How much does a well cost on its site and who to pay

Country house owners face a problem when there is no access to drinking water. Of course, if it is possible to connect to the water supply, then the problem can be solved simply, and if this is not possible, then it remains to drill a well. In this case, the price of the issue plays an important role, because such a pleasure may not be cheap.

Well construction options

There are three options for arrangement:

  1. The cheapest way is to equip the well with your own hands. But we must take into account the technological complexity of all work, because there are nuances associated with the arrangement. You cannot do without drilling equipment, you can make it yourself, or you can purchase it in specialized stores. All this will also require financial costs.
  2. The second option is related to the hiring of special teams who will do everything on their own. The cost of such work from contractors will be lower than if you order an organization. But there is a risk that workers may not be entirely competent in the matter of drilling. This will result in poor water quality from the well.
  3. The most correct decision is to conclude a contract for drilling a well on your site with a specialized company. This option won't be cheap, but it remains the surest one. The organizations employ professionals who have extensive experience, so they will not make mistakes in their work. Under the contract, the company must also provide warranty service.

How much will it cost to drill a well

Most of the owners of country houses are trying to drill wells for artesian type of water. In this case, it is most correct to involve professional workers in drilling, the cost of their work will cost from the depth of drilling. Basically, you have to pay from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles for one running meter. If the work is carried out in difficult conditions, then the cost may increase. You can equip everything yourself, then the costs will go only for materials. Most often, a water source is built at a depth of 50 meters, which means that the owner will need to pay about 90,000 rubles for installation. Hired workers who will drill a well for artesian water, to calculate the work, take into account the following nuances, the cost of the work depends on this:

  1. The price will increase if the soil is rocky and the water is deeper than expected. The price necessarily includes the arrangement of the casing.
  2. The workers install the adapter to the layer of soil freezing, mount the head at the outlet after deepening the well. In different regions of Russia, it can cost over 9,000 rubles. At the same time, each meter is not recorded, but only this type of work is taken into account.
  3. In the complex, hired workers equip a caisson, it is located one meter lower than the top of the well. The equipment is set up at a meter depth, which requires additional costs of 25,000 rubles.

In total, the owner of the personal plot will have to pay at least 130,000 rubles.

If on the site the owner does not need a well with drinking water, and water is needed only for irrigation, then other types can be used. It is easier and cheaper to equip an ordinary well, from which water is taken from a verkhovodka or an Abyssinian well, in which water will be located at a distance of just over 10 meters. Naturally, the cost of drilling such a water source will be much cheaper.

Permitting documents

The owner of the site does not have the right to drill a well on his site without a special license. Before starting work, it is necessary to register, otherwise it will already be considered a violation of the Law on Subsoil. But such a permit must be obtained only if a well is drilled for artesian water, in any other cases, for example, if a well is being built, only one document must be provided, which indicates that the owner has the right to dispose of the site.

By law, a private person is prohibited from drilling a well for artesian water; a permit can be obtained only if the owner provides evidence that there is no other source of water in the area. The owner of the site, who wants to drill a well on his site, must prepare the documents before starting work:

  1. First of all, to the site, it is worth inviting a commission from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, that they drew up a confirmation act that the selected site can be used for drilling a well.
  2. Next, the owner writes an application for a license, the rights to own this site are established. Additionally, documents such as: a plot plan, a cadastral plan, a certificate of delivery to the tax office, bank details and a passport are submitted.
  3. Estimates of the approximate daily water requirement should be made and compared with the water unit.
  4. After that, you should go to Rospotrebnadzor, and attest to the need to create a sanitary zone, it will have to be 60 * 60 m in size along the perimeter of the well. Here, the owner must be issued a confirmation document.
  5. The project itself for drilling a water source is approved by the Regional Committee for Water Resources.
  6. The collected package of documents by the owner is sent to the Subsoil Use Department and a final answer is given.
  7. After the license is issued, it will be possible to start drilling a well at the site. it is easier to contact specialists who will do all the work, or you can do everything yourself, but remember that the owner of the site will need to monitor the condition of groundwater and pay taxes, which will be approved by the tax office.

The final stage after the completion of all well drilling operations is its registration. Employees of the Department are required to conduct a geological examination and assign a cadastral number. Experts carry out an examination of the received water and issue a conclusion.


It is best to drill a well for artesian water, it is very convenient, since the water can be used constantly in any location of the house. But we must remember that you need to get a well only by observing all the instructions. If the well was installed illegally, then it can be abandoned or forced to register the owner. Otherwise, the owner of the house may be held administratively liable and punished.
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  1. anatoly

    Stop nightmare people. Nobody needs to pay for a well on their site if it is not used for commercial purposes!



