A water supply system is a set of structures that supply certain consumers with water of the required quality and quantity. In everyday life, the water supply system is called plumbing. The water supply system must work stably, maintaining the quality and pressure of water within the specified limits.
Types of water supply systems
The types of water supply systems differ in several main parameters. By appointment water pipes are:
- settlements (villages, cities);
- for industrial purposes;
- for agricultural purposes;
- combined (agricultural and fire-fighting);
- fireproof.
By water delivery method to the consumer, the types of water supply systems are:
- with mechanical delivery of water (pumps);
- gravity;
- zonal (mechanical and gravity method are combined).
By type of water supply sources:
- water pipelines connected to surface sources (lakes, rivers);
- connected to underground sources (artesian, sand wells, springs);
- combined.
By the method of using water all water supply systems are divided into the following types:
- straight-through (water is used only once);
- with repeated use of water;
- negotiable.
Central or autonomous water supply
In addition, according to the number of consumers, the water supply system can be autonomous (individual) or centralized.
Autonomous water supply systems supply water to a limited number of consumers and is owned by private users. The individual type of hot and cold water supply system is widespread in private buildings, in summer cottages, in cottage settlements. The water intake source is located near the house, a pump is lowered into it. Water is supplied to the house through a pipeline equipped with a filter.
Centralized water supply designed to supply water to a large number of consumers. They all use water from a single system, supplied through a pipeline system. Typically, this type of system combines hot and cold water supply. One or several sources can be used for water intake; water intake, water-lifting, treatment facilities are used in water treatment.
This type of hot water supply system is used in cities and large towns. Depending on the area served, centralized water supply systems are urban, industrial, and settlement.
Types of water supply sources
The water supply system starts from the source of the water intake. Depending on the type of water supply source, the following is determined: the number and composition of structures, the duration of pipelines, the capacity of pumping stations.
All types of water supply sources must meet a number of criteria:
- the amount of water should be sufficient taking into account the possible increase in consumption;
- the possibility of uninterrupted water supply;
- after inexpensive treatment, the water quality meets sanitary standards;
- water supply is ensured at minimal cost;
- water withdrawal does not destroy the ecosystem of the region.
Sources of water supply are:
- surface (rivers, seas, ponds and lakes, glaciers);
- underground (aquifers, underground reservoirs);
- artificial (desalination plants).
Surface water often cloudy, its quality is unstable, it contains a lot of microbes and organic impurities.At the same time, it is low in mineral salts.
Water from underground sources stable quality, there are practically no suspensions, organic substances in it, but there can be a lot of mineral salts, increased hardness.
Artificial sources of water supply are used quite rarely, in the United Arab Emirates, Israel, Kazakhstan.
Types of pumping stations
The task of the pumping station is to supply a sufficient amount of water into the pipeline. It is impossible to organize mechanical delivery of water to the consumer without a pumping station.
The types of water supply pumping stations are divided into:
- production;
- household.
Industrial or industrial type of water supply pumping stations work with large volumes of water. Being under high load, they are equipped with redundant units, powerful vacuum and circulation pumps. They are reliable, and their repair is carried out by replacing elements.
Household types of water supply pumping stations:
- automatic;
- self-priming.
In domestic pumping stations, the water pressure is controlled by a special type of membrane tank - a hydraulic accumulator for water supply. The following types of accumulators for water supply are distinguished:
- vertical;
- horizontal.
In automatic pumping stations, this function is performed by an electronic control system.
In addition, a separate category of sewage pumping stations is distinguished. It is a large piece of equipment that consists of several pumps, piping, and many sensors.
Types of pipes for water supply systems
Cast iron pipes are still used for water supply and sewerage networks. They are very strong and durable. At the same time, they are heavy and difficult to assemble.
Steel tubes for water supply can be galvanized or uncoated. The advantages of this type of pipes for water supply:
- durability;
- rigidity;
- reliability;
- strength.
Steel pipes are difficult to install, and over time they become covered with rust, their throughput decreases. To install a water supply system from this type of pipes, a special plumbing tool is required, and the joints must be additionally sealed.
Copper pipes are widely used in water pipelines abroad. Water supply copper pipes are: in a polyethylene sheath, annealed, solid and semi-solid. For their installation, no special equipment is required, they are durable and strong, but the high price limits the range of their use.
Reinforced-plastic pipes are a combination of two layers of plastic and one layer of soft metal. They are flexible, durable, fastened to each other with couplings and nuts. You can cut a metal-plastic pipe with a simple hacksaw. But this type of pipes for water supply weakly holds water hammer, periodically all connections must be checked for tightness.
Polypropylene pipes are becoming more common in individual and centralized water supply systems. For hot water supply stations, this type of pipe is produced in foil.
Propylene pipes are very durable, do not rust, are easy to install, therefore, when repairing urban communications, steel water mains are gradually replaced with plastic ones. Polypropylene pipes are soldered together with a special soldering iron, creating a sealed connection.
Video about the installation of polypropylene pipes: