What are water wells and how are they arranged

When installing an autonomous water supply communication, it is important to arrange a viewing well for a water supply system. It is an important part of the network, providing access to the main working nodes of the backbone. Here, the master can carry out repair work if necessary, sheltering from the cold or bad weather.

Purpose of wells

Brick water supply inspection well

Thanks to such small mines, it is possible to organize:

  • Free access to the equipment of the water supply system, monitoring its performance, places of branches, turns, crossing the pipeline. These places are more prone to depressurization and leaks.
  • Competent arrangement of pumping equipment in one place (hydraulic tank, automation, filter systems).
  • Protection of all working elements from precipitation, debris, freezing temperatures, vandals.
  • Access to shut-off valves (taps, check valves, drainage taps).
  • Reception and drainage of water leaving the line in emergency situations.

Inspection wells are equally widely used both in autonomous private water supply systems and in centralized highways. Not an exception - the lines of industrial wastewater drainage or water supply to enterprises.

Types of wells, advantages and disadvantages

Plastic revision unit

By the type of building material, all observation shafts are divided into the following types:

  • Reinforced concrete (built from rings). They are distinguished by resistance to aggressive environments, corrosion. Serves up to 20 years (for reinforced concrete). They have good frost resistance. Not affected by heaving soils. For reinforced concrete rings, a large mass is characteristic, therefore, the installation of a water supply well from precast concrete will have to be carried out with the involvement of special equipment, which will entail financial costs. If at least one element is incorrectly installed, over time, the entire shaft will be skewed. As a result, the well will burst.
  • Brick. An equally reliable option when constructing a viewing shaft. It is especially good if the master has remnants of blocks after the construction of the house on the site. However, the process of installing a brick tank is laborious and time-consuming.
  • Polymeric. You can buy ready-made plastic revision products, or install a simple barrel with a cut bottom. The first option is more reliable, since factory wells have stiffeners that can withstand soil pressure. Plastic mines are distinguished by a long service life (up to 50 years), inertness to temperature extremes and aggressive media. In addition, the polymer weighs a little. This allows you to carry out work even alone.

Any type of revision shaft must be equipped with a cover with a hatch. In order to protect the reservoir from the ingress of atmospheric water, it is advisable to raise the entrance to the mine by 20-30 cm above ground level.

By the type of purpose, all wells are:

  • inspection, they are also inspection or revision;
  • differential ones are mounted at points of change in the height of the pipeline;
  • linear ones are installed on long sections of the highway;
  • machine rooms for equipment installation;
  • nodal are installed at the junction points of several water supply lines;
  • drainage.

Geometrically, all wells are round or square in design. The minimum dimensions of the mine are 80x80 cm.The depth must be at least 1 m.

How to determine the type of well

The type and type of a viewing water well is chosen according to the following criteria:

  • Purpose of the reservoir. The geometry of the mine will always be the same, but the parameters of the well change depending on the purpose of its arrangement. A revision can be done with less reliable brick or wood. It is advisable to mount a more durable polymer or reinforced concrete tank for the installation of pumping equipment.
  • Financial capabilities of the master. Someone prefers to save money at this stage of construction work, while someone invests heavily in each element. The most expensive is the device of a well made of reinforced concrete rings. It is cheaper to supply a plastic tank.
  • Labor intensity of the process. Faster to mount a polymer (polypropylene or polyethylene) well. The maximum amount of time will be taken up by brickwork.

The final choice may be influenced by the presence of building material on the site at the master.

Installation steps

When installing a round, square or rectangular water well, it is important to initially prepare its base, especially when it comes to brickwork or the installation of reinforced concrete rings. They act in this way:

  • For the installation of concrete pouring, a pit is being dug under the mine. Its intended parameters are increased by 20-30 cm in depth and on each side.
  • The soil is carefully tamped. Then a sand pillow is poured on top. It needs to be slightly moistened and compacted. Sand filling layer - 10 cm. If we are talking about the construction of a drainage well, its bottom is made from a mixture of crushed stone and sand. Lay a layer of buta on top.
  • Concrete pouring is made. The solution is distributed over the entire surface of the bottom of the pit. Then you need to drown the reinforcing mesh into it.
  • As soon as the bottom is dry, you can put reinforced concrete rings or carry out brickwork.
  • The elements are lowered one by one, reliably joining them with staples.
  • All connections are coated with sealant. Bituminous mastic can be used.
  • It is also advisable to treat the brickwork from the outside and from the inside with a sealing mixture.
  • After installation, technical holes are made in the well, into which pipe bends will be carried out. When it comes to rings, the gaps are formed using a punch. For brickwork, all holes are provided at once. It is important to waterproof the pipes inlet and outlet.
  • The last step is to backfill the tank. The soil must be compacted in layers.

The finished well is covered with a concrete cover with a hatch.

Polymer option

If a decision is made to install a plastic well, you do not need to make a monolithic base. It is enough to arrange a dense sand cushion made of wet bulk material.

Once the base is ready, the tank is simply lowered into the pit. It is important to make special technical holes in the caisson in advance for pipe outlets.

Backfilling of the well is done with a mixture of cement and sand. All are well rammed.

The cover of the polymer well should also rise above the ground.

Features of operation and maintenance

As a rule, a manhole for water supply does not require special maintenance. However, such operational measures will be useful:

  • It is worth regularly inspecting the walls of the mine for integrity violations. Over time, cracks can lead to flooding of the reservoir by groundwater. Fistulas and gaps should be repaired in a timely manner.
  • It is necessary to monitor the tightness of all nodal connections in order to avoid flooding the well.
  • To protect the water supply system from vandals, it is advisable to provide a locking mechanism on the hatch cover.

A properly assembled inspection well serves from 20 to 50 years without serious damage.

The location of the inspection wells on the site is regulated by SNiP 2.04.03-85.

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