Suburban areas - this is the need for the installation of autonomous communications, including water supply. Wells are often dug as a source of water. But they require a high-quality arrangement of their mines. Eternal plastic wells for drinking water are very popular here. Moreover, the structure can be mounted as prefabricated to the required depth, and welded.
Where are plastic wells used
Structurally, a similar structure is a pipe with a cross section of 31 to 100 cm. Its outer walls can be smooth or corrugated. The latter option is especially convenient, since the corrugation plays the role of stiffeners in moving soils.
Most often, polymer wells are used in such cases:
- arrangement of water supply systems;
- installation of drainage from the site;
- sewerage compartments of a septic tank;
- installation of storage tanks for collecting water for irrigation;
- additional sealing of an existing source with a shaft made of concrete rings (here a pipe of the required diameter is simply inserted into an already equipped well).
Constructions made of polymer for plumbing can be sealed (with a bottom) or without it. Most models have a screw-down bottom.
Types of plastic wells
All polymer containers for the device of the source shaft are divided into types according to the type of material of manufacture:
- Polyethylene. The finished structures have a high level of density. The use of polyethylene water supply wells is especially important where there is a risk of contact of the source shaft with aggressive media. But outside, it is desirable to strengthen them with corrugation, since the polymer has high flexibility and can succumb to static or dynamic action of the soil.
- Polyvinyl chloride. Durable material, but reacts negatively to subzero temperatures. When combined with static pressure on the well from the ground, the product may burst. PVC is inert to aggressive media.
- Polypropylene. The most durable, elastic material for the manufacture of water wells. The polymer is not afraid of temperature extremes.
According to the type of construction, all plastic tube-shaped structures are divided into one-piece and prefabricated.
One-piece wells are seamless pipes of the required diameter or welded. If necessary, they are equipped with a bottom element for filtering the incoming liquid, a tray, a neck. For seamless products, the following parameters are characteristic:
- wall thickness - 6-12 mm;
- height - 1-4.5 m;
- section - from 95 cm.
Seamless structures are most relevant for the construction of the source shaft, since they have perfect tightness. Prefabricated structures are assembled from the required number of durable polymer rings, similar to reinforced concrete. The principle of joining is screwing. With this method of constructing a well, a sufficiently deep shaft can be assembled. But it is important to remember: the more connections there are, the higher the chances, sooner or later, of encountering depressurization.
Advantages and disadvantages
- Relatively light weight, which simplifies the installation process.
- The tightness of the mine, provided that seamless pipes are used.
- Inertness to decay, corrosion, development of bacteria.
- Favorable cost in comparison with brick or reinforced concrete rings.
- The presence of external stiffeners, which ensures the strength of the structure in the ground.
- Low level of thermal conductivity.This ensures that the water does not freeze in the source.
- Large assortment of standard sizes of pipes and rings.
- Long service life (from 50 years or more).
The disadvantages, more precisely, some features of the operation of polymer products include the need for regular maintenance of the filter element.
Installation and operation
- The use of plastic products is allowed only in those regions where seismic activity does not exceed 7 points. Otherwise, the polymer may burst during the movement of the soil layers.
- The maximum depth of the plastic shaft should not exceed 6 m.
- Backfilling of the structure is carried out when the well is completely filled with water. Otherwise, the polymer may not withstand double-sided pressure (from soil and water).
- Backfilling can be done with gravel or sand. The last option is better.
- You can put polymer wells in any soil (dry, wet, sandy, etc.).
- It is forbidden to use plastic elements in regions with winter temperatures below -50 degrees.
Stages of installing wells:
- The mine of the source of the required depth is being dug. Its cross-section should exceed the diameter of the polymer pipe by 15-20 cm. This gap is allocated for backfilling.
- The bottom of the pit must be tamped and covered with a layer of geotextile. It is also compacted and additionally covered with a layer of fine gravel.
- A well shaft is assembled from individual rings or simply a pipe is prepared.
- The structure is lowered into the pit, aligned vertically.
- An additional layer of river pebbles is poured onto the bottom.
- Fill the well with water. As soon as it is typed as much as possible, backfill it. It is better to use slightly damp sand mixed with soil for this. When backfilling, they must be carefully tamped in layers.
It remains to arrange pumping equipment that will supply water to the house. It is better to mount a special caisson under it (if the pump is superficial). To maintain constant pressure in the system, experts recommend using a storage accumulator. For a family of 3-4 people, it is enough to install a tank of 25-50 liters.
Cost of materials
The price of plastic pipes for a drinking water well depends on the size and material from which they are installed. Approximate prices for the Moscow region:
- corrugated pipe d 900 mm; h-1500 - from 15 100 rubles / piece;
- corrugated pipe d 900 mm; height - 2 200 mm - from 16 200 rubles / piece;
- Rodlex ring diameter 900 mm with a height of 500 mm - from RUB 4,300 / piece;
- ring with a height of 1,000 mm - from 8,500 rubles / piece;
- a ring with a height of 1,500 mm - from 12,600 rubles / piece.
If you buy a ring with a sealed bottom, it will cost about 2-3 thousand rubles more.