Types of submersible pumps for wells and on the basis of which parameters to select a unit

There are a huge number of models of submersible pumps on the market, since a well is the most affordable way of supplying water to private houses. Water reservoirs are not always located close to the surface, so they are not available for pumping stations. Despite their high cost, downhole units are in great demand among the population.

Purpose of submersible pumps

Downhole pumps due to their small diameter are capable of lifting liquid from deep artesian sources

Basically, submersible pumping equipment is used to lift liquid from sources located underground. Most of them are multistage - the deeper the well, the more stages that create strong torque and maintain pressure in the system.

Downhole pumps are capable of working very deeply in artesian wells - they are called deep wells. They lift liquid from 300 - 400 meters, industrial models - even deeper.

Submersible equipment is used to equip self-made pumping stations. Since similar purchased units cannot raise the liquid below 8 meters, there is a need to connect a hydraulic accumulator to a submersible pump, and also install a pressure switch.

Due to the strong pressure, submersible equipment is used in suburban areas for watering the garden, in drip systems, for arranging an outdoor shower. Management can be manual or automatic. The mechanics are suitable for one-time use, but for the water supply of a private house, it is better to install automation so that the relay is triggered due to pressure drops and independently turns on the unit.

Where downhole units are used

Submersible pumps are used in water supply systems of private houses. In this case, install any household model that is suitable for technical characteristics.

The liquid also enters the water tower thanks to the submersible equipment, and from there it is distributed further. Here, more powerful units are needed that can serve several country or residential buildings.

Powerful submersible pumps extract mineral water from the bowels of the earth and then spill the liquid before sending it to the point of sale. Mineral springs are located deep - up to 1500 m, therefore pumps for pumping out are used of an industrial type, with many stages.

Downhole equipment is suitable for wells. Some models can be installed horizontally according to the instructions, but not all are suitable for this. For shallow wells, units with low power are selected.

Types of equipment, technical characteristics

Centrifugal pump design

Submersible pumps are available for household and industrial use. The difference in power, since industrial models are most often deep-sea and pump liquids from a distance of 1000 meters or more to the water surface.

The installation scheme of rod and rodless units differs. In the first case, it is a device, the engine of which is located on the surface of the earth, and a rod is lowered into the well - the submerged part, which is necessary for the transmission of thrust.

Rodless mechanisms are a pump and a motor in one housing. It is more convenient for installation and operation, therefore such models are more common in everyday life.

Pumps differ in design:

  • centrifugal;
  • vortex;
  • screw;
  • vibrating.

Centrifugal units have a working mechanism in the form of a wheel with an impeller, which rotate on a shaft using electricity. Under the action of centrifugal force, water rises along the walls of the body into the outlet pipe. An area of ​​reduced pressure is created in the middle part, which sucks in a new portion of liquid.

Centrifugal mechanisms are the most powerful of all. The design can be from one stage to 20. On average, 3-4 wheels with blades are enough for domestic needs.

The weak point of a centrifugal pump is the impeller. If there is sand or stones in the water, they sooner or later disable the mechanism, so for such devices you need to immediately buy a filter if it is not provided in the kit. Fine sand fractions penetrate into the housing even in the presence of a coarse filter, so the inner working part must be made of durable metal. Because of this, centrifugal pumps are more expensive than, for example, vortex pumps.

Vibrating units work like piston mechanisms, using a membrane that creates high-frequency vibrations. Such equipment is notable for its low power and, therefore, low head. Suitable for summer cottages, but such equipment is not used for water supply of a private house. The cost of vibration pumps is not high. In addition, there is a danger that vibrations will destroy the casing.

Vortex pumps are similar in principle to centrifugal pumps. A distinctive feature is the presence of grooves on the walls, which enhance flow and turbulence. The design is simpler, so the price of a submersible pump for vortex-type wells will be lower. Vortex equipment is designed for a very clean liquid, therefore, in the presence of solid inclusions, it quickly breaks down. The pump works silently and does not produce vibrations that destroy the well.

Screw assemblies have a simplified design. The water rises with the help of an Archimedean screw. For water supply systems, such equipment is practically not used, but it has found application among summer residents who make wells for irrigating the site. The pump can even work with dirty water, which it pumps from rivers or lakes. At industrial enterprises, screw equipment is used to pump out viscous liquids.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each type of submersible pump has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, centrifugal pumps are very sensitive to the purity of the pumped liquid. Their disadvantage is their high cost compared to all other types. The rodless centrifugal unit is silent in operation, since its body is in the liquid. The service life depends on the number of on and off cycles, therefore, a hydraulic accumulator is most often connected to it in order to extend the operating time.

Disadvantages of vibration pumps:

  • Reacts to sand in water.
  • Lack of automation elements.
  • The well is silted up faster, as they create waves that raise mud from the bottom.
  • High noise level.
  • Low power and head.
  • Short service life.

The advantages of screw equipment include:

  • high head;
  • low noise level;
  • the ability to pump out dirty liquid without damaging the case.

The efficiency of the screw mechanism is low, the performance is low. Frequent replacement of parts is required, since there are many rubbing elements inside the body.

Criterias of choice

Before buying a unit for a water supply system, you need to take into account the technical characteristics of submersible pumps for water wells, and also decide what the equipment will be used for.

Factors that play an important role in the operation:

  • The need for the amount of liquid for a private house and residents living in it.
  • Aggression. If the well is located far from home, power will be required to bring the liquid to the entry point through a horizontal pipe.If the house is two or three stories high, it will take an effort to raise the liquid to the height of the building. Power is usually selected with a margin - in case of installing additional points of water consumption or building a garage, bathhouse, pool.
  • Well depth. For springs on the sand, there is no need to install powerful equipment, but for artesian wells, a powerful centrifugal pump is required.
  • The quality of the pumped liquid is clean or dirty. Depending on this, you can choose a mechanism that can work fully and will not break down quickly.
  • Pumped liquid temperature.
  • The presence of protection mechanisms - dry running sensor, overheating.
  • Materials from which the internal parts and the body are made. The metal parts of the structure provide better sealing and last longer.
  • Pump diameter relative to the well. It is necessary that at least 2 cm remain from the pipe wall to the housing, so that the liquid flows around the unit and cools it. The correct size helps the equipment not get stuck inside the pipe.
  • Removing the electrical outlet from the pump installation site. The cable must be of sufficient length.

In order not to overpay, you can first consider domestic-made devices. If they are made with high quality, their price will not be very cheap. If you count on long-term operation, it is better to select equipment of German, Italian or Swedish brands.

Features of installation and connection

The pump is installed according to the instructions. You can entrust the installation to professionals, but if the well is properly organized, even a beginner will not be difficult to install the unit. The instructions describe all the steps in detail. For fastening, you need to use durable materials so that the unit does not break off during operation.

After installation, it is necessary to revise the well and the pump once a year - clean, rinse. For this, the mechanism is taken out and examined. Imported centrifugal pumps do not require frequent repair or maintenance, but all other types require regular cleaning and flushing of the body from dirt and sand.

The cost depends on the technical characteristics of the equipment, as well as the brand of the manufacturer. It is not recommended to buy very cheap Chinese pumps, as they break down quickly, and it is almost impossible to find spare parts for them. In addition, the model may not be collapsible, so it will have to be thrown away.

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