The process of registering a well in your area is an easy task if you approach it responsibly. A package of documents is collected quickly, if the site meets the required parameters, a permit for construction and legalization of a well is given without problems. However, it is important to take into account all the nuances and prepare carefully.
Do I need to register a well
If it is planned to drill an artesian well, where water is taken out deeply from the bowels of the earth, the owner of the site needs a license permit that complies with the Law on Subsoil. This permission gives the right to operate and maintain such an object.
If a shallow well is to be drilled that does not reach the artesian layers, permission is not needed, but a document will have to be prepared confirming the ownership of the specified area. The tenants are not entitled to carry out drilling work on foreign land.
It is important to distinguish artesian water from that obtained from wells. The artesian stratum lies between the non-aquiferous layers. It does not come into contact with atmospheric precipitation, it is isolated from sewage and groundwater. The water obtained from such a well is clean, healthy, rich in mineral elements.
There is no established well depth, since it may differ due to the different occurrence of artesian waters.
Registration documents
Before registration, it is necessary to draw up a certain package of documents for well registration for individuals. Then the package is transferred to the organization, which evaluates the compliance of the drilling site with the required standards. At the site of the artesian hollow, a sanitary zone should be arranged to protect water from precipitation. During registration, the well receives a number in the inventory of the Department of Subsoil Use. Well quality assessment is carried out by employees of this Department.
The Rosprirodnadzor is engaged in the analysis of water quality, therefore, an application must be submitted to this structure for the survey. Necessarily the owner of the site before registration will require the following documents:
- paper confirming the right to own land;
- a map in scale of 1: 10,000;
- completed registration application.
The well must be licensed prior to drilling the source. If structures have suspicions about the legality of drilling, then a complete set of documents usually solves this problem.
After passing the commission, the owner receives the following documents that must be submitted for registration:
- paper confirming calculations of water consumption in accordance with the norms of the region;
- approved drilling project from the Department of Subsoil Resources;
- conclusion on the suitability of the site for drilling, on the organization of the required sanitary zone;
- lease document if the land is leased.
The registration process requires the presence of the land owner at the Department of Natural Resources.
Additionally, to submit an application, you need to prepare: the bank details of the owner, a certificate of registration with the tax, a cadastral plan of the site.
Regulation of registration and arrangement of wells
All issues affecting drilling and registration of artesian water sources are regulated by several regulatory documents:
- Law of the Russian Federation of 1992 No. 2395-1 "On Subsoil", including all additional editions and changes;
- Instruction of the Committee for Geology and Subsoil Use of 1994 from the Ministry of Justice, No. 583;
- Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation of 1992 No. 3314-1 "Regulations on the procedure for licensing the use of mineral resources", as well as all corrections and amendments to the resolution.
If a person violates one of these provisions, he is liable in accordance with Article 7.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. The owner of the territory will be fined according to local law.
Individuals can receive a fine from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles, and legal entities - from 88,000 to 100,000 rubles. Persons holding managerial positions in firms receive a fine from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.
Site requirements
To obtain a drilling permit, it is necessary to provide evidence of the need for this water. One of them may be, for example, the inability to take water from other sources in the district. Also, the site must meet certain requirements:
- within a radius of 300 m from the proposed drilling zone, there should be no objects that can become a source of chemical water pollution: gas stations, cattle farms, industrial enterprises;
- within a radius of 200 m there can be no enterprises capable of exerting a biological effect on water: sewerage systems, landfills, burial grounds;
- within a radius of 30 m there should be no houses and other structures in which people are constantly present;
- the site should be fenced off, and the soil should not be subjected to chemical treatment, including fertilizers;
- the drilling site should be located away from utilities located in the ground.
In modern conditions, especially in the densely populated European part of Russia, it is very difficult to comply with all conditions. However, in the presence of a significant size of the site, a positive decision of the licensing commission is possible.
Step-by-step registration plan
Actions of the site owner who wants to start drilling a well:
- A committee from the Ministry of Natural Resources is called to the site. Its task is to confirm that a well can be drilled at the specified location, from which artesian water will be received.
- After approval by the commission, the preparation of the required documents begins. If a legal entity applies to the organization, the Charter of the company, a Certificate of Registration in the State Register will also be required.
- Make up the need for water (per day) and agree on the data obtained in the department for water resources.
- They visit Rospotrebnadzor in order to approve the data obtained, as well as to determine the compliance of the sanitary zone with the requirements (an area of 60 m by 60 m around the well, or 30 by 30 m as indicated by Rospotrebnadzor).
- After some time, the Rospotrebnadzor committee gives a positive or negative answer. In the case of the first option, the owner is also given a confirmation document.
- Further, the project is approved by the Regional Committee. The package of documents is submitted to the Department of Subsoil Use and is awaiting a decision.
After that, if a license is obtained, it is necessary to hire qualified drilling specialists so that they do not use prohibited techniques and equipment in the process. The cost of work largely depends on the diameter of the pipe used. For 1 meter they take from 350 to 700 rubles.
On this, the design of the water well at the summer cottage comes to an end. If everything is done correctly, a person receives a license and a license agreement, according to which the owner will be obliged to regularly monitor the condition of groundwater and pay taxes for the use of an artesian source.
Registration of a finished well
There are times when a well is recorded on a site that has not been properly recorded. This happens when you buy a site. There are other situations when the site owner makes a well, believing that this procedure does not require approval. To eliminate this violation, you must go through a special procedure. A certain period is set aside for it. Failure to fulfill obligations is subject to a fine.
There are two ways to obtain a permit for a well in a private house:
- Standard.Licensing takes place on all points that are included in the traditional requirement.
- Non-standard. Well plugging is performed in accordance with Instruction RD 08-492-02.
If the owner ignores the requirements of the Department, specialists have the right to abandon the well.