How to purify water in a well in the country

From the experience of residents of private houses, we can conclude that full water purification can be achieved if it comes from a well or well. If connected to the central water supply, the quality of the liquid will be worse - to improve the performance, you will have to use several filters, including membrane technologies.

Causes and signs of water pollution in a well

The water in the well becomes polluted due to the violation of the tightness of the walls, long downtime, lack of a cover

The liquid in the well does not always meet the standards due to the large amount of dissolved salts, bacteria and the presence of aquatic vegetation. If the source is built correctly, taking into account all the requirements, the risk of contamination will be lower. Well water users should be alerted to the following signs:

  • Cloudy liquid may indicate an increase in the percentage of salts. Turbidity appears when the source is used very rarely. If the renewal of the liquid has stopped due to the lime layer, the existing water will stagnate and deteriorate.
  • The yellow color of water is the appearance of iron ions. Black - the reproduction of bacteria that feed on organic matter.
  • A change in taste can also be a sign of the presence of salts. For example, a bitter taste indicates magnesium salts, metallic - iron.
  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor is also associated with stagnant water due to infrequent pumping.
  • Poor operation of the pump, its improper installation in the well can cause silting of the bottom, which will stop the liquid renewal. Most often, the unit is lowered too low to the bottom. It is necessary to reinstall the device and clean the well.

The absence of a cover can cause an animal - a cat or a dog - to fall into the well. In this case, you will have to pump out all the liquid, carry out disinfection measures and refill. The water will need to be tested for bacteria several times before using the source.

When buying a site where there is a well, you should first check the water at the sanitary and epidemiological station for the content of harmful substances, and then equip the water supply system.

When constructing wells, it is recommended to make a clay castle around concrete rings so that melt and ground water does not get inside. Movement of the soil can destroy the defenses, and the water in the source will start to deteriorate. In this case, a new well is dug or a filter system is installed. A layer of clay on the inner walls appears when the concrete rings move, if they were not fixed during construction. You can clean the muddy water in the well by pumping out all the liquid and installing mechanical filters.

The close location of a well and a septic tank, if sanitary standards are not observed, can lead to the constant presence of organic matter in the water. In such a situation, filters are indispensable.

Methods for cleaning liquid in wells

Before disinfection, you need to pump out all the water from the well.

There are several types of activities with the help of which water is purified from a well in a country house before drinking:

  • Automatic. The procedure for installing filters, shields is carried out at a time when the minimum liquid level in the well is in summer or early autumn. The remaining water is pumped out, goes down and collect garbage in buckets, then raise them up. If damage to the rings or cracks is found, they are covered with a cement mortar. At the same time, you can install the filter.
  • Biological.It is carried out after mechanical cleaning of the bottom and walls. Using a sponge or a spray bottle, a layer of chlorine solution is applied to them. After that, you need to wait 3 - 4 hours and rinse with clean water. Further, the well is gradually filled and a liter of concentrated bleach, dissolved in advance, is poured into it. After a day, the liquid is completely pumped out again. Next, you need to take it for analysis and wait for the results.
  • Preventive. It is carried out twice a year - after the spring rise in liquid and before the onset of cold weather. To do this, it is enough to pour potassium permanganate into water and then pump it out completely. You can use it to prepare plants for wintering, when about 300 liters are poured under each adult tree, and under bushes - 100 liters at a time.

It is important to properly fill the test bottle with water. To do this, you must observe the following rules:

  • use a glass or clean plastic container - not suitable for mineral water;
  • draw water to the very lid so that no air remains;
  • gain slowly - oxygen can accelerate some chemical reactions in a liquid;
  • deliver to the laboratory within 3 hours, if it does not work, put it in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer;
  • transport in a dark bag.

If some hazardous elements or microorganisms are found in the well, you should consider installing a membrane filter before bringing water into the house.

Methods for purifying water in the country using filters

Integrated well water purification system

There are many filters for different purposes:

  • to eliminate iron ions;
  • antibacterial;
  • to soften the liquid;
  • mechanical - from rust, sand, silt;
  • complex system of water purification from a well in the country.

It is better to install them right away - during the construction of the source. You may need the help of a specialist who knows the features of the soil in this area and what can be expected after a while. He will advise which device is needed for a given well and how long it will work.

If, based on the analysis of the liquid, there is no need for bacteriological treatment, but there is a large amount of iron in the soil, it is necessary to install a filter for deferrization. Sometimes they are combined with hydrogen sulfide treatment - hydrogen sulfide is formed during the decomposition of organic matter.

With increased hardness, an ion exchange resin is sufficient, which eliminates the excess of calcium and magnesium.

If there is access to the sun's rays to the liquid, it can begin to bloom, and green algae will appear. Therefore it is important to have a tight lid or door.

Reverse osmosis - artesian water in the house

Reverse osmosis system installation diagram

A multi-stage reverse osmosis system has proven itself well, which produces high quality water. This is a distilled liquid that can be enriched with the necessary potassium and sodium salts before use.

The reverse osmosis system includes the following cleaning steps:

  1. Mechanical filter that removes large particles of debris, clay and sand. It is installed immediately after the pump, which must be powerful enough and create the required pressure.
  2. Membrane filter that traps microorganisms - bacteria and viruses, heavy metal salts, the size of which is up to 0.5 microns.
  3. Coal cleaning.

Depending on the configuration of the multistage filter, an ion exchanger can be added to the circuit to soften the liquid, a device for ionizing water with calcium, sodium and other useful microelements.

The main element of the system is a porous membrane through which fluid flows under pressure. In a private house with a good pump, this is easier to do than in a high-rise building on the upper floors, where the pressure is so low that you will have to install another pump in the apartment.

The filters in the system must be changed regularly. Depending on the initial purity of the liquid, this time can be individual.If you select a good quality membrane filter, you can periodically wash it with conventional means, then put it back on.
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