Arrangement of a well for water inside the house, in the basement or on the street: pros and cons

When creating an autonomous source of water supply, it is necessary to arrange a water well in a private house. In this case, you need to choose the correct location for it - on the territory of the building or outside it.

Where to place the well

The well piping inside the house is no different from the outside

When choosing a place for equipping a well inside a house or on the street, everything should be carefully weighed. Each of the options has a number of pros and cons. But it is necessary to make the final decision, guided not by momentary benefits, but by the long-term perspective.

Source location on the territory of the house

More often, such decisions are made in two cases:

  • Completely free building plot. There are no residential or business premises on it. As a rule, here the master first determines the location point of the future well, performs drilling, and then designs and builds the house in accordance with the available data.
  • Drilling a needle hole in the basement or cellar of the house. Subject to the presence of a strip foundation and an earthen floor. Otherwise, you will have to break part of the cement screed, which is not very good in terms of waterproofing the lower zone of the building. It is possible to make an Abyssinian well (needle-well) without the use of heavy equipment. It is enough just to hammer a pipe with a sharp tip into the ground to the aquifer. As necessary, its length is increased.

The well located on the territory of the house has the following advantages for the master:

  • The maximum free area of ​​the site for building, planting. This is especially good if the hectare is extremely small.
  • The ability to stretch the water supply system around the house with minimal costs. The master uses the maximum minimum footage of pipes, does not spend money on the purchase of insulation for them and on carrying out heat-saving measures.
  • If a well has been drilled for water in the house, you do not have to purchase a powerful expensive pump, as required by a source device on the street. The unit does not need to transport liquid over long horizontal distances.
  • The top of the casing will never freeze. Since even the basement unheated room of the house has a positive temperature.
Do not drill a deep well without special equipment

Of the disadvantages of installing a hydraulic structure within a house, there are:

  • The impossibility of forming a deep source using special equipment (provided that the master is drilling in an already finished building). Here we will have to restrict ourselves to the construction of a well with a low flow rate. This means that there may not be enough water for irrigation.
  • Dirty work in the formation of even an Abyssinian well. Not to mention full-fledged drilling.
  • Difficulties with the buildup of the finished source after drilling it in the finished house. This type of work means pumping out large volumes of water with sand impurities until a clean resource appears. The entire selected tonnage of liquid must be drained somewhere.
  • Constant noise of pumping equipment in the basement. Or you will have to bear additional costs for soundproofing the utility room.
  • High humidity in the basement. Even with the installation of a sealed head, dampness will sooner or later prevail. And then it will be impossible to fight the fungus. The mold, in turn, will begin to grow in the subfloor and higher into the house.
  • Inability to fit special equipment if it is necessary to carry out maintenance work (lifting a deep pump, flushing a silted well, etc.).

Any hydraulic structure has a limited service life. After its expiration, the mine must be plugged. It is impossible to do this within the home.

Well location outside the building

Installing a well outside is the most optimal way

If the source is drilled outside on any part of the site, the work is carried out regardless of the season, weather, air temperature. The well is formed using special heavy equipment. They go deeper into the ground in one of the following ways:

  • rotary;
  • shock rope;
  • columnar.

The method is selected by specialists depending on the complexity of the soil, the presence of rocky rocks, quicksands, etc.

The whole process is the installation of a drill, the installation of a special pipe in which drilling is carried out, the withdrawal of the drilling mud into the sump (a special space next to the well).

A source located near the house (outside) has a number of such advantages:

  • The ability to drill to any depth, driving into the site and installing heavy machinery.
  • Formation of a source with a large flow rate (up to artesian). The volume of water will be enough to supply the house for domestic purposes and for irrigation.
  • The ability to arrange a protective caisson, which will relieve the noise of a working pump on the site. In addition, the camera can be interestingly designed in accordance with the style of landscape design.
  • It is easier to pull the hose from the street well to water the garden.
  • The risk of freezing of the water supply system is also neutralized with the help of a caisson and pipes from it below the freezing level of the soil.

The disadvantages of a street source are fewer than the pros and cons of a well under the house. Here the main stumbling block is the need for the costs of installing a caisson, the purchase of a powerful deep-well pump and the cost of insulating the pipeline. Although with the availability of modern materials, this can be done for any budget.

Well placement criteria

It is important to consider from which layers the water intake is planned

A master trying to determine the location of the source should rely on the following criteria:

  • The presence of a finished building on the site. If it is, it is better to give preference to outdoor work. There is a large-scale foothold here for such work.
  • Depth of the alleged source. If you plan to drill to the first aquifer in order to use the liquid for technical purposes (in the country, for example), you can clog an Abyssinian needle-hole in the basement. Deeper mines are best drilled from the outside.
  • The possibility of fitting special equipment to the well not only here and now, but also in the future. If at the moment the drilling rig drives into the site from the side of a neighboring undeveloped plot, it will be purchased later. The neighbors are unlikely to want to let a powerful car pass through their well-groomed lands.
  • Potential financing costs for drilling. At the stage of a building under construction, the cost of installing an "internal" well and water supply system will be two times lower than the cost of external work. If the house is already ready, it will be twice as expensive to make a well in it than on the street.
  • The need for long-term operation of the source. More often, a hydraulic structure inside a building works for a shorter period than an outdoor one. Therefore, those who plan to sell the land plot later are drilling in the house.

If you want to place a well inside a building, it is better to build greenhouses, outbuildings, a garage, a cellar above it. And it is desirable so that, if necessary, they can be quickly disassembled for repair, technical, maintenance work.


To summarize the above arguments, it turns out that in the short term (investments, labor input, source productivity) it is more profitable to drill a mine in the basement of a house or with the further construction of a building above it.For the long term, it is more profitable to mount the well from the outside. At the same time, it is important to observe several main recommendations:

  • from the building to the source, you need to maintain an indent of at least 3 meters;
  • good location for drilling - border with a car entrance (4-6 meters), in extreme cases, a removable section of the gate can be provided;
  • you cannot drill under power lines (especially high-voltage ones), this threatens with serious injuries for the foremen and in the future for the owners of the site;
  • you can make a well in a dry well, but such a technique for performing work will cost more.

There is no need to risk your future well-being for the sake of momentary gain, and to drill a source on the site of an unbuilt house.
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