The cost of providing apartments with hot and cold water increases every year. To know exactly where the money is flowing and to control costs, it is important to understand the calculation scheme for water tariffs.
Current tariffs
Since January 2019, in the capital of Russia, 38 rubles 70 kopecks have to be paid for a cubic meter of cold water, and 191 rubles 73 kopecks for heated water. In other regions, the numbers vary, but not much. The January increase in tariffs was facilitated by a VAT increase of up to 20 percent. There will be another increase in the middle of summer, although the tax base will not change.
To find out the exact cost of a cubic meter of water in the region, you need to analyze the receipt. The cold water supply line indicates the price of 1000 cubic meters of cold water, in hot water supply - hot water.
Who "evaluates" the water supply
The supply of liquid to the taps is organized by water users. These include individual entrepreneurs and business owners who have entered into agreements with economic organizations for the right to use water bodies. They provide services to the population - water consumers, who pay for them at established rates.
Expenditure standards and the tariff plan are established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government in accordance with Russian laws, which are periodically amended.
According to Resolution No. 603, water consumers who have not installed metering devices at home or forget to call specialists for verification, the price of water per cubic meter. m comes out more by 40 percent.
What indicators make up the price per cubic meter of water
Water supply price tags include the following cost items:
- extraction of liquid from the source and its transportation;
- used electricity;
- construction and repair of highways, treatment facilities;
- lease of premises and equipment in temporary operation;
- purchase of new devices, filters, chemicals;
- laboratory research;
- waste disposal;
- payment of water tax and income taxation;
- salary of employees, taking into account contributions to the Pension Fund, FSS.
These are the costs of supplying cold water. The tariffs for water consumers for hot water supply are two-component: they consist of the costs of servicing the water heat carrier and heating. Additionally, the receipt indicates the volume of water for general technical needs of the house, and the amount that must be paid for the service.
When calculating water tariffs in different regions of the country, regional characteristics are taken into account, including average wages and transportation costs.
Tariffs for water supply with and without a meter
The installation of metering devices makes a significant difference in payment. If they are absent, the consumption standards for one registered person are taken into account. At the same time, the value of the tariffs themselves is 40 percent higher, which makes it unprofitable for some residents to leave the premises without meters and register in an apartment where devices are available.
For housing where three people live, the total apartment volume of cold water is 20.805 cubic meters at the rate of 6.935 m3 per tenant. The standard for the heated liquid is 4.745 m3. A family with a child takes 14,235 cubic meters.
If metering devices are installed and they are regularly checked, you will have to pay only for the consumed liquid according to the meter data. Installation of water meters is beneficial because it allows you to control water consumption and save it.This is beneficial not only financially, but also for the protection of the environment and water resources.
If several metering devices are installed in a dwelling, the readings are indicated separately when submitting information to the management company. Otherwise, by the end of the year, after recalculation, you will have to pay a decent amount.
Benefits for water supply services
Saving on utilities is possible not only by installing water meters. Regional and federal laws define preferential categories of citizens who pay for water supply at low rates. These include:
- disabled people and their relatives;
- large families;
- employees of fire services, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The list of beneficiaries is much wider. To find out if your family is included in it, you need to contact the social assistance department of the municipality or make a request through the State Services portal. Also, socially unprotected citizens can receive subsidies to pay for communal services.
It is almost impossible to stop tariff growth. To reduce waste, it is necessary to turn off the taps immediately after completing the water procedures. Technological devices will help to save money: a sink with a double bottom, shower heads with fine holes, single-lever mixers, economical washing machines and dishwashers.