.
Cosmetology industryDesalting removal of organic impurities and odors, deferrization.Elimination of the possibility of negative impact on the human body.
MetallurgyWater treatment of circulating liquid, as well as make-up.Cooling with water during metal cutting and welding affects the wear of the equipment.
Printing, pulp and paper and textile enterprises.Softening, lowering the salt content, deferrization, fine filtration.Increased salt content and a large amount of iron coming both from the municipal water supply and from the reuse water leads to product rejects.
Building materials productionPreliminary pressure filtration, desalting and softening.Affects the quality of the solution, gives a plaque on the finished product

The industry produces various equipment used in systems for water purification and water treatment:

  • Balloon loading filters can be installed in a country house or cottage.
  • Membrane water treatment devices prevent the formation of scale on pipes and boilers, are equipped with an automation unit, and have a membrane element from 2 to 100 microns.
  • Disinfectants can destroy pathogenic bacteria, scale and heavy metal salts. Both UV and mercury germicidal lamps can be used.

Installation of water treatment equipment provides clean water and extends the life of household appliances. When making a choice, it is better to pay attention to the equipment with automatic control, it is more convenient to use and more stable in operation.

The selection of devices is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the intake from a well, a well or a water supply system. For softening and deferrizing water at home, you can use a hydrocyclone or cartridge filter.

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